Oil isn't infinite.
Oil isn't infinite
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Just go to the AutoZone they usually got some in stock
Solvents Diesel Motor Oil Bearing Grease
Ink Floor Wax Ballpoint Pens Football Cleats
Upholstery Sweaters Boats Insecticides
Bicycle Tires Sports Car Bodies Nail Polish Fishing lures
Dresses Tires Golf Bags Perfumes
Cassettes Dishwasher Tool Boxes Shoe Polish
Motorcycle Helmet Caulking Petroleum Jelly Transparent Tape
CD Player Faucet Washers Antiseptics Clothesline
Curtains Food Preservatives Basketballs Soap
Vitamin Capsules Antihistamines Purses Shoes
Dashboards Cortisone Deodorant Footballs
Putty Dyes Panty Hose Refrigerant
Percolators Life Jackets Rubbing Alcohol Linings
Skis TV Cabinets Shag Rugs Electrician's Tape
Tool Racks Car Battery Cases Epoxy Paint
Mops Slacks Insect Repellent Oil Filters
Umbrellas Yarn Fertilizers Hair Coloring
Roofing Toilet Seats Fishing Rods Lipstick
Denture Adhesive Linoleum Ice Cube Trays Synthetic Rubber
Speakers Plastic Wood Electric Blankets Glycerin
Tennis Rackets Rubber Cement Fishing Boots Dice
Nylon Rope Candles Trash Bags House Paint
Water Pipes Hand Lotion Roller Skates Surf Boards
Shampoo Wheels Paint Rollers Shower Curtains
Guitar Strings Luggage Aspirin Safety Glasses
Antifreeze Football Helmets Awnings Eyeglasses
Clothes Toothbrushes Ice Chests Footballs
Combs CD's Paint Brushes Detergents
Vaporizers Balloons Sun Glasses Tents
Heart Valves Crayons Parachutes Telephones
Enamel Pillows Dishes Cameras
Anesthetics Artificial Turf Artificial limbs Bandages
Dentures Model Cars Folding Doors Hair Curlers
Cold cream Movie film Soft Contact lenses Drinking Cups
Fan Belts Car Enamel Shaving Cream Ammonia
Refrigerators Golf Balls Toothpaste Gasoline
Ink Dishwashing liquids Paint brushes Telephones
Toys Unbreakable dishes Insecticides Antiseptics
Dolls Car sound insulation Fishing lures Deodorant
Tires Motorcycle helmets Linoleum Sweaters
Tents Refrigerator linings Paint rollers Floor wax
That why we should be investing in alternative energy early. Electric is looking promising.
Shoes Electrician's tape Plastic wood Model cars
Glue Roller-skate wheels Trash bags Soap dishes
Skis Permanent press clothes Hand lotion Clothesline
Dyes Soft contact lenses Shampoo Panty hose
Cameras Food preservatives Fishing rods Oil filters
Combs Transparent tape Anesthetics Upholstery
Dice Disposable diapers TV cabinets Cassettes
Mops Sports car bodies Salad bowls House paint
Purses Electric blankets Awnings Ammonia
Dresses Car battery cases Safety glass Hair curlers
Pajamas Synthetic rubber VCR tapes Eyeglasses
Pillows Vitamin capsules Movie film Ice chests
Candles Rubbing alcohol Loudspeakers Ice buckets
Boats Ice cube trays Credit cards Fertilizers
Crayons Insect repellent Water pipes Toilet seats
Caulking Roofing shingles Fishing boots Life jackets
Balloons Shower curtains Garden hose Golf balls
Curtains Plywood adhesive Umbrellas Detergents
Milk jugs Beach umbrellas Rubber cement Sun glasses
Putty Faucet washers Cold cream Bandages
Tool racks Antihistamines Hair coloring Nail polish
Slacks Drinking cups Guitar strings False teeth
Yarn Petroleum jelly Toothpaste Golf bags
Roofing Tennis rackets Toothbrushes Perfume
Luggage Wire insulation Folding doors Shoe polish
Fan belts Ballpoint pens Shower doors Cortisone
Carpeting Artificial turf Heart valves LP records
Lipstick Artificial limbs Hearing aids Vaporizers
Aspirin Shaving cream Wading pools Parachutes
Neither is ɥɐll∀
A partial list of products made from Petroleum (6000 items). One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline.
The rest (over half) is used to make things like: Although the major use of petroleum is as a fuel, (gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil),
and petroleum and natural gas are often used to generate electricity, there are many other uses. Here are some of the ways
petroleum is used in our every day lives. All plastic is made from petroleum and plastic is used almost everywhere: in cars,
houses, toys, computers and clothing. Asphalt used in road construction is a petroleum product as is the synthetic rubber in the
tires. Paraffin wax comes from petroleum, as do fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, phonograph records, photographic
film, furniture, packaging materials, surfboards, paints, and artificial fibers used in clothing, upholstery, and carpet backing.
but digits are
Oil actually IS a renewing energy source, it just renews quite slowly.
Actually, most geologists agree now that oil is NOT from dinosaurs (lol), and is a renewable resource from geologic activity. Granted, we're pumping it out faster than is produced by 100000x times.
nothing is infinite but loneliness
how do you power the batteries?
fuck off shill. trump will make oil infinite.
Your life too.
So? I will be long dead before it runs out.
That guy in the trailer down the street is not a geologist....
>he doesnt go to NAPA
Oil is actually infinite, since we can make more if we want to.
Of course nothing will survive the heat death of the universe... but we're a good ways off from that.
Lithium isn't infinite.
Look at the progress of electric cars. Oil running out will likely not be an issue before oil is no longer economically feasible to use.
oxygen isnt infinite maybe you should stop wasting it
Real Geologists
>Rockefeller's Standard Oil Shills
Telling us that it's old algae and stuff.
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>since we can make more if we want to.
No. That would be retarded
Neither is water, and yet you still support the unchecked immigration of people that deem it necessary to have 12 kids. Fuck off.
It's more infinite than we are. It's going to be more like an our grandchildren's kind of problem.
explain how they get oil 10km below the surface?
fuck yeah, china bringin the thunder
>oil isn't infinite
It might as well be considering how much of it there is
Remember peak oil? How it was going to destroy us all?
We can actually make fuels from some basic substances like water and co2.
Problem is this costs a lot of energy, whom we need nuclear energy for since windmills and solar won't cut it.
Trump should look into LFTR's (liquid fluoride thorium reactors) or just update their old uranium reactors to bridge the estimated 100 year gap to the point where humanity will be advanced enough to fix this problem adequately.
stated reserves are exaggerated, to justify high levels of pumping (opec quotas)
and conflict seems to be spreading in the middle east, including currently in Saudi Arabia.
I have invested in oil
But Hydrogen is.
>a whole new ball game of carbombings
Oh no, how will our market economy deal with the allocation of a finite resource? Civilization is over!
weaponized german autism
10/10 post desu.
>peak oil shitposting is back
not again you autistic fucking retards
There's enough oil worldwide. There's so much oil that its unironically in oversupply right now. They tried signing a pact to artificially reduce supply to rise its price (since its price dropped rapidly due to, wait for it, FUCKING OVERSUPPLY)
By the time its even close to depleting we'd be dyson sphering our Sun
oil is produced by microbes in the ground mostly not decomposing organic mater.its replenishable and abundant
The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.
Which is why we should use it aggressively as possible in order to push past any semblance of need for it beyond what can be artificially created rather than hamstringing our development by cutting our use of it without real viable alternatives.
No shit.
That's stupid. If microbes can produce a cheap and concentrated energy slurry as a byproduct of their metabolism, wouldn't whatever they're eating have even more energy, and therefore be the thing we should be using to power stuff?
yeah but electricity isn't a magic entity that comes from the sky, it comes from burning oil (mainly gas) and that's the most cost effective way of doing things. You could go 100% nuclear if you want but you will still need lithium and all the chain of production mining included will use oil too.
let's just bury more dinosaurs, what's the problem?
just clone more dinosaurs and bury them.
What is it made out of then if not from once living things?
>doesn't know that once oil ends we'll just switch to Albanian fuel
How would you know, cuck? The universe could be infinite and therefore the source of oil could also be infinite.
Now checkem.
You can make oil in a lab in about half an hour from organic material, it's just not even feasible the cost that goes into creating the right conditions currently
we'll just raid space niggers and take their power cells
we can produce plenty of petrol if we can get a algae that will make it, or something that can easily be converted to a petrol base, by however we need to manipulate that algae's dna
its either make a microbe make oil, or we go back to the pre industrial era when oil runs out
Hell, you can make it out of air and water with the right setup.
Coming up with a reason to want to do that is harder than the actual process itself.
The best alternative energies will be nuclear and geothermal. If global warming is supposed to be real, then there's all this surplus heat we could be making use of. Plug your smartphone into a volcano.
MAGMA, MAGA. Too close to be a coincidence.
>Oil isn't infinite.
Sure it isn't.
buy more oil from us than those fucking arab niggers ffs
Nuclear is a shit-tier energy source, in terms of yield, compared to oil and coal.
SO? fucking idiot
>dinosaurs (lol)
What is that supposed to mean?
oil is abiotic
oil companies are now returning to wells that had been fully dried up 70-80 years ago and now they have refilled
The limit for biotic life is about 10000 feet below the surface
we regularly drill at 30,000-35,000 feet below the surface
how the fuck did billions and trillions and trillions of tons of zooplankton get 35,000 feet below the surface?
i have a friend whos dad goes all over the world finding oil
he always urged us to go into his career path simply because there was so much oil its incomprehensible
We will have to get into nuclear fusion eventually.
>muh fusion impossible
It's already at the brake-even point. We literally have one more step to take to make it a commercially viable option.
And yes, it will still take years, possibly decades. But we are getting there. And at a faster rate every year.
Wow that really changed my mind on this subject.
Yeah, but developing metal working was as costly as tossing rocks in a fire until you got lucky and threw in the right one. Developing alternative energy is a little more time and capital intensive.
What is EROI?
Hurr Dur we can use the energetic equivalent of two barrels of oil to make one barrel of oil.
WE wuz science and shit
What type of oil? It obviously isn't light sweet crude if fracking is going on already.
nothing is. use it while you still can.
Electric cars as mobile batteries for the grid and you get a refund when it's a net loss. Backed up by nuclear for times of low renewable sources.
This shit isn't hard.
It's more of an artificial oversupply on the market. So many oil producing economies rely so heavily on oil that they can't drastically lower or stop production because it would tank their country. The Saudis at least realized how bad they fucked up.
Pure autism
Once we have fusion power we can just literally make more hydrocarbons. Plenty of other stuff too.
That's assuming we ever get it to work for 'cheap'.
Nobody is saying it's efficient, retard.
>Oil isn't infinite.
Yes it is. Look for ''abiogenic/abiotic petroleum''.
Oil is a renewable source of energy. Peak Oil is a myth.
Thank me later for this red pill.
If only we could harness the energy of leftist tears
Exactly, so what is the point of using more energy then you create with any of these technologies?
You do know the goal is more usable energy shit for brains.
No but it replenishes pretty quickly.
Even if it is, does abiotic oil produces enough to supply global demand of aprox 100 million barrels a day? And if it does produce this much oil why isn't oil everywhere? We have only been using it heavily for 50-70 years,
Oil isn't everywhere, just as forests aren't everywhere and deserts aren't everywhere.
You ask a good question and I don't have an answer to that. I think oil is like oxygen, it gets produced naturally. Oxygen doesn't run out, neither will oil. What I do know is that Peak Oil is a myth to keep people worried about oil running out. Every oil company knows oil isn't running out any time soon.
You guys are so fucking stupid, holy shit.
Because the original statement was oil isn't infinite.
It's really missing the whole point since oil is a storage medium.
To the point of using an inefficient process, sometimes you WANT to store some energy you have in a particularly useful storage medium and so you're willing to be inefficient about it.
For example, say you have a ton of solar energy available and you want to store it in some chemical form.
No one in the peak oil crowd says that oil will run out. (They speculate a certain % will for ever stay in the ground because it is energetically a waste to pump. There concern is the time when production can't keep up with demand, If peak oil is a myth why are they spending 40 plus dollars a barrel doing things like fracking, when there are wells that are already drilled and should be refilling?
Good thing we can synthesize ethanol from CO2.
>electricity isn't a magic entity
its phsysics
actually you are on top something.
Lithium is really really fucking rare because the only lithium that exists was created in the big bang. Most other precious metals are created from super novas.
Our lithium use right now is really small so we don't notice that our lithium production is also pathetically small, but when our lithium needs start to ramp up, lithium might be the precious resource that starts wars (like oil is now) at some point
Half of this shit is just made from plastics
Earth poop
Natural gas is Earth fart
We can create hydrocarbons from co2 and sea water. Where is your argument now Ahmed?
Not really sure what you point is, sure these alternative ways of producing synthetic oil will have limited industrial applications where inefficiency may be afforded.
One a global scale these techs will do nothing when/if we are not able to continually the exponentially grow the amount of net energy that a growing economy demands.
The bronze age DID end because we run out of copper. Mediterranean civilizations collapsed.
What about biogas though. It's not like poop ever runs out and since the methane from cattle production ends up in the atmosphere anyway, might as well try to get some energy out of it.
I doubt that they can make an energetic profit from this. If they are spending more energy then they are getting back it is just nigger tech.
Back to you Travon
>energy isn't a magic entity that comes from the sky
Nigger it literally is exactly that
>What is the sun