Ever since the election night i feel like having a weird kind of jetlag.
I mean it absolutely stuns me that trump won and im still fucking happy about it but i just cant shake of this strange feeling that we actually diverted space and time and created a "new" reality.
Anyone else feeling like this?
Alternate Timeline?
Same. Doesn't feel right. Didn't sleep at all that day.
We literally changed the course of history using meme magic.
When Obama was elected, we shifted into the Berenstain Timeline, which was the more dystopian Timeline. Now we are returning to the Berenstein Timeline, our original timeline.
>people actually believe this shit
I know that feel, the world feels "fresher" somehow like it just started over again or something
It's probably just disbelief
I have the same thing, I feel like I am halfway in reality. I've never felt like this before, I thought it was anxiety at first.
I don't like this feeling though, please make it stop
Have you heard of the mandela effect?
I don't have jetlag but I feel a little different. I noticed that I suddenly got physically stronger and I also got interested in things that I didn't even care about. For example, I can now gaze upon a historical map (you know, with army movements, that kind of stuff) for about 15 minutes and I do it with passion. I haven't done anything like that before.
I was thinking that I'm going to "transform" somehow on November 8th. Looks like I am transforming. Have I been blessed (or cursed) with autism? Maybe that's why I got interested with these maps and I gained the retard strenght.
I don't know. I don't think it's about timelines and shit but something certainly happened.
thanks keks
We are all tired because we literally fought a war...
I personally devoted most of my days and nights to shitposting, making memes, digging through wikileaks, etc...
I know many did the same and others did significantly more...
The defeat of the globalist attack on the US spearheaded by Hillary Clinton was not easy...
Hillary Clinton was extremely powerful...
America fought and won...
The exhaustion will subside and a slow rise in optimism will take its place...
It will grow inside each of us from a seed into an enormous rain forest...
We are now at the beginning of regrowth...
Catch your breath and get ready for the gold rush of building Americas future...
You haven't processed all of your thoughts and emotions
That or something spooky is happening
Not so sure about how you finished off that thought but,
The invention of the Internet and it's utilization is substantially catalyzing the awakening of the collective human consciousness to a different level of self awareness. We're headed towards a major fucking paradigm shift. Old lies will be left behind and new truths will reveal themselves.
David Icke predicted the awakening to begin around 16-17.. Mentally prepare yourselves for what's to come . .. . It's all going to start moving quite fast from here on forward
You're probably experiencing Post-Election Withdrawal Syndrome.
If you're like me, you've probably been following the election on a real-time basis like a hawk for the last year and a half, and now it's over, but you've become so used to being in that mindset that you have a hard time adjusting to the aftermath.
No more debates, no more new election memes, no more election twists and turns, no more CTR, etc.
We're used to the election being the normal state of affairs, but we've finally reached the end of the election. It's over. Donald Trump is going to be the new president of the United States, something I thought was possible, but not the most probable because of how high the odds were against us.
It's a lot to take in all at once.
i feel like a new chapter has begun
The true effect of KEK is revealed
he drains your power to make you low energy
low energy people usually get autism, just look at jeb and his turtles
I thought the same tbH
Wait, so I'm low energy now? Did Kek drain energy from me so I got so autistical all of sudden?
How am I physically stronger if my energy is lower? What the hell is happening?
Yeah man.
I took a double hit of mescaline at about 5 PM and willed myself into the reality where Trump won.
Somewhere in the cosmos is another reality where Hillary won. For a moment, as I drifted in the ether between realities, I could see that other reality. I could see the entire eternity of time in that other reality. It got fucking dark bros. This reality leads to a human golden age. We're going to colonize Mars, and the asteroid belt, and Saturns moons... eventually we even create the technology to remove most of Venus's atmosphere, turning into a new garden of Eden.
The future is bright guys.
It's the autismo paradox
you just didnt feel your energy getting lower
and now that you are suddenly a retard you have normal strength
Glad I'm not the only one.
Go to bed Hanz
There are infinite realities with infinite possibilities. We just happened to be in the one where trump wins
Being a retard suits me. I am stronger, I can focus on things I didn't give a single shit about before and I care even less about what people think of me. I am fucking superhuman.
Pretty sure you're going to prison for a long time Hermann
We are on the Trump president timeline right now. There is alternatively a Hillary timeline right now.
What Schrodinger didn't understand is that the cat died and lived in the box. Both happened, and that is where the timelines diverge.
At least in our timeline the nuclear war doesn't happen.
Mental gymnastics: The thread
I woke up this morning feeling like this. Really fucking word my guy
I think we literally just avoided the end of the world.
We've all been given a second chance to make things right.
I've been feeling weird every since Brexit.
Interestingly, I was flying on the day that Brexit passed. I wonder if my plane crashed, and I died and am now in some sort of dream/wake purgatory.
What did David Icke say follows this?
What happened in the Hillary timeline?
Happening withdrawel is the same as any drug.
It's the after effects of our use of meme magic.
Wow user, it's amazing. I think you might be experiencing what's known as "human emotion" you autistic NEET
we never believed we could win against the globalists...that is why
i too feel the uneasy feeling...im half expecting for trump to u turn or somert to go bad.
atm though everything is fine
not even joking, I had that same exact feeling after he won. I felt 'off' and not sure why, still do too. I kept thinking "I feel as if I'm in an alternate reality compared to what was supposed to happen"
maybe it's just in everyone's heads because we're in disbelief but it's spooky
Yes I feel tired and hungover when I slept well and didn't drink.
it really felt that way, i realised that this is something different then what was supposed to happen, that's why i cried of joy. amazing how nationalism can bring people together over another continent.
maybe you are onto something
we gave kek so much energy now we feel drained...in time we will restore our lost energy.
>nearly every single thing tinfoilers shouted is true
>we have ended or ruined the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people through meme magic
>we have just
>to be president of the united states
>because we thought he would be fucking hilarious in the position
that we've done just that teeny tiny bit more reality warping
whatever timeline we are in now, it is not the timeline of sanity
we were on the precipice of total destruction with hillary almost winning and now its back to normal. You always feel more alive when death is in front of you. so now normal just feels weird.
>rule the world
>become Jews
This is what being a Jew feels like.
Source: Bosnian Jew
I'm tired and dizzy, my joints hurt, my teeth hurt, I'm hungry but don't feel like eating.
I think we're all just in limbo. Nobody knows just yet how the next few years will play out, so nobody knows how they should be acting.
You are in the new timeline. It is better, but shorter. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Felt the complete opposite, might be 'cos I have bipolar disorder though.
So what do I do now?
Regain my energy or keep being retarted? Will I keep being an autist if I regain my energy? I want to.
> It is better, but shorter
Please explain.
Google "quantum immortality".
Every possible thing happens in different universes. We aren't experiencing the universe where Hillary wins, because in that universe we're all dead after WW3. We're in the Trump timeline, because that's the only one we can experience.
you weren't alive in the 80's were you?
you will be fine in a week
But I want to be an autist
How do I
write five nights at freddies fan fiction
I hope quantum immortality is real because that guarantees that everyone gets to live untill a comfy and peaceful death.
Kinda destroys viking mythology though.
The real question does the worldline one day decide to unfuck itself from before when things went wrong?
Can I be both autistic and high energy? If so then I will consider wrtiting fanfic
Pray to Kek and meme yourself to autism.
This is our universe now
Boys, we have established a new world order by using intercontinental infrastructure
same, everybody around me seems innerly annoyed with themselves, and like they been betrayed, like fuck, i didnt think the media got that deep inot peoples heads to give them this kinda subconcious mental farts...
myself, i am overly joyed and happy to be in a much more positive time line.
it feels like the deception came along and we still have3 that hidden enemy, just weaker.
The war isn't over. Its just starting.
Yes you can
Yes I am answering myself
Gonna rev up those fanfic engines
It's gonna be about how Trump saved the Morrowind by building a wall
It's gonna be terrific
We used meme magic to cross over into the timeline we wished were true
Kek works in mysterious ways
Retard strength my friend.
Let me tell you - building a wall, good idea, great idea, but tell you what: how are we supposed to do that. I've met some great people, fantastic people and you know what - all of them agree on one thing: Mexicans are good, hardworking people. They're good hardworking people. So here's how, here's how we do it: we build a wall and stop getting ripped off by the Mexican government. Because they're ripping us off, they're ripping us off. We make them pay for it and - I'm talking about illegals here, everybody knows I'm talking about illegals here, OK, illegals - we deport these people.
probably this but it really feels like we dodged a bullet, more than that, like we shouldn't be here
I've had the same thought. It's like we're living in a science fiction narrative where someone has changed the timeline.
This timeline feels to good to be true, the intelligent minority just fucked the majority of mass media propaganda retards.
It's like we are living in the dream we created, and others are living in a nightmare. This is our world, and we're used to live in their world.
Kek is an agent of chaos, after all.
When Barron Trump used the time machine to come back to the past and introduce meme magic to the cyber, he changed the course of history. Our timeline is actually a copy of the original (The one where everyone dies to the reptilian androids created by Soros for Hilary), but now that Trump lives (The Jews poisoned him originally with a heart virus, but in our timeline he was too popular due to meme magic to kill off) and Hilary is defeated, our history will go forward in a completely different direction than the original. For example, alternate timeline three's Cruz killed Barron and used his Time Capsule to travel to our timeline to achieve his perfect form, but our timeline Cruz redeemed himself in the final battle and now lives peacefully as a friend.
There are three timelines I know of right now,
>Original timeline where Trump dies to the jew heart virus after losing the primaries, everyone killed off by Soros androids except for Barron
>Second timeline which is just like timeline one (Post apocolyptic) except Cruz kills Barron and travels back to collect the delegates and achieve his perfect form..
>Creating timeline three, our timeline. Barron arrives and brings meme magic to the cyber, Trump survives the Jew's plots and wins the presidency
Who knows what will happen next. I'm pretty sure though Barron was not supposed to mess with the timelines like this.
I also noticed that I'm getting the gets. I didn't really get so many of them before. I have never even praised Kek
Fuck i have the same feeling. Last night i had a mini anxiety attack (i live with anxiety) and a weird feeling of reality dissociation. It can be an atidepressant jew side effect also
I feel a bit off myself. Not bad, per se, but I don't really feel good about anything either.
Huge dopamine/serotonin release after Trump winning.
Your brain is recuperating atm.
I wish it was alternative dimensions/universes/whatever,
I still have a feeling deep down that this was a mistake. I want to MAGA and save the world, but did we fuck up? Is he who he says he is?
This. All the psychic energy i put in to this was insane. We are psychologically, emotionnally and psychicly tired. We need some quick rest and then prepare for the next meme magic battle as soon as possible.
Hate to say it but - nothing will significantly change. All of this will blow over in a few weeks/months.
>his victory speech
>newest statements about Hillary
>newest statements about Obama
>taking things down from his website
Everyone that is feeling "off" and not "rejuvenated" has someone managed to get pulled into the incorrect timeline. You should technically be in the timeline in which Hillary won the election, things like this happen sometimes I guess...I don't know, I would just count yourself lucky you ended up here.
I'm feeling so much more confident in general. It's a nice feeling that America hasn't succumbed to SJWs and that the silent majority really rings true.
It's like the first rays of dawn breaking over the horizon. The night is over lads.
I don't think it matters, he broke the democrats and republicans and showed the media, who think they can create and control narratives at will, that they're powerless. He won and if he doesn't change anything someone else will because now we know it can happen.
I have... I went to bed shortly before Trump won and when I woke up I was convinced that Clinton won, almost like it was an actual memory. It's not too significant, I know, but it's been irking me.
he has to do that now that he's president
i know this is hard for you to understand but our president can fuck up the world with words alone.
I was talking to someone online at the time, he made a comment about something and then the chat deleted that comment and posted it again a minute later
I know it's small but I'm convinced we experienced a glitch and this is now yet another alternate timeline where Obama didn't nuke the world out of pure salt
What's the difference between him and anyone else then?
Obviously, his campaign rhetoric was retarded and aimed at a certain demographic. It worked, he won. He has to tone down now and he will. Fair play to him - that's what he wanted to do.
But how different will America be under his presidency? What will change? What do you expect to change?
i expect a president independent of the will of donors and parties, and who is very good at charming people and making deals.
a lot of stuff is going to get done and im excited. even if it does have a republican flavor at least SOMETHING will move forward.
Fair enough.
Wish you all the best, burgers. What's good for America is good for most of the world.
starting last monday and through to saturday i started getting these extremely bad headaches, so bad i felt like i was going to die and ended up in the hospital. Got my head checked and apparently im fine, headaches have cleared, it was completely out of nowhere, i have no history of headaches.
Then this happened. It feels like it wasnt supposed to. starting to think i died and ended up in this timeline
This desu
No you're wrong, I didn't give a fuck about the elections yet it still feels different, as soon as he was leading, something flipped. It also started snowing here in Ze out of fucking nowhere.
>my teeth hurt
checks flag makes sense
THE FUCK?!?!?!
Same shit here. Same exact shit. No joke.
It's like we willed ourselves into an alternate universe where Trump won and postponed WWIII
don't make me laugh
because if you do, you're going to smell it
What does the future hold then?
It will get better, much better, everywhere.
Praise Kek then.