Walk in to class, two days after election since we had off wednesday

>walk in to class, two days after election since we had off wednesday
>school divided, but ayy, red blooded wisconsin this year
>last hour teacher has a literal board wall where students can leave messages and shit, just for the keks i guess
>see qt christian girl writing on the board
>wait for her to finish and as she moves "Hillary for Prison 2016" gloriously comes into view
>qt notices me and i just smile and give her a "hell yeah!"
>the class lib sperg takes notice and frantically rushes to the board, only to erase the words "for Prison 2016" only for the "Hillary" to be left behind
>i take an expo marker, make my way to the board and rewrite the hidden message
>qt christian waifu looks at me, smiles and gives me a thumbs up

Should I persue Sup Forums? I think I found the one.

>can't even talk to a girl without spewing autistic shit
>info wars
You have to be 18 to post here and not be retarded

I'm a senior my dude

>hating based Alex

The shills didn't leave it seems

>"hell yeah!"
>qt ^_^
>based alex

God I hate what this place has become

get out jew


I have a conservative gf (not lying) it was great to fuck after Trump won.

Don't worry, it's only a matter of time.

When our focus shifts, they'll be stuck on Notargument and superior cool chairs, just like Reddit.

Moar smug Alex Jones please.

Do you have the one of him drinking that glass while the MSM have their heads in their hands?

I don't have an Alex specific folder unfortunately. I could just make a separate thread or post some here though.