>Parents migrated into Texas from Guatemala through Mexico 25 years ago
>Made it through work visas
>Work visas expire
>Had me born in the USA
>Trump wins 23 years later
>Parents finally had the guts to tell me that we have overstayed in this country and their visas expired shortly after I was born
>Now we are panicking about being deported
>Everyone talking about moving to Canada
>We plan to move to Mexico instead before Trump's inauguration day
So Mexicans of Sup Forums, will you welcome us with open arms while Trump runs America to the ground?
Parents migrated into Texas from Guatemala through Mexico 25 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
Good riddance faggot.
Wouldn't you be allowed to stay? I thought kids born in America who grew up there weren't considered illegal under US law even if their parents were.
Get the fuck out of my country
You can stay, your parents need to get out and re-apply, but I suppose since you live here it should only take em a few years.
If their visa expired shortly after you were born then how the fuck do you renew your passport? Or even get one ? How do you buy property or anything I'm so confused
>>Running America to the ground
>>Getting rid of unwelcome migrants and their relatives who didn't bother to at least apply for citizenship/residency
Hope you go back in Juan piece.
Are your parents repeat violent offenders?
If no, you're fine. Trump said this from the beginning, by the way.
You have to go back
You were born here, you get to stay, your parents though.....
I hope they run you out
Your parents brought it on themselves
Fuck off
>while Trump runs America to the ground?
This is what tacos believe
Peace out, you fucking asshole.
>parents commit a federal crime for 23 years
>expect sympathy
You're a 23 year old American citizen, why the fuck would you follow your parents to mexico?
If you are a citizen born here, then its super easy for your parents to get their citizenship, I was born here and my parents now have citizenship, it was a fairly quick process.
also fuck you, trump 2016
Yep, 14th amendment. Majority of votes on both sides want to get rid of the anchor baby loophole but Dems in the Senate and House would shut it down like the Holocaust.
You have to go back
exceptions like you and your parents will be made I have no doubt about that Trump is not going to deport you or your parents
why would they run before he even enacts deportation measures?
like why speed up the process when you might still have a chance to stay? idiots
>guys my parents have been breaking the law for 25 years
>we're scared they might get punished with the due process
You're Guatemalan, the Mexican Narco state will behead your lawless family and hang your headless corpses from a bridge. Run for your Homeland, Guatamala
Blame your fucking parents. Not this country.
Sorry, but you must go. And you don't even get to build the wall since you are not Mexican.
>You're a 23 year old American citizen, why the fuck would you follow your parents to mexico?
Because he's a NEET who doesn't do anything of value, but hey, we apparently should regret the loss by his mindset.
Sorry, but his folks have to go back, and if he wants to go with because he's unable to understand the concept of following the laws of the land you live in, then farewell to him as well.
You HAVE to back.
Good thing Dems in the Senate and House aren't the majority anymore lol
Sucks for you cucks.
My grandpa came here from Guatemala back in the late 70s because he didn't want to get his head chopped off. Slowly he brought the rest of my family. Once things got a bit settled the first thing my dad did was go to community college at night and worked in the day. My grandpa helped him out. They put money aside however little to get lawyers and speed up the legalization process. Years later no one in my family is an illegal immigrant or uneducated. My grandpa drilled that shit in my head "education is the key to success". I just started my masters degree in computer engineering this year. Maybe you guys shouldn't have been dumbasses
Fuck off were full
You only have your parents to blame, get out of our Empire and come back legally, if you please
Trump will not go around randomly deporting people, he has stated several times that he will focus on deporting the "bad guys" to quote him.
Meaning, if your dad decides to go shoot up a bank then, yes, be afraid of deportation.
>my parents willingly broke the law for decades rather than waiting in line to immigrate like everyone else
>T-Trump is the bad guy here!!
It's in the Constitution. Amending it requires 66% of votes, not 50%. House and Senate are at about 55% red atm.
go home, pedro
That's technically wrong and very likely to be corrected. However, it's a moot point. The good ones have nothing to worry about. The first order of business is not rounding people up but re-establishing sovereignty and lynching coyotes.
That reading of the 14 Amendment is going to be challenged, we are going win, and citizenship conferred on anchor babies and Asian "birth tourists" is going to be revoked retroactively.
How retarded are you? If you live in the US for that long, legal or illegal, you can get a residency very easily.
Didn't expect anything else from a Mexican intellect anyways.
If by some meme magic they repealed the 14th I don't think it would be retroactive to people who already have the American nationality.
Not really
not that we are going to stop you, anyway
I advice go and fuck up Canada instead
Fuck off were full.
>my parents willingly ignored the expiration of their visas and said fuck it nobody cares anyways
>now someone does
>oh my god it's the holocaust how could America be so racist :''''(
Fuck off. Your parents have no one else to blame but themselves.
I'm sorry but you have to go back.
You have only your lazy parents to blame.
>"You are not going to be able to deport people who have American citizenship now, and the federal courts will never allow mass deportations without due process for each and every one," O'Reilly said. "Do you envision federal police kicking in the doors in barrios around the country, dragging families out and putting them on a bus? Do you envision that?"
>Trump, unfazed, responded unequivocally.
>"Bill, I don't think they have American citizenship," he said of those with undocumented mothers. "And if you speak to some very, very good lawyers that I know — some would disagree, but many of them agree with me — you're going to find that they do not have American citizenship.
>"We have to start a process where we take back our country," added Trump, who leads his 16 rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in all recent polls. "Our country is going to hell. We have to start a process where we take back our country."
>Trump runs America to the ground
>Implying removing illegals will make the country worse
Sorry Pedro, but you have it backwards. You have to go back. Well actually, you don't have to since unfortunately you were born here. Don't worry, airfare is cheaper these days. You can easily visit your family in Mexico.
They either used fake identification or live in a sanctuary area where they are able to obtain some form of ID they can use. They likely don't own property and rent. There are so many loopholes.
The point is, if we make it harder for illegals to live and work here. They will leave on their own because they will have no choice.
People will not be rounded up. Sure criminals can be rounded up by Marshals, but the majority of illegals will not be removed this way. The best way to remove the illegals is to make it impossible for them to live and work in the U.S. without a visa or citizenship. They will deport themselves if they can't live or work.
We are full, sorry.
underrated post
>23 years old
wow you must contribute so much, surely this country would implode without you.
*are going to be
we are fucked m8
>Didn't expect anything else from a Mexican intellect anyways.
>He mentioned he is from Guatemala
Didn't expect anything else from a venezuelan intellect anyways.
>A legal binding contract
>Terms signed and agreed to by ADULTS
>Knowingly and willfully disregarding and disobeying these terms.
I don't understand how people fail to see why people on expired visas need to leave.
You will all be ok. Talk to a lawyer.
I have a friend in this same situation, only he was brought here at age 2. His family has managed to become very well off through hard work, fully legitimate means. His family actually owns two businesses, a car dealership and a car repair shop. They pay taxes, they speak English, they own a house everything. They just aren't technically legal citizens. That family is the only inhibition I had about voting for Trump, but I did it anyway. I hope they end up alright.
same difference, who gives a shit.
>implying you aren't already fucked
Mexishit can't really get any worse.
>parents are retarded
>dont think of the future because they think liberals are going to give them special treatment
>mess up everything
>blame it on democracy
You parents are idiots. You are an idiot. I hope you end up back to guatemala and kick your dumb parents.
You are all just a bunch of spics anyway. I don't give a fuck what socialist hell hole you came from.
anchor babies need to go. all of them.
Venezuelans can't even speak Spanish correctly. They speak the niggerized version of Spanish. They can't even pronounce the letter "s".
>aren't technically legal citizens
Same situation except i was born in Mexico and parents brought me over at 5. We've all gotten our citizenship in commiefornia tho thanks to dubya. I have some cousins going back tho.
PS we voted trump.
Fuck off go back to Guatemale, we don't want more of you kind begging for money, I'm tired of looking at you shits every time I drive through the MX57
Hopefully they are tossed out on their ear and their businesses appropriated and given to White citizens.
yes he would. But he probably doesnt' have a job and can't live without mommy and daddy.
His parents did what they did, yeah. But my friend was a fucking two year old. He didn't have a choice, and he's lived here his entire sentient life. He's got a promising future in this country with two family businesses being passed down to him as he comes of age. He doesn't deserve to be fucking deported.
This right here. If they had done things legally there wouldn't be a problem. Now you are fucked.
Also I hope Trump passes a law similar to the one the Australians are passing, whereby if you attempt to get to Australia by boat and are caught you are given a lifetime ban from ever entering Australia.
Get out
You're an anchor baby, calm your shit.
Anchorbaby lol
The key is a straight repeal of the 1965 Immigration Act and go back to White only immigration. Thin their numbers with deportation, citizenship removal, break their ability to influence our political system, eradicate them from our university system, and then start discriminating against and boycotting the remaining legal non-Whites until they fuck off back to where their parents came from.
>1 post by this ID
Just another ctr fan fic, move along. Also, sage.
What happened to that shit you libtards spew everytime a US citizen gets arrested in some foreign country? Follow the laws of the land? Yea, why don't you take your own advice then and not break the law.
His parents will go. He can stay but he's a neet so he'll follow them because he's a leech even if he's legal.
get the fuck out nobody cares about the sob story
hasta la vista!
CÁLLATE PENDEJO, we don't want more centroamericanos here.
My Grandmas family came here and worked very hard in the 40s. They all became naturalized citizens.
My Grandma went to university and worked as a kindergarten teacher. Then she moved to California and worked for the state for 30 years.
She raised 3 boys one of which was disabled.
She worked hard for everything she had and never once asked for a handout. She didn't even go after child support from my Grandfather.
Meanwhile shitstains like OPs family overstay on their visas and contribute nothing to society while collecting gibs.
You can all get the fuck out.
How fucking entitled can you get.
Once all of you spics get deported for breaking the law I can come in legally to work and pay taxes.
I'm taling about the river of ilegal pieces of shit that are comming back.
How is it fair that your parents got a free pass when there are literally millions upon millions of people throughout the world waiting decades for a CHANCE to come to the US?
you reckon that girl's been BLACKED?
>He doesn't deserve to be fucking deported.
>not a cituzen
Yes, he does. Fucking retard.
He's lucky he isn't getting gassed.
Take your goddamn blessings, you traitor to the white race. Spic loving scum that you are.
>23 years old
You have to go back...
>>Everyone talking about moving to Canada
Impossible unless youare:
1) VERY rich
2) VERY highly skilled (medical oncologist sort of highly skilled, not mill worker, lol)
>implying mexico has more tolerance for illegals
And don't let the wall hit you on the way out :^)
Trump wants to reduce or eliminate H1B Visas.
Meanwhile Mr DUDE WEED LMAO wants to make it easier for pajeets to come in on skilled workers visas.
Have fun maple fuck. :^)
you have to go back tho
>1) VERY rich
I looked up the requirements to move to Canada once. You only need to have $10,000 and a degree.
That's not very rich.
I've a bachelor degree as a surgeon, Can I move to Canada?
Out out out
calm down anchor baby
at least two (2) years of business management experience; have a minimum net worth of CAD$1,600,000 (legally obtained); alone or with their accompanying spouse, make an investment of CAD$800,000; and meet certain health and security requirements.[5]
ALSO: average detached house in Vancouver is about $1.7million, and $3.4million on the Westside.
In Toronto they are cheaper, but still about $1million.
So, I don't see too many bus boys and lawn care people doing it.
Mexico is the place to go.
Boo hoo I did t follow the rules and laws now I'm Fucked boo hoo.
Let me tell you how fucking stupid you sound. Here is an example of your logic:
>Omg I've been smoking crack for 20 years
>Yesterday I got pulled over and got arrested because I had crack on me
>I shouldn't go to jail because I got away with breaking the law for 20 years
>I knew I was breaking the law but this is so unfair.
Fuck off faggot!