>Michael Moore want to start a US civil war
Liberals are so emotionally invested in this election, that Michael Moore is trying to use them to start a civil war.
>Michael Moore want to start a US civil war
Liberals are so emotionally invested in this election, that Michael Moore is trying to use them to start a civil war.
Other urls found in this thread:
>In swing states like Florida and Virginia, 30-40% of all Black men are prohibited by law from voting
Because they're in prison?
>Impotent rage, white male power trip ego edition.
Tell him to go fuck himself. Or better yet ignore him.
let them come I will grab them all by the pussy
Hahaha they are turning on her and Comey, holy fuck they are losing and consuming themselves!!! Fucking poetic!!
Which is clearly racism and bigotry. They are simply misunderstood members of society.
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
>Demand the DNC apoligize to bernie
>take over the Democratic Party
I fully support this socialist tbqhwy lads
Moore is just glad we finally have a Republican President so he'll be relevant again with edgy protest kids. His films didn't earn shit while Obama was in office.
Why support the left? They demonstrate time and again they turn on each other at the flip of a switch.
This is delusional, the ravings of a madman.
Basically, this. He's a socialist masquerading as a liberal. He's your ticket to subverting the corporate bought neoliberalism in America.
lmfao, we don't have to compromise with them AT ALL.
All 3 branches of government are ours now.
Get fucked faggots. You're bullshit legislation will never see the light of day and your faggot asses will be arrested with NO PARDONS.
It's game over for you faggots. We kicked your asses to the curb.
>Wanting to start a war with they side they characterize as crazy gun owners
>comey's illegal reopening of an investigation
they claim he illegally interfered in the election but don't care the obama basically stopped doing his job to campaign for Shillary?
>Try to impeach Trump
He's gotta break the law first dingus
He. He claims. Or rather he's trying to pull on the thread of FBI investigation.
I believe Michael Moore is red-pilled (and red) and is hiding his power level.
>paper ballots only
I think we can compromise on that.
If he wants a civil war, it's only to film footage for his next shitty movie.
If narcissism had weight, he would weigh 300 pounds. Come to think of it ...
What does ja rule have to say about all this? WHERE IS JA
>Michael Moore, Bernie, and the Hip Hop Community form a rebel army
Pic of this required for my collection
>Impeach Trump
>block his supreme court nominee
>form an opposition movement
>forming anything
Every movement they try to form gets hijacked by faggots and retards who care more about muh priviledge, muh feels, muh oppression, muh minorities than any of that.
>the hip-hop community
Lol, Michael Moore trying to get other people to start a civil war.
He probably got tired and ran out of breath typing that up, raising a gun would probably fucking make him fall into a coma.
>demand that DNC apologizes to Bernie.
Only good idea that he has.
So much laughable butthurt coming from the left, if only they could see that they're coming apart EXACTLY as we knew they would once they lost, the only direction they're going to go is straight down the toilet.
I'm really enjoying this first week of liberal suffering, and can only imagine it'll get better and better soon.
>country votes for law and order candidate
>has every branch of government and overwhelming support of the people, the military, the police force, etc.
Lets be all lawless and start problems though.
I hope they do, I wanna see some real hippie bashing like they had in the 60s.
Liberalism is a mental disease. How must it feel for most of their votes to come from immigrants and criminals?
>the hip-hop community
Hes trolling right?
No one can be this cucked
He can't be as stupid as his beliefs would indicate. He is in it to make money. To break character would severely damage his earning potential. He is cynically exploiting society for his own benefit, regardless of the consequences for everyone else. On the day of the rope, he goes first.
hehe these stupid niggers are going to shit themselves when he wins the popular vote too. they aren't finished counting. probably just in time for it to happen mid-revolution
>the hip hop community
Cringe as fuck. He so desperately wants to be cool and "with it". Reality is he's a 300lb SJW that some confuse for a female.
Fuck that fat retard. He makes one accurate video and I'm supposed to forgive his overwhelming assheadedness?
Fuck him.
It will. they are completely fucking crazy.
>the hip-hop community
Um, is this real?
I've been trying to warn people for weeks that this is still a feasible possibility, but apparently most are too young or naive to think that there could be a resurgence. Liberals are ruled solely by emotional authoritarianism, and they would rather the whole damn country burn than see their grasp of a socialist utopia of diversity slip away, which has just occurred. "Fuck you, if we can't have it, no one will." That is the playing field.
>the hip-hop community
Yeah, but then they'll say that neither the electoral college or popular vote is legitimate, only their FEELS should count.
Lad, what the fuck? I didn't even see your post. That's spoopy.
Don't dismiss him. He's as dangerous as all those other fucking SJWs. They all have to be neutralized. Trump winning doesn't mean this is over by a longshot.
Keep red pilling, keep looking for the truth, keep verifying everything you see, read or hear, keep combing through the leaks, don't stop, we don't ever stop because if we do, these crybabies will just come back and undo all the work we have done.
Violently it would seem. They have no qualms about hurting those who would dare to have a different opinion than them.
Fucking idiots the lot of them.
and then they implode
>the hip hop community
>sounds a lot like the alt right
>openly acknowledge that Hillary stole the democratic nomination through her own potent blend of corruption, colluision and generaly cuntishness
>push for her anyway because muh mean words
Buck up Michael
what's this fat fucks deal, wasn't he praising Trump a few days ago? thought he made some pro-Trump video. Now he's crying like a baby.
He's a fat worthless attention whore like the rest of them.
All I can say is that you American bros better keep your weapons nearby because I've seen so many calls by these libtards to violently protest. We've already seen Trump supporters getting ganged up on by chimps over the last couple days. Defend yourself against these bottom feeders.
>the hip-hop community
Anyone up for crowdfunding an assassination for this guy?
No. He made an anti Trump movie, where he's summing up the opposing point of view.
Pro Trump people took the 4 minutes part and turned it into a pro Trump video. He was MAD.
difference is we dont pretend to be morally righteous. we just want to watch the world burn
I only agree with him on one thing: making Election Day a holiday.
Other than that, he's batshit insane.
It's sad isn't it? They just can't accept that they are done for.
Trump painted it all red. The house and the senate, the president.. all red. And given that 3 SCOTUS are about to drop that means that Trump will be free to pick his own 3 new SCOTUS that will serve for life and no one can do anything about it. That means that the next 30-50 years nothing will happen in america if republicans don't want it to happen. Think guns are here to stay for next 50 years for sure. Abortion is going if they want it gone and gay marriage too.
Michael Moore and Bernie will be dead by then...
All these hopeful young progressives will be old and frail by the time they will be able to change anything again. Hopefully they pick up a book on economics in the meantime
(a) Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
(1) to incite a riot; or
(2) to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
(3) to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
(4) to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;
and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph—[1]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(b) In any prosecution under this section, proof that a defendant engaged or attempted to engage in one or more of the overt acts described in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a)[2] and (1) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce, or (2) has use of or used any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including but not limited to, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, to communicate with or broadcast to any person or group of persons prior to such overt acts, such travel or use shall be admissible proof to establish that such defendant traveled in or used such facility of interstate or foreign commerce.
ah okay, that 4 minutes is what I saw. thanks for correcting my record user
He was trying to be satirical but he's so far gone that he didn't realise that the completely irrational, ridiculous stance he was trying to denigrate was actually quite noble and defiant and patriotic. I was pretty meh about Trump before, I was very for him after.
>Yeah we're gonna do it guys !!!!
>and i'm gonna join a gym
>and start eating healthy
>and i'm gonna read a book every week
>and start getting up at 5am
it's all empty rhetoric, none off this will happen, Moore as always is full of shit
This is all good, America needs to regress a bit on many issues. We can't continue full steam in an ultra extremist left wing fashion, too much, too fast, it's a big part of what has created this divide everyone's talking about. Going backwards for awhile, or at least stagnating, will be a net positive in the long run for America.
>wasn't he praising Trump a few days ago? thought he made some pro-Trump video
It was a clip from his anti-Trump movie taken out of context. He follows it up with "For a day"
I think time will do that for us soon.
post this please
>popular vote only. 2. Paper ballots only -- no electronic voting
So you want the Democrats to lose every time then? Shit thanks Michael
What a massive, crying, hypocritical, crazy faggot Michael Moore is.
The USA will be "fun" in the next months when the entire left of the country is throwing a tantrum.
>paper ballots only, no electronic voting
I don't have qualms with this. everything else is total lib doublespeak (to be expected)
The irony here is that half the shit he's complaining about here (and in his day 1) about a broken election system, corrupt establishment, out of touch media, bias pollsters is all the shit Trump (and only Trump) was complaining about
>form an opposition movement
With enough Soros money, anything is possible!
Unfortunately many people, myself included will not take liberal activists seriously now that we know most of them are astroturfed. Neither will we take seriously claims of sexism and racism, since hate hoaxes and false rape accusations are on the rise.
The left is so obscenely dirty, I don't believe a damn thing from them anymore.
Damn, we're slipping.
Thank fuck he didn't get to reproduce, we don't need more nimrods like him.
>special day
Feast of Cucks? I bet they'd like some Spirit Cooking.
>Paper ballots only
That's the only good idea he has, even though he doesn't realize this will prevent Democrats from winning ever again.
1. Ahahahahaha
Good luck, you'll eat each other alive.
2.Under what pretenses? Hillary would go under impeachment because of the server harboring and gross negligence. Trump has nothing on him aside from allegations.
3.You seem to miss that the republicans control the house and senate.
4. I'm actually for this, reform the media and hold those that rigged the system accountable.
5. mmmm the salt, it sustains me.
6. He slept through civics class huh? The electoral college is there to protect minority interests. They sure as hell wouldn't be complaining if it were flipped. Also kek paper ballots, Soros is going to have to have a word with you.
>many people, myself included will not take liberal activists seriously
Just keep your guard up bro, lots of stories about random acts of violence from liberals towards Trump supporters, it's pretty sickening. They fight dirty too, you'll turn your back for a second and before you know it 5 or 6 niggers will be trying to crack your skull.
>the hip-hop community
>final charge of the battle of Trump Tower
>Snoop Dogg was supposed to lead us into victory
>Snoop Dogg is nowhere to be found
>3 days later after the battle had be lost and the insurrectionists put down Snoop Dogg is discovered high as a kite after the fire department is called for a building pouring smoke out of it
Have any of these libtards ever met anyone in the military? How do they expect a bunch of nu-male cucks to start a war against the biggest military on the planet (by far) which is comprised mainly of amped up, violent Republicans? Not to mention the civilians the Left would fight against are far more heavily armed than the Left. It's like they haven't put any thought into this.
Does he really want to start a civil war against the side that has all the guns? Cause that's the only way his faggot idea could ever happen.
yes, yes they do.
A vast majority of the rich and famous fucks are calling for nothing short of full scale Civil War but at the same time every one of em are full on antigun nuts.
Sooner or later reality has to hit em like a sack of godzilla shit
I kinda like what Moore is trying to do here. I'm more of a liberal on many issues. I just don't want a fucking globalist socialist government because we all will end up as slaves in the end. And that's why I couldn't in good conscience vote for Clinton (voted Trump).
Michael Moore is literally a professional troll. The best in the world to be quite honest
And I'm sure all those Celebrity fucks will be right up front in the mud and the blood. Oh wait, no they won't. They're literally advocating for other to go die to protect their beliefs. Bunch of god damn cowards.
Sure looks like one.
The people are losing their shit. Kek be praised.
>angry Reagan
I just learned Reagan always carried a gun in his briefcase as President. Wonder if Trump is packing? He has a CC permit.
>Let's let felons and people in prison vote.
Man this dirty fat hippy is having a serious mental breakdown. But seriously why is it always the ugliest and least desirable whites calling for others rise up against the white race?
And Calexit should happen so retarded liberals can have their open border socialist paradise and the rest of Americans who don't live in a fantasy can go on without their shit.
>inb4 dumbass makes an attempt on his life and he mag dumps before the Secret Service can even jump into motion
make said dumbass a black guy and you'd have the makings of ZamZam Trials MKII
"If I can't climb up to where you are, I'll drag you down here."
we're already going backward, idiot. history is repeating itself
Damn Japan you must be bored as hell posting this much today, not enough anime on tv today to satisfy you senpai?
All that salt is probably why he is such a fat fuck
>hip-hop community
soros kike wants a US civil war
fuck these kikes.
put them in jail.
RICO that motherfucker.
Almost forgot:
Shouldn't you be outside getting shot in a Soros funded anti-Trump rally? Or just like every other day in the USA?