Do you seriously support Nazism our ate you just memeing
Do you seriously support Nazism our ate you just memeing
Other urls found in this thread:
Define nazism
I support those tiddies lmao
And these digits
nice uniforms
You're a retard.
Ok well they are really nice, so I support this. What else?
amy schumer lost a lot of weight
I am more of a fascist myself.
Do you mean the ideals of national socialism, or specifically the Nazi party? Something tells me OP doesn't know the difference.
Yes, but Neo-Nazis are literally homosexual.
Although I prefer Monarchism.
does Spain count?
No I don't because I'm not an edgy kid and I hate socialism under all its forms.
hans needs our help pol, he is scared and beaten after the world split him into pieces after the war,
but Sup Forums we can rebuild him, we have the technology.
Dumb ratposter.
Who in the fuck is linking all these normies to Sup Forums This has to be the worst part of the Trump movement, the free advertising!
Now fucktards like this (((self aware))) cunt feels the need to wander in and vomit his preformed opinions on the board. This has to stop.
I'm an unironic national socialist.
Once you take the redpill and make the connections..
You have to be or you're kidding yourself.
Yes, absolutely. They actually stood up for something in this world and actually had values and confidence in their values.
Nationalism is cool
Socialism is worth fighting and dying to keep at bay.
At its very root socialsm is immoral.
Just memeing.
> but dem titties GODDAMN
yes I just ate a lot of memes and now I am a nationaalsocialist.
Uncle Adolf
Memes or not, Nazis are faggots who got a boot in the ass from God's chosen people.
Nazis are garbage. They're too weak to get shit done. That's why they beg us Sup Forumstards to do the heavy lifting for them.
I get a boner looking at that picture, but no. Not even a little.
fascism > any kind of socialism, even nayzee
the uniforms were kickass though, I want me an iron cross.
Gas the Skypes!
Google war now!
>dem wasted trips
feel ashamed, burger lad
Digits of truth. The greatest generation of individuals God ever made, here from the USA born to kick Nazi ass.
Libertarian in the long run. I'm not sure what needs to be done, but I don't think demographically libertarianism would work at the moment.
No, more like Saudi Arabia, if it was European.
No. Who would want an ethnically homogenous and safe country that takes care of their poor and ensures that future generations are the healthiest, best, and brightest they can be? That's just silly.
>Independent website
We support nationalism, taking pride in your country and working hard to help people you and all your ancestors share a race with.
That doesn't mean we want to kill or mistreat people who don't share that race. They can protect and improve their own. They deserve the same civil rights but I have limited time on Earth and I use my volunteer time to help white neighborhoods.
best bit from 5.40 onwards
Yeah, I do. We need to make sure our race survives.
Even though...
The idea of nat soc is not bad per se. Historical nazi was utter degeneracy though.
Sup Forums is a board of peace. It's reddit you're thinking about
gas the kikes race war now
if you have to ask such a stupid question then you don't belong here faggot
Glass the yikes brace for cow
>1 post by this ID
JIDF might be annoying, but it beats the hell out of CTR
We support truth.
I started out supporting it as a joke. I thought it was funny. Jews in ovens, kill all niggers. Haha!
Then I slowly realized it all held some truth and now I'm a closet nazi.
I just want to have lots of white children and own guns, otherwise I'm a mega-liberal. Let me just say that I like the 'socialist' part of national socialism.
It's why I actually like Trump. I have legal weed - society bent over backward for me, so I should be a productive patriot. I honestly love America now and think it's the best country, the very best country.
I support the woman in that picture.
I like aspects of the Nazis but I'm not a Nazi.
National Socialism is fine, nazis are only good for the aesthetics and memes
strasserism when?
It's called National Socialism. The word Nazi/ism was used for propaganda purposes.
This. When does reddit move out.
I definitely support dat bod