They are finally starting to learn


Hit the nail on the head

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litteraly who

Literally doesn't matter

nice speech

Yeah, hope the libtards see it and learn from it

>Muh muh bernie!!

Christ alive. Bernie couldn't beat an old woman, and you think he could beat Trump? The primaries were rigged, I agree. But do you for an instant think the fucking GE wasn't? How is it not rigging when you bus people around to vote 10+ times and get illegals to vote? Liberals are huge fucking faggots.

Pretty good, but the description of Trump is still loaded with hyperbole. He'll probably be inward-looking and focus on trade and infrastructure. What a fucking tyrant.

He forgets that Liberals no longer get into arguments because they keep losing them.

Obviously he has his own opinion on Trump and Bernie etc, but he's 100% correct when it comes to WHY Trump won

>but he's 100% correct when it comes to WHY Trump won
I cannot dispute that, but hes basically said what Sup Forums has been saying since the primary. Hell, other libshits have already said it.

And now they will keep losing if they don't do some soul searching, which this election proved.

Say this election happened a year from now, Trumps victory would have been even more of a landslide

Yeah. Hopefully they will take a good look at themselves now that they lost, and really take some of this in.

I'm not holding my breath though

If my facebook feed and twitter is anything to go by, these retards won't learn from it until after hes been re-elected in 2020.

Trump won because Hillary ignored white blue collar voters, he went in campaigned there, promised jobs. That's the main reason

But yes what he's talking about is a reason, but it's not the main reason

Kek, you're probably right.
Perhaps hindsight is 2024

It's the same on everywhere.
A few liberals are starting to see that banning everyone with an opposing view doesn't work, but the majority reverted back to (or kept on) using identity politics and calling everybody every *phobe/*ist in the book.

They won't learn.

It is impossible for them to learn new things. Am I the only one who notices that the new generation of liberals who call themselves progressives are completely and utterly indoctrinated with an extremist ideology?

The people will never change their mind and their numbers are growing. No one important or with power is paying attention to the root cause of the problem so it will just keep getting worse.

Totalbiscuit is a great reviewer, I was really disappointed he chimped out on reddit like he did.
Hope he sees how wrong he was and apologizes

We only need to convert some of them to win the next election. The ones who stay libtard will only convince our new members.
I read Trump was winning high school mock elections all over, so new voters next election will be on our side.
We have a future.

>Am I the only one who notices that the new generation of liberals who call themselves progressives are completely and utterly indoctrinated with an extremist ideology?
Lol no, that is literally the whole point of this SJW bullshit, to infect the younger generation and wait for the based old people die out.

Make no mistake, we're a dying breed, we've already lost the war.

No we havent the war has not even started yet but it will if these indoctrinated zombies keep getting churned out by commie professors

He's right, the only question now is whether this becomes the dominant outcome. The odds are that it won't, because many on the Left have a vested interest in the Social Justice Dysfunction.

The future of the Democratic Party may in fact be the present of the Labour party. A party which is highly competitive in Cosmopolitian urban areas but no real power beyond the borders of New York and California. A party which offers a strident ideology without giving any real benefit to working class natives of the nation. One which dominates discourse through shame and condemnation rather than opportunity or progress.

Even worse, the American Left is devoid of talented leadership. The toxic anti-meritocratic culture, combined with sinister levels of corruption, pushes away capable people who may have had Left sympathies. The panderers now pander to themselves, at the expense of political control itself.

The Left needs a realignment just as the Right painfully suffered theirs. A realignment however is hard and involves making sacrifices for future gains. I am very unsure that the Left has any interest in making such concessions, at least initially after Trump's relection. Worse still, there is about to be a major generational divide as the Millennial Generation finds itself at odds with a rising generation of Conservatives.

The good men can do nothing on the Left, which is why the Left has lost its good men.

nice rant

network vibes

We'll have kids as well.

Idk man, i wish i shared your optimism. I fear it's just a matter of time now, when the new generation gets to vote.

For better or worse, the Left has no understanding how memetics work. The Communists attempted to indoctrinate the young and literally murdered off dissenters to their system. But the Communist Meme couldn't survive despite given Totalitarian power, because there are forces that persuade people beyond mere education.

Social control is far, far, harder than what people are willing to understand. The masses cannot be reliably controlled via deception or ignorance, which is why prominent people never obtain 'true' political power.

Go read the Captive Mind. The Social Justice Warriors have nothing compared to actual Stalinists.

fuck him, he is no better than anita or any other sjw

they won't, but that is good for us

Yeah, it's nice that he came around I lost alot of respect for him when it came out that he through a hissy fit at his wife for choosing not to vote.

Boogie, TB, hopefully angry joe is next.

>its almost as if the political acumen of beyonce and jayz count for nothing
i like this man

wow it's almost like people have been saying this throughout the entire election and now that they've fucking lost, they act like it's a sudden revelation.

a little late eh?

>mfw peeps are still in denial that Bernie was a plant

>I wanted to vote for Hillary

How can someone as aryan as that guy be such a fucking cuck? What a fucking faggot, white guilt male traitors deserve the oven harder than any fucking kike. The only good liberal is a dead one.


this guy is still a stupid faggot

he is drinking the cool aid of the liberal left


this video is just him trying to pass the blame onto other people than himself

>its not my fault, I am enlightened


>h-haha I liked Trump all along :^)

yeah this is good. if every liberal watched it i suspect about a third of them would actually think about it genuinely

liberals cant into logic like this, because it just results in more of them changing ideologies

theres a reason they dont discuss things, because they dont like hearing truths

He literally said it's his fault

At least watch the video before you post

>because they dont like hearing truths
Well i truly hope at least SOME OF THEM woke up from Trumps cockslap.

For a leftist, this is an outstandingly true video

>He literally said it's his fault
yes he did, but it wasnt genuine, it was a

>its our fault as the media, we have to find new ways to lie and trick people

they didnt fuck up because of the things they say and do, they fucked up because it didnt work this time

Haha, this guy is obviously a closet Trump supporter and is a master persuader. let me tell you why.

First of all he is priming you by framing himself as anti-Trump so you don't experience cognitive dissonance when you consider his arguments.

Next he tells you to think about why Trump won and how their supporters aren't sexist or racist. (which is the lefts strongest weapon i.e. silencing opposition). Now he's planted the seed in your head that you can support Trump without being one of those.

Now he starts to bash Hillary and do your own research instead of believing everything you read in the newspaper. He then tells you to try debating Trump supporters in order to win them over.....

However as we all know here on Sup Forums, the moment you start to rely on logic instead of emotions for arguments, you will start agreeing with Trump and the alt-right.

Liberalism is in direct opposition to reality. That's why they are losing. Because reality proves all their arguments wrong. They've had enough time of cultural dominance to implement their bullshit ideas but nothing is working as advertised, it's all backfiring because all their ideology is based on falsehoods. They're completely wrong about everything is what their real problem is.


they are forced to leave their FB-matrix word and choose between 2 realities
>in reality 1, maybe trump got so many votes because he isnt literally hitler, and maybe his presidency might not be an apocalypse
>in reality 2, 50% of america is hitler and they want a hitler president
now, this is important, they choose option 2 because it is less mentally stressful for them to live in a world of their nightmares, than for them to admit being wrong

And thanks, i'll be reading this

>You realize that though they may have voted for someone who clearly is (racist)

He has learned nothing.

This camera work is fucking abysmal

>TB thinks he'll live to run for office or even do anything strenuous again

Well, he's certainly an optimist. I also like how despite his "epiphany", he still described the candidates as Dumb and Dumber. There really is no helping him.

No, he points out a few examples, like Clinton getting debate questions in advance. The evidence that this happened was incontrovertible and painted a very very negative picture of Clinton, but nobody talked about it. The media just stuck to their team instead of having some integrity.

I was legitimately disappointed at TB's election comments, so this makes me happy.

>Now he's planted the seed in your head that you can support Trump without being one of those (racist or sexist)

Lmao yeah anyone who would dare to suggest such a thing must be a total Trump shill huh.

Bernie doesnt matter, listen to the rest of his speech instead. He is correct on those parts.

did you really read that post and come away thinking it was sincere?

Dude this guy talks way too fucking much and says so little. Same as in his youtube videos. He has no insight but he overexplains as if he has to walk you through step-by-step the most basic idea. TB is basic as fuck and gets by on having a reasonable vocabulary and a pseudointellectual accent. Shut up, guy.

Good rant. Probably won't change many minds though.

I, uh, didn't read the whole post.

He REALLY pissed off his wife who I think voted for Johnson.


Wait, what happened to totalbiscuit? Did he actually regret what he said about Trump?

This is absolutely fantastic. Hopefully the lefties will soon realize that it is their side that holds most of the racist, bigoted and hateful point of views.


Pretty sad that he needed that faggy video to make himself a tiny bit more reasonable. Still, his core views on Trump haven't changed, which means he's pretty intellectually cowardly. Don't know what I expected from a guy who tends to create echochambers around himself, censoring comments and so forth.

If the average leftie was more like this guy, I would probably be a bit more open to some of their ideas.

maybe if they ranted this passionately and persuasively before the election instead of acting like smug cunts the whole way through this would never have happened

good kick up the pants for next time

thats exactly why you argue
Being wrong is a learning experience.

>It's not because they're racist and sexist
>Trump is obviously racist and sexist
>Stop calling the opposition names
>There's Right and Righter, Dumb and Dumber

He can't even stop himself from doing what he's lecturing others not to do, while he's lecturing them not to do it

There is no helping people like this, their logic core is malfunctioning.

>They are finally starting to learn
But that's a bad thing.

Let them be.
More and more people will get tired of that shit and the more time they take on realizing that demonizing and trying to guilt-trip everyone they don't agree with the harder they will fall.

Most ironic thing of all is that, even when they call themselves "liberals", they de-facto restrict and repress opinions outside their echo chambers.

TL;DR No. He just realized he was a crybaby and acted like a retard basically, and apologized to a certain extent. He yet takes everything he reads from his echo chamber as facts.

Being BTFO hurts a lot but makes you grow a lot too.

exactly my thoughts.
I am a far left learning guy and when I expressed concerns about unchecked immigration I would get passive aggressive shit about being racist. I tried mansplaining how being an immigrant is not a function of race but the more reason I brought to the table the more labels and condescension I would get. This told me the left had become a runaway unthinking feel good circle jerk on par with the fanatical right. The only option to fix this was to elect someone at complete odds with the regressive left destroying our country. And as the great Trump supporter Michel Moore said my god does it feel good.


I'd be nice but they're too deluded. I was afraid that Trump would do nothing but anger liberals so they'd be even more vengeful once they get back into power, but now I'm thinking they'll dig in even deeper, while simultaneously Trump will be successful in his policies (I hope) and get high approval. It will take a Trump re-election before they have their own overturning and similar situation to what happened to Republicans this year. Meanwhile the meme wars will never end and traditional media will die, meaning Democrats will have to venture to our turf to get their message out.

By the time Democrats win again they'll have to actually get their act together.

This is the real reason if you look at the actual big states that Trump swung: MI/PA/WI

Most discussions I've seen (including the OP) are incredibly myopic and fail to realize that only a small proportion of the electorate cares about insults on the Internet.

he's right.. democrats could have nominated Mother Teresa and I'd still have vote Trump because i'm not a fan of their tactics of shaming and name calling if you disagree.

>only a small proportion of the electorate cares about insults on the Internet
i.e. the ones that aren't working


I was "progressive" two years ago. It's this fucking cancer that finally drove me off. They might get it in a few years, but I'm never going back. Say what you want about Trump supporters, every last cunt I've spoken to in person, and about half the ones I've spoken to online have been happy to discuss and defend their positions on issues. This is the future of the America I want to see, not a massive game of shaming and oppression olympics.

Besides, I'm too fucking immersed in the Sup Forums culture to ever go back to pseudo-normiedom. Crypto-kikes and Kek and all that.

>if voting did anything it would illegal


>still using this fucking retarded nonsense of one political spectrum to compare everyone to

Fucking eurocucks

I mean this is pretty accurate desu.

Always considered myself to be centre left politically but I've been completely alienated by all the far left sjw bullshit that now defines left wing politics. I just don't want to be associated with it anymore.

they will. It takes a while to accept a new point of view.

Hopefully we can begin to engage once again in a political dialogue

But isn't Trump's government program leaning more to the left than Clinton's?
>Renegotiation of free trade deals would make outsourced jobs return back to USA

There is a reason which attracted many white collar voters to vote him.

This. Getting BTFO hurts but it makes you grow a lot.
But few people can admit getting BTFO. We all want to be right because it takes less effort.

>white collar
I meant blue collar.

Now that they lost utterly they are pretending Bernie had a shot. Garbage.

>And if my mansplaining is triggering you then fuck off

Finally the left is learning

That's not true and I think you're being disingenuous when you say that what he said is anywhere that type of bullshittery.


What's good about that? We want them as incompetent as possible, no?


Bernie is a straight-up ideologue and he would have been all
and dialed down the insults. However...
They want a discussion? They LOSE that discussion EVERY FUCKIN TIME which is why they turn to insults, shutting people down, locking them up (srsly, they want to do this to climate change "deniers")

this was cringe and lame camera work.

this is not the kind of salt i wanted

He is still a cuck and no amount of backpedaling or cancer will change that.

Not necessarily.
I want SJW identity politicking to die.
If the left can purge their own ranks of that filth by becoming actual human beings again then it's fine by me.

I tried showing this to my little brother. He seemed like he got it. Guy gives a good convincing talk with all his emotional flailing about, draws their attention. But I get the feeling he'll be back on identity politics tomorrow.

I don't think they're impervious to learning. I think they're just intellectually lazy. Rather than making an argument and converting hearts and minds, these mostly young liberals just toss out a "racist" or a "homophobe" or a "bigot" and call it a day so they can get back to their instant gratification. Engaging political discussions are too much work for them. You aren't going to solve the problem just by teaching them how it works. You have to somehow get them to actually care enough to do it that way too.

I don't hate liberals, or anyone for that matter. I really wish something would lead the modern libtards out of the ignorance they current wallow in because it's bad for all of us, especially them.

>They're learning
>That's a bad thing

I'm not the most politically interested person in the world, so i don't have the most insight or whatever, but i really fail to see how this is a bad thing.

The way i see it, them learning = them starting to accept, at least in part, of what we stand for. I think this is the only way we'll get rid of the SJW cancer echo chamber.

Explain your reasoning please

>But isn't Trump's government program leaning more to the left than Clinton's?
You are probably contesting my sentence about how Trump is at odds with the regressive left. To clarify what I mean: Trump is at odds with the whole fanatical safe-space anti-white anti-male zealots.


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