Anyone else semi concerned?

Anyone concerned about some retard going "FUCK TRUMP" and giving an important state to Hillary? Am I just worrying too much or is this a valid issue? New fag here someone help me stop worrying about that hag Clinton getting in.

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No fucking way that's happening

even in 2000 when it was absurdly close only one single elector did this

Ye but didn't some texas electoral college vote dud claim he wasnt voting for trump

Let's help the woman who stole everything from us!

>Am I just worrying too much
>or is this a valid issue

>Anyone concerned about some retard going "FUCK TRUMP" and giving an important state to Hillary?

Obviously this would never happen in any case, but in the case of Clinton especially the electorates dont want her. If it had been a tie they would have chosen Trump.

Electorates are not constitutionally bound to support the candidate of their district, I think 1 state charges it as a felony but the rest are all fines.
Remember, this is what you wanted: a god-emperor. The stage has been set and the god of chaos is certainly pleased.

This is the kind of situation the electoral college was designed for, but Trump likely isn't nearly bad enough to warrant it. If the people ever elect someone who is openly hostile toward the constitution or the founding principles (like they campaign on throwing out the constitution), openly xenophobic (like campaigning on setting up death camps) or obviously being manipulated by a foreign power then we might see such an extreme action taken.

But if this election cycle has taught us anything, it should be that anything is possible. If some bombshell discovery ties Trump to Putin, for instance, that might do it.

No. Because 29 states have so-called "faithless elector" laws which prevents said electors from switching their votes or face legal action.

No not really. If the electoral college decided to disobey the will of the states they represent, there would be massive civil conflict. Not even a civil war. Doing this means that the will of the people and the rule of law has been violated. The military would not side with the electoral college. These EC delegates would be hanged by their entrails and paraded through the streets if they did this. No fucking joke. That Texas delegate that claimed he would go Hillary even with Texas being red would be fucking lynched by his own state.

There is absolutely no way this happens where the people doing this don't end up dead and Trump placed in office.

I'm gonna paste what a guy said earlier.

This is yet another example of people who know shit about how government works.

Here are the cliff notes...

Each party picks a set of electors. The democrats have their electors and the republicans have their electors.

The election determines which set of electors go to DC for the official vote.

So... if you think that the republican electors are going to go to DC and suddenly decide to hand the white house to hillary clinton, then you're free to do so.

But you're living in a dream world.


Don't worry at all about this. He won by like 35 fucking electoral votes. Each electoral vote is represented by 1 person picked by their party. It would take 30+ people throwing their entire life away and the respect of their country to even come close. It won't happen

only x - 270 electors need to flip, where x is the final number of electors trump receives. they can be from any state.

You would need 30+ republicans to literally throw away their lives for this to happen. And believe me, those 30+ republicans would be killed for subverting the will of the electorate.

I though that was Washington and that guy wasn't gonna vote for Clinton.

>Republican senate
>Republican house
>Republican supreme court
>impeaching Trump

>one guy
Wow it's fucking nothing, CTR

$0.02 Shekels was deposited into your account. Thank you for contirubting to the Soros Open Society Foundation

It's too late, Clinton already conceded, even Obama said he supports Trump as President and respects the democratic process.

This will never happen no matter how much leftists bitch and moan.

>semi concerned
>online petition

Online petitions forced our surrender to the emu nation in 1932, you should be afraid burger. They've toppled empires greater than yours.

The electors are trusted, long-time Republicans that were elected to their positions at state-level GOP conventions. Good luck getting enough of them to give her the 270.

>You would need 30+ republicans to literally throw away their lives for this to happen. And believe me, those 30+ republicans would be killed for subverting the will of the electorate.

Yeah, especially if the states involved to need that to happen be Texas, Georgia, and Pennsylvania - the state that put Trump over the top.

Seriously, the delegates and their families would be killed instantly. You think the liberal cry-babies and their protests are bad now, there would be ABSOLUTE chaos if the EC did this. Civil War would happen.

Trump supporters are so fucking dumb it hurts.It's her turn and it's 2016.

dab dabs of truth

suck it libcucks

yeah its Washington. blue as hell around here. this is from like the seattle times or something.

Puyallup tribal member Robert Satiacum, is firm that he will not vote for Clinton.

The electors are true statesmen and if they truly believed the republic was in danger, they would absolutely switch their votes. Its probably not going to happen in this election and I explained why in my post. Trump doesn't exhibit all the qualities of the ideal president, but he hasn't been openly hostile and he hasn't shown any fascist tendencies. Its going to be just fine.

every electoral college member who goes against their vote is on record and no one will protect 270 traitors for 4 years.

The desperation of this grasping at less than straws has me semi all right.

Ignorant people that didn't take a civics class. US is a republic popular vote will never happen we have check and balances we don't have a govt that runs on mob mentality. Libtards just butthurt.


How much a year is it to go to the the Electoral college? Do they specialize in electrical engineering?

If it was 270-268 I could see the possibility of a rogue elector choosing McMullin or something. But Trump is at 305 that's gives him enough padding to deal with such a scenario.

She conceded. As in quit. As in it's ogre.

Doing this would literally be the downfall of the republic and make a civil war 2.0

No. Not at all.

When the fuck has a petition ever succeeded?

If they pull this shit then its Civil War!

If this happened, there'd be civil war. The electoral college has a moral and ethical obligation to cast their vote that their constituents chose. Going against that is essentially saying "your vote REALLY doesn't mean shit".

Thanks for the link.


>Implying a roach has any say in anything

doesn't the president have to respond to these?

I hate Trump but it would literally take him being revealed as a Russian agent for this to happen.

Hillary already conceded, she and the college would lose all respect if they tried to pull something now.

He is so far ahead that even if the entire florida electors leave him he still wins

Never going to happen unless they want a real civil war.

The Popular Vote has no legitimate bearing in an Electoral College system with safe states that discourage voting for a losing party.



Different cases.

There have been at least two EC that swore off Trump and promised to rebel. I don't think they made good on those promises, like all of these 'I'm moving to Canada!' celebs.

sneaky bastard


Won't happen.

WHEN WILL ((((((((((((((((THEY)))))))))))))))) CALL MICHIGAN???????????????


it was the photographic evidence that she was a pedophile that made her back down

this makes sense

Has anyone calculated what the Electoral College results would be, if the 538 votes were split up totally by population?
