Who was the worst president in US history?
Who was the worst president in US history?
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That's not Woodrow Wilson. Nixon is unironically one of the best.
Nixon was a patriot and a solid President until the Democrats subverted him. Leave Nixon alone.
Pic related is the worst.
Nixon is very underrated. He truly was the one.
I'm sorry if I implied anything, I also thought Nixon was a cool guy.
Nixon was a great President. He was good at his job, he was loved by the people.
Reagan, clinton and Bush
Wilson is easily the worst
Dubya, meme-worthy as he is, was one of the worst
Between Andrew Johnson and dubya
Nixon ended the Vietnam war and opened warmer relations with China. He wasn't all that bad.
Obama is going to go down as the worst. Obama and Bush are close, but what makes Obama take the cake is that the media was on his side to spin every horrible thing he did and let him get away with anything. It made him more dangerous. Millennials all over the country still love the guy to death even though his foreign policy was a fucking disaster and just as war-hungry as Bush. Not to mention that his entire campaign was based on no more wars in the middle east.
As my favorite professor said in my American Diplomacy class: "We're gonna move past Ford to Reagan, we will skip over Carter, nothing missing there but for anyone who is in the Jimmy Carter fan club I'll give you a minute to say something, but that's more than enough time."
No, he was one of the best, but looking at Hillary, he should have not left the White house
oh fuck you
Andrew Johnson
Anyone not mentioning James Buchanan is literally wrong. When just after your presidency the country goes to civil war you know you fucked up.
LBJ by a longshot
Yeah, this spastic started the so-called "war" on drugs.
Probably the most destructive act in modern history.
Obama. Ruled by edict and acheived nothing but hardship for the world
you fucking bogan
The nigger didn't do a very good job
Yeah, but we recovered from the civil war. We may not recover from LBJ signing the 1965 Immigration Act into law at the same time as building our welfare state. One or the other would be bad enough, but he did both, and things have been getting worse ever since.
Immigration Act.
>Click after click
>Increased funding for (insert bullshit bloated useless government program here)
No fucking wonder he added more to the national debt than Bush
Already the most hated, divisive one ever and he hasn't even started
guess again
only 71 more days....
Why was he 1 of the best?
We just kicked his nigger ass out.
Woodrow Wilson:
>Made a false-flag attack to involve the USA in WWI
>Gave roasties the right to vote, forever dooming western civilization. The prohibition was only the start of the biocunt-induced madness
>Pushed the most abusive parts of the Versailles treaty, setting the stage for WWII
not even a question
>grossly mishandles WW2
>social fucking security
>illegal 3rd term
Fuck this guy.
William Henry Harrison
Nixon was pretty fucking good.
LBJ sucked along with Reagan, Carter and prolly Buchanan. We've had some shitty presidents but it's difficult to say which is the worst or even which was bad, as individuals like the first Adams were pretty good but disliked in their time so saying Obama when we haven't has a half a century to digest the consequences doesn't work (though fuck that nigger).
Bush, Clinton and *maybe* Obama
Nixon was a great president
Anyone who tells you differently is either a cuck or has no fucking clue
I forgot about this piece of shit. He's the guy responsible for the Great Society and all the welfare gibsmedats.
OK, Obama, you are 2nd worst.
Nixon fucked up but people hate him stupid reasons while ignoring his actual flaw, that he opened trade with China which started everything getting outsourced.
Wilson and Johnson were still way worse though.
Forgot to mention FDR and Wilson.
Also Lincoln and Kennedy sucked and had they not been assassinated or portrayed as civil rights heroes we'd be calling them the shittiest I believe.
>Yeah, but we recovered from the civil war.
In a way we still are recovering. LBJ's ability to put blacks working the fields of plantation politics was an option for the way events flowed from the civil war.
>We may not recover from LBJ signing the 1965 Immigration Act into law at the same time as building our welfare state. One or the other would be bad enough, but he did both, and things have been getting worse ever since.
LBJ I consider within the top 5, but at least his affronts are pieces of legislation which can be repealed.
Which Johnson?
The one that believed in mole people
passed shitloads of legislation. had one of the most successful foreign policies of all time(assuming you aren't a cuck mad about foreign gooks spics or nignogs dying) and him and kissenger set the standard to this day for foreign policy. Guy was a genious. If anything his greatest flaw was they he was an over achiever. Hillary literally was an untalented hamfisted attempt at imitating nixon badly
>which started everything getting outsourced.
I don't think that's as bad as what NAFTA has done.
>illegal 3rd term
>social security is a bad thing
are you fucking retarded?
I hope you aren't trolling
Nixon was the best president, followed by Reagan.
Nixon was literally the best president
Nixon was based
> genious
> started the war on drugs
retard lol
Pre modern era: Woodrow Wilson
Modern era: LBJ.
Some normie claimed that he is what Kennedy would've been if he was still alive.
Yet, Johnson immediately repealed Kennedy's Executive Order 11110. Kennedy opposed the shadow government. LBJ did whatever they wanted.
Reagan. He is directly responsible for the influx of fucking Mexicans and South Americans.
>Increased minority access to capital
So basically this means "Gave more welfare money to black people" but they worded it to sound better
No he was a nice guy till all the watergate thing, I h8 Reagan but he's popular there cause they think that he somehow destroy the CCCP
You are missing the most important reason why.
Woodrow Wilson created the federal reserve, allowing poisonous Rothschild influence back into our nation.
Every other bad thing done since by the likes of FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, etc was built on the back of this massive blunder. Woodrow Wilson was the original globalist puppet, and may he burn in hell for what he did to our nation.
Don't forget the Federal Reserve
Nixon was objectively the best president since Eisenhower
Term limits were not a thing until after FDR, at the time his 3rd and 4th terms were in no way illegal
Woodrow Wilson
>drugs become a problem and explode in popularity by more than 2000%
>people are using heoin more than 1600% more than they were in a span of 2 years
>thousands overdosing because retarded hippies
>meth explodes in populaity on the west coast
All of this was shit that had never happened in the history of any country ever. He did the only thing anyone though would work in the last 2 years of his presidency
Your lack of shame for deliberately twisting words is disgusting. Go fucking off yourself.
Obama, the proof, Americans chose to elect someone who is his complete opposite as the next President.
Obvious bait, but unironically the most hated and divisive was Lincoln.
People will stop crying about Trump in a few months after they realize he actually isn't a far-right nutbag like the media portrayed him to be. If anything, he's center-right, but with a lot of liberal ideas on sexuality, race, and abortion. Trump isn't even religious. The only thing which I would say is particularly odd is his conspiracies about global warming. But he has his reasons I guess.
>Nixon fucked up but people hate him stupid reasons while ignoring his actual flaw, that he opened trade with China which started everything getting outsourced.
The alternative was China falling into the Soviet orbit and America having to become Fortress America.
>things people no longer consider because the danger of the day was gotten around
Nixon is neither towards the top (huge expansions of the scope of government, drug war) nor any where near worst for the things people most hate about him.
LBJ killed liberalism and the democratic party. He basically ruined everything Kennedy wanted and more. What a piece of shit, no wonder the globalist powers in the shadow killed Kennedy,it was so this cunt could ruin everything and give the hippies something to be upset about.
This might actually be true.
This guy is a close second.
(((LBJ))) comes in third
nixon wasnt even bad. warrantless wiretaps pfff in the modern era we have little in terms of privacy
i think carter since he came up with government subsidized outsourcing followed by regan who did the same instead of stopping it
Yea, Rodger Stone backs Nixon. Watergate was a coup from CIA who wanted to get caught.
What about the panama canal?
How am I twisting words, what else does that imply exactly? The greentexted part is literally the entire quote verbatim
Bush had abysmal approval ratings, but now he's looked back on as "not that bad." Same will happen for Obama, because neither of them had any huge catastrophes or scandals (9/11 doesn't count, because Bush didn't cause that, he just reacted to it poorly).
Here's an incomplete list of presidents who are looked back on poorly:
John Adams
>Suspended Habeus Corpus
Andrew Jackson
>Essentially committed Genocide
William Henry Harrison
>Poor fucker died a month later and left us with John Tyler.
John Tyler
>More shit around this guy than any of the old presidents, at the time. They even tried to impeach him.
William H. Taft
>Teapot Dome Scandal. When everyone remembers you ONLY for a scandal, you're fucked.
Woodrow Wilson
Herbert Hoover
>Stock Market Crash and Great Depression. Not his fault, but history textbooks talk like it is.
Harry Truman
>Dropped the atom bomb, but worse than that, told Stalin before he did it, and basically got the Cold War going.
Lyndon B. Johnson
>Vietnam, and his penis. Look it up; you won't be disappointed.
Ronald Reagan
>Did what he set out to do, and every democrat ever hates him for it. Also Star Wars.
Bill Clinton
>Hated by every Republican ever, Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Dubya and LBJ
in what way were they a problem?
his so-called "solution" made the existing problems so much worse while creating new ones.
>Andrew Jackson
>Essentially committed Genocide
And he profited from it.
this is not a word you idiot
yet I agree with you. Nixon was an amazing president. removed the traditional draft, fed poor people, ended LBJ's war in vietnam.
Looked upon poorly by history, not saying there's anything wrong with it
Harding was the Teapot Dome scandal you fool. Taft did nothing wrong except want a slice of pie.
I remember Taft primarily for being a fatass, actually
>this is not a word you idiot
no shit it's just silly Sup Forums/internet lingo you fucking queer
Kek. Can somebody make a screen cap of this post for me? It's perfect. I'm mobile posting right now though
This and your digits say truth
Obama has been a terrible president I would wait 20 years to enter history and call him the worst but he has been fucking terrible
Probably someone who had to do with the Civil War would top the list.
Future presidents would include Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for running out of burrito coverings.
Improving access to capital does not mean "hand out money". It means levelling the playing field when it comes to getting loans and mortgages.
I don't know what Obama has done to that end, but you were definitely twisting words.
Lmao good call. My bad
Both of the Johnson's for how they bungled their assassinated prez's plans
Idk, most normies I know think fondly of old hickory. He's my favorite president.
Woodrow Wilson, LBJ and Dubya
Nixon is the middle-school normie answer because of Watergate but he really wasn't that bad if you looked at his body of work.
Lincoln, destroyed states rights. Fucked the 10th in its ass.
>letting thousands of addicts overdose on the streets
>not a problem
Yeah i think the press may notice the piles of vomit soaked corpses in the street and run a story on it mate
Your propaganda is exactly that
Wasn't the Federal Reserve created under Teddy?
1. Woodrow Wilson
2. FDR
3. LBJ
4. James Buchanan
5. Andrew Johnson
9001. Grover Cleveland
9002. Calvin Coolidge
best imprison them for X years then!
seems like taking away their rights and confining them to a cage is the best solution to that problem!
bravo nixon, bravo!