Only countries that have NEVER had a female head of state may post in this thread.
Not so fast Canada
Only countries that have NEVER had a female head of state may post in this thread.
Not so fast Canada
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bitch please we got rid of her nearly instantly.
She wasn't even elected
i am actually surprised by this.
There aren't that many that have had it though right?
A good club to be in, even if the damn leaves are trying to shit it up
Trump has become a pussy since he won. Don't even post his picture, it pisses me off. Now he is a muslim lover.
must be in single digits
Even if Canada is clean right now their current PM is so gay hes a woman
>Not so fast Canada
DELETE THIS she doesn't count
>head of state
implying some female leaders aren't based
>posting that British cunt and using the word "head" in your post
To be fair it was only for like a month and she was never elected.
I'd rather Queen Elizabeth than President-for-Life Frog Le Ribit like we'd get otherwise.
Spain reporting in. Hopefully no woman president for at least the next 30 years
I'd be ok with the monarchy if it could be a monarchy for everyone and not just the English people
Hell ye. I can post
i wish i could post, really wish
Well, there are some Bourbons still kicking around somewhere, they can handle Quebec duties. Elizabeth was Empress of India, so she can handle our subcontinental friends. Not sure about the Chinese- might have to import someone there.
What's up
That'd be an interesting concept - having a different prince in charge of each province, with a head of state elected from among them every x years. HRE-style
Wish we had one though.
With his latest girlfriend, I suppose Ontario will call dibs on Harry.
But America did have a female head of state.
As the Thirteen Colonies they were ruled by Queen Anne of Great Britain, 1702-1707.
> Americlaps in charge of history
Enjoy while it lasts
What if we only had one for a short time and she was useless and got the sack?
Then I could also say that you had Victoria
>ITT Leaves shitposting
Every country of respectable age had an Empress, you upstart rebels!
Also, what about Queen Mary, Rightful sovereign of England and Scotland and some 13 shitshacks somewhere?
By definition if the sovereign leader was the Queen it was not our nation
Are you still getting a paycheck?
Good thing Merkel is only Kanzler not president
reportin in
Catholic queens don't count now?
J'espère putain
How so? Did you fall for all the memes about Sweden?
kim campbell was removed like kebab
we're safe
and trudeau is working with trump
Technically we had a few, practically our head of state has absolutely no power and only exist on the paper, that person can't do anything, no veto rights nothing. All this person does is finally sign new laws no if's or but's after a popular vote or once the referendum time passes.
2017 !
Thirteen Colonies != USA
64 years and counting
Que Dieu sauve la France, que Dieu sauve la France des barbares !
It feels good
can't post in here ;_;
What do the stripes on your flag mean?
Wot u gunna do m8
Warmonger Maggie represent
Literally our best leader
>the union jack is on Australia's flag therefore Australia is the United Kingdom
this is how retarded you are
Pretending to be Luxembourg.
>Women can't become head of state here, it's in our constitution.
So what? More pride to being us, pasta nigger.
OP was talking about Justin Trudeau
we might get one in 2018 though, either Zavala or AMLO
both (actually all) options are shit
Kek. Taking the useless monarchy out of the equation we have technically never elected a female prime minister.
We appointed one when the previous PM stepped down and she got BTFO six months later in the election.
France with the bantz
I would prefer el peje desu
We need a nationalist, not another neoliberal.
We impeached ours, that good enough?
more than single, but not many
Australia BTFO
Fuck, we don't got the bantz for that man - take it easy, we're fucking leafs.
>Not so fast Canada
Top Kek
Thatcher had more balls then any world leader in her time.
Do you like pupusas?
How long until the leaves can get rid of Trudeau?
Hello, and no the president is not the same as the taoiseach
You were always welcome.
Relax, have a spot of tea and a cigar. I'll have my penis cook you a beef wellington ensemble with lettuce.
This get deserves an answer.
canadian "education"
There's no set terms for Canadian presidents, and no term limits either.
The only real rule regarding this is that Canadian elections have to be called within 5 years of one being elected, and as soon as possible if one is appointed via death or resignation of the previous one.
Since Trudeau was elected in 2016, he could hold on until 2021 if he wanted, or call an election earlier and risk losing it to hold on to it for at least 5 more years afterwards.
Basically he's going to stay in power for at least 7 more years.
We were in the state of anarchy since 2012
Fine by me, she was alright.
Most women are shit leaders and by that token you shouldn't ever vote for one because probability is not your friend. But it's not logically impossible for them to be OK.
>he's going to stay in power for at least 7 more years.
Unlucky lad. Canada might be Sweden tier by then.
At least our Queen of the United Kingdom knows her manners.
>There's no set terms for Canadian presidents, and no term limits either.
>The only real rule regarding this is that Canadian elections have to be called within 5 years of one being elected, and as soon as possible if one is appointed via death or resignation of the previous one.
>Since Trudeau was elected in 2016, he could hold on until 2021 if he wanted, or call an election earlier and risk losing it to hold on to it for at least 5 more years afterwards.
>Basically he's going to stay in power for at least 7 more years.
Holy shit you're fucked, completely fucked
>Canadian presidents
reporting in
>that filename
top kek