>Muh old people shouldn't be allowed to vote
>Hillary would've literally won
>How dare that 100 year old man voted for trump! it's not his future! It doesn't matter if he fought in wars to allow us to vote he shouldn't be allowed to
This is what libtards actually believe
Muh old people shouldn't be allowed to vote
Brexit all over again. I love it.
just a bunch of little children crying that they didnt get what they want
Funny thing is, the majority of the Trump voters arent over 65
My dad is a liberal and he believes this garbage. He still voted Trump though because Hillary was that bad
>this is so important
Ah, a new liberal phrase to add to my hatred list.
Nobody without kids should vote.
Because it's not their future
Under 21's shouldn't be allowed to vote because it isn't their present either
>he has a poin...Oh.
>>Muh old people shouldn't be allowed to vote
In Russia they vote for commies or Putin
So... they don't realize it's only a 4 year term? I'm pretty sure most 65 year olds plan to stick around longer than that.
I never gave a shit what happened to the world until i had my little girl, I'd be willing to go for this if minorities didn't breed like rabbits as soon as puberty hits
>No one under 21 should be allowed to vote, they're too stupid
They didn't like that shit did they? Fucking asswads
Do the old people just magically die 4 years after they have voted? If not, is it not their future too?
>only 70% of voters
This is bullshit though, they claimed 72% as well during the last election but subsequent studies by the Census Bureau found it to be closer to 76% or more
Likewise 37% of college whites is wrong, the census bureau found that working class whites made up around 40% of voters in 2012.
Also 34 plus 37 is 71%, not 70%.
Exit polls are so uselessly retarded.
At the same time though
>9% of young blacks voted Trump
Assuming the exit polls are wrong- which they are- probably even more voted Trump. Blacks are getting #woke.
I was reading an article about old voters earlier. Propublic if you want the source. One woman said that she hadn't voted in 25 years because she felt as though it would be an unintelligent decision. These people are humble and good. It's no wonder they voted against Hillary.
what about that 103 year old woman who pushed her sob story about wanting to vote for the 1st woman president? they were giddy about old people voting then
>Nobody with a terminal disease should be able to vote
>Nobody with a possible terminal disease should be able to vote
>Nobody in a high risk job should be able to vote
>Army shouldn't be able to vote
I mean they could all die LITERALLY tomorrow ? It could possibly not be their future so they shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they vote for my candidate of course
It's a British show. Brexit isn't just for 4 years.
their not voting for their future but for their childrens
>...unless they vote for who I want....
Their children are already adults.
Yeah I dunno dude. These were exit polls. I just like pointing out Hillary lost the youth vote too. So any little cunts like the bitch in OP can get fucked.
old people plant trees they'll never see give fruit.
They paid taxes their entire life, if anything they have more of a right to vote than anybody
They voted for hilary so yeah i guess so
No, fuck that dumb bitch too for only voting because "muh vagina". Women are the reason Bernie lost and the rust belt went to a Trump.
Sounds like just you should be allowed to vote. And those like you. Hoe diverse you phony.
The way it ought to be :)
>Hillary loses
>"""Liberals""" suddenly start attacking minorities and advocating the repeal of universal suffrage
This is honestly too fucking good. Even if Trump does turn out to be Hitler 2.0, it's almost worth it for this.
I guess that means nigger shouldn't vote because of black on black crime.
I would personally beat the shit out of these little ungrateful pricks
He's right though, old people are not qualified to vote.
how can they even know those %
after you voted in the ballot nobody knows who you voted for
so for all I know this is as legit as the polls
Whites too. Whites have no future so it's not their future.
That's retarded. The enfranchisement of groups is important because it forces the governing class to consider their interests in developing policy. If people over 65 can't vote, there's no reason to care about them during elections.
yeah but the climate policies trump is seriously actually really going to implement will last generations
Why are liberals always using short sentences and memes like 'this is important' 'I can't even' 'I'm literally shaking' 'Truuuuu' are they so retarded that they can't form coherent arguments?
That's cute coming from the pepe base.
So so only you and those like you are "allowed" to vote? How tolerant... tell me, was your vote counted? Did you even put the bong down long enough to vote? Stop whining and begin working to unify the country if you are so worried about your future. Or just go back to sleep..
Exit polls
Exit polls. After you vote there's a fat chick in beige slacks and a polo holding a clipboard who wants to know if she can ask you a few questions.
Yes its a scheme to dumb down the masses of people thru pop culture created by (((them)))
My favorite is Why Blank Matters™.
I was never asked.
Your parents know better than you, you stupid waste of oxygen
Then again they raised such an awful child so maybe not
Well she did get her dream to vote for a woman president, she didn't say her dream was for a woman to be president. She could have just written Mary-Anne Louise in the ballot 80 years ago
Did trump actually do worse in that category and do better in the middle age spot?
That's cause you live in a shit county and no one gives a fuck about you.
Most people aren't. It's just like a phone survey except it's live.
lmao yes it is, sorry the average lifespan in Eurostan is like 40 but I know a lot of 65 year olds who contribute and work more than 24 year olds.
Why is Jason Zimmerman from Cinnaminson New Jersey looking so old and talking politics all of a sudden?
>being this butthurt about not being drafted to fight a nuclear world war with Russia.
Some one explain this to me please, i really don't understand. I know they are full of self hatred but to actually want to fight in ww3 for Hillary seems a bit extreme.
I was.
It's a lot of fucking questions too. Do not reccomend.
Doesn't fucking matter, the point is no one should be allowed to vote except democrat voters.
Dangle a bit of identity politics pandering rhetoric and liberals will literally ask for totalitarianism.
Because by actually addressing the issues, they leave themselves vulnerable to logic.
>i want attention
>don't give me attention
How do you write "'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. In emoji?
two eggplants next to each other and an X
By your memetic power, Kek please smite these profligates
Nobody with cancer should vote
...its not their future
>People over 65 should have no political say!
Like Bernie and Hillary? I'm aware Trump's over 65 too, which is why his side isn't pushing this retarded idea.
I live in PA, so my county mattered a lot
This is painful to read
Jesus is spinning in his tomb.
Fucking Swedes, everytime
you should see 1 and 2 chronicles
He did nothing wrong.
Also I just noticed, they're using an emoji (an image) to depict God which is forbidden.
John 11:35
Jesus wept.
Here's the thing.
Sean Locke, the man who said that, was being sarcastic as shit.
He was literally taking the piss out of people who believe this.
A culture of entitled pricks who have never lacked for anything in their life.
I love and respect the elders in my family and listen to their advice. Just 100 years ago a bitch like in your picture would of gotten a beating for being disrespectful.
Lol @ that pic. That guy is an English commedian called Sean Lock, hes like the biggest troll you could imagine. Anyone who would take anything he says as a serious political statement is a retard.
>voting cutoff at 65
>live to 95
Sorry, but I don't think anyone would be okay with having zero control over their last 1/3 of their life.
In France the olds are the one who vote the less for far right party, so i agree.
We'll see when they will be 65.
Those people are the most self centered people.
On the night of the election my mom was LITERALLY SHAKING, and I definitely thought she'd be one of the people speaking out against Trump on overdrive. The very next day she just said "That's democracy for you. Not much you can do now".
I almost forgot where I got my brains from. Pretty proud my family trusts in democracy.
In the distant future, archaeologists will uncover this and think that English had a writing system similar to the Japanese language.
Kek I can't wait for those holographic memes to do the rounds in 2080
I hope if this slut really did vomit, it hurt.
Its funny these people are always like expand the vote! More people should participate.
Woah this group disagrees with me?
Take away their voting rights.
Hate inconsistent fucktards
>nobody under 50 should be allowed to vote
>'cause it's not their past
But in all honesty, that reasoning is retarded. I could maybe see the point if it was that nobody under x years shouldn't be able to stand for office because they make decisions that affect people well in to the future. But barring people from decision making based on their age because they won't live through it isn't actually a valid argument
What about that 100 year old woman who voted for Hillary, and was literally the first time she voted? Does her vote doesn't count anymore?
Also people literally get redpilled as their age, even nogs see pic related.
>getting carted around by nursing home staff to scheduled lunches and bingo games
>control over your life
>All these misandrist, white hating PoC
>blaming old people because you didn't get your way
libs are fucking nasty cunts
Gas the millennials, generation war now!
>"The mentally handicapped shouldn't be able to vote, nor should anyone with an IQ under 90"
Sorry liberals.
I don't think it's a surprise at this point that "progressives" don't care about the rights of people outside of their sphere of influence.
>implying no reincarnation
>reeee republicans want to restrict voting rights
>trump wins
>reeee we need to restrict voting rights!
liberals are so stupid and dangerous