US dodged the bullet with Hillary

>US dodged the bullet with Hillary
>Germany is about to go into full cuck mode

Say it with me: madame chancellor Ursula von der Leyen

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I really wish Germany would pick itself back up.
Please Germany! Wake up!

Literally who

There's nothing worth saving. All the good Germans are dead.


>wants to introduce a 40% women quota to companies
>wants to increase foreign aid
>sends arms to rebels in the middle east
>wants to further limit trade with Russia
>wants to create the "United states of Europe"
>pro open borders


She looks like a strung out version of Hillary. Wtf.

This, germany is a nation of degenerate faggots. Never met a german who wasn't a cuck, though they supposedly exist.

current Minister of Defence, considered a big candidate for Chancellor after Merkel

I'd agree with this. Sorry to all the rare unicorn based Germans, but your country deserves this. It can serve as a giant burning dumpster fire on a hill, to show the rest of the world what happens when it trots down the road to lunacy. It's too late to reverse course. Time to accelerate the train and send it flying off the cliff sooner rather than later.

never going happen. she is literally one of most hated woman in the country. maybe even more than merkel.

I'm not dead yet


shes a witch just like merkel

Nigga, I thought Pinochet first said that?

Is Merkel actually hated? And if she is, why have her immigration policies been so unchallenged? From my perspective it honestly appears that Germans love her and can't get enough of her diversity.

>female ministers of defense

>Britain, Russia, and the US go to war with Germany for the third time in a century

It's 2016 you sexist bigot.

We will see what chancellor candidate afd picks I really hope it's frauke but we all know it's never going to happen

Not gonna happen.

RIP Germany. If you don't change course in a decade it's over forever.

>mfw the only uncucked countries are Britain, USA, and Russia

what a time to be alive

Things will change in europe

she has pretty eyes

What about best korea

Alright, alright.

Give cliffs.

No, Lord Kek please save Germany.

I still wonder why she's so hated. It's probably the (((media)))

She completely destroyed her chances by becoming minister of defense.
Taking up that office is career suicide.

Eternal burger and SWEDEN YES! posting

they're cucked by china

How in the FUCK is Germany so cucked? Is the country being fucking poisoned? Is there something in their water? I can not understand how the men in that country are such pathetic pussies.

Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!

that hillary clone isnt done baking shes probably all doughy in the middle


That's a lot of kitchens every business is going to have to add.

best korea is pretty redpilled about american globalism but the citizens still trust their government way to much

Propaganda and communists (spd)

Is it legal for foreigners to donate to the AFD?


Where did all of the Nazis go after WW2? Seems like it was mostly the US.


I think you can donate with paypal I don't know if it's legal but theres nothing that says no

fucking hell hans

>"brexit will be the death of the uk"
t. butthurt eurocucks who just lost the EU's dedicated military

literally no regrets leaving the globalist shitfest

>donating to women in politics

you may as well just light the check on fire and then stick it up your ass

No re-education camps for you.

Frauke petry is based don't worry

Because the west reprogrammed them after WW2 to prevent them from starting WW3. Of course, this tactic will backfire eventually.

tfw will never be as ((("""""educated"""""))) as liberals


Let's just say Ursula Andress nude... instead

STOP IT! STOP RIGHT THERE! we dont want to accidently meme that into existence. dont even think about it. that possibillity just doesnt exist and even thinking about that is absolutely lunatic. so stop saying such stuff. just stop

>she wins
>Germany kicked from NATO for counteracting American foreign policy in the M.E.


fuck off lad
i would move to poland. i hate that bitch. getting shoved from ministry post to ministry post because she has no idea what she is doing and always ends up with a major fuck up. her 4 years as minister of families was a tragedy and her term as minister of defense was just a joke, wanted to change the main infantry weapon because it was bad when you fired a salve of 30 rounds and never even spoke to a soldier about it, they all hate her. only fucking schäuble would be worse, data grabbin paralyzed fuck, glad he got stabbed