W-what the fuck is this?
W-what the fuck is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
godzilla movie?
Makes me think of a rape video of a drunk white girl.
Not sure if thats the one.
No my american, she never opposed to it.
Yeah and what is it now ?
Man in suit, Childs arm
Tortoise head eating something
A reptiles tongue
It could be many things
Wtf am I even looking at?
Stop playing around guys. Post the webm.
Who is that pokemon?
It's fucking SURPRISE SEX.
Fucking it up for all of us.
First thing i thought too
Fuck are we looking at?
what am I looking at here? Is this a close up texture in Golden Eye?
Looks like an anthro dragon giving birth
They came into this woman illegally because they couldn't get it in legally.
Where is OUR Shelter City???
And what is U Terus?
I think it was from Bestgore or some shit.
Now that Asian video where they are raping the woman whos tied up and cutting off her hands and feet, that one is fucked. She has like one eye all bandaged and she's screaming like a puppy and they hit her in the head several times, while the foot is cut off.
That video... I hope it's fake...
dont even know what pic is
post it pls
I'm now curious
cmon nigga
I must see this with my own eyes, and determine how real this is. Although judging by how fucked the internet is I don't doubt it's fake. I once saw a video where a woman was walking around naked in a dungeon and proceeded to saw off a dog's limbs while it was still alive and the dog kept trying to bite the saw but it was too slippery because of the blood.
its only rape if she finds out :^)
Women's liberation.
its icup
Clinton Foundation cp ring
I can't understand what this is?
Is this a man taking advantage of some little girl?
the fuck are you on about, it was the one with the drunk slut puking while getting fucked
beware the edge
Some never come back
I can't see shit--what's going on in this picture?
Idk OP how about you tell us where you got it from you facking Cunt!
I was exploring around eightchan (they fucking made the name of the site spam, wow what a bunch of cucks) and thought it was a porn vid.
I was wrong
I got it from a 404d pol thread.
Give us a little context?
Was this just posted on its own, no description?
post the webm
Nothing relevant. Just "will rape be legal?" or something like that.
Just search for "Drunk Teen Raped - Heavy-R.com" and watch it.
Nigga it looks like a texture from Mario 64, no one knows what the fuck that is
i cant even tell what the fuck im looking at
can you pleas be more specific?
Sup Forums is to the left faggot, take your random bullshit there
do i want to watch this ? i don't really like violent shit especially rape. also where does it take place ?
I image searched it, it is in fact some drunk woman being raped, she's being taken advantage of, apparently, and throwing up all over the place.
Some mongols fuck a russian qt and she vomits thats it. I wouldnt call this rape
It's not violent. She's just on the fading on the cusp of consciousness and puking on herself while they pick her up and fuck her. They don't hit her or anything.
Stop being a fucking pansy, Donald Trump is your president now, live a little
whats this
That's from a nip gore porn movie called "Tumbling Doll of Flesh"
She hits her head pretty hard there
Porn sites comments are a gold mine.
Could explain some of the vomiting.
She seems to be fine with it, where's this """rape""" come from?
she got some really nice titties
Top kek
Aint no doctor, probably
I have no idea, seeFuck yea
back to bed kid, so you wount miss the school buss
paco would know
Always count on a slav to have some fucked up shit like this close at hand.
>I wouldn't call this rape
She's literally fading in and out of consciousness and vomiting on herself you worthless fucking subhuman. This isn't a case of "teehee I regret hooking up with you last night, you kinda raped me."
She is literally at the mercy of these fucking untermensch because she's lost all of her motor skills.
30 million of you pieces of shit might have died in WWII but that wasn't nearly enough.
Top kek when stupid amerifats cant tell the diference between russia and slovenia. Oh and your presidents wife was born in slovenia you retard
Our last president was from Kenya
This means nothing
> Ivan in charge of counterbantz
I was talking about Trump
Are you slow or back on the Krokodil?