I have never before seen so much shilling for the kikes, and general bluepilled shitposting and asshattery in my life.
I think the JIDF know that a lot of normies are browsing here today because of the election results, and those lugenpresse articles about Sup Forums springing up everywhere.
Good idea. Pic related: race determines intelligence, independent of upbringing. Mixing races results in the intelligence of the parents being averaged. Keep in mind that societies with an average IQ below 90 tend to be violent and corrupt.
Caleb Torres
we really are controlled by reptiles
Brayden Russell
>Dump your most virulent, difficult to swallow redpills and grow the body of Kek.
Okay a true story with no political ties or mainstream crap.
>around 13-14 of age. >public hair grows long. >one day while tossing off hairs get stuck between foreskin and sensitive penis. >pain causes penis to reduce and reverts the erection... and hairs get in deeper. >want to call for help but pride is like nope fuck that. >end up painfully pulling out the pubic hairs one at a time. >when I am done I realise I discovered by hell of puberty and keep pubes short from that day on.
Cortes wrecked havoc on the Aztecs and it was God's will. Those savages were sacrificing people and consuming their organs by the 1000s in their rituals when from the captured peoples while increasing their empire. They would go through hundreds of people a day festooning their temple with the coagulated blood and entrails of their victims all for their evil 'gods'. The Spaniards came just in time to destroy them before they swallowed all of present day Mexico and eradicated everyone.
Dylan Perry
Listening to Cole on the savage hippie podcast. Literally admitted being into Revisionism for the shekels. New Jew low.