Great ideas so far. Let's keep pushing the divide. This is only the beginning, let's keep it believable. One step of at a time, the insanity comes later.
Once we get a solid foundation, then we can start feeding on the hate and chaos to stoke the flames more. Redirect the Trump hate to white feminists, then we can use the momentum. We've got this, keep it up lads.
This just showed up on my facebook and I fucking knew it was you assholes.
Before this election, I'd be annoyed that you guys are provoking more things. Now, I'm realizing that all this is what it had to come down to in order for the people to send a message against the problems we all mostly agree on.
And if you could demolish the venomous SJW bullshit it would be beautiful.
Godspeed, you glorious bastards.
Jaxson Williams
Black men praising fucking white women and giving that achievement to feminism. Best powder.
Elijah Torres
>tfw we've become the Jews
Dylan Reyes
Beautiful We might pull this off.
I have some matters to attend to so can somebody take the responsibility of making a new one before it dies? First reply gets it. Thanks lads.
Adrian Hill
How long will this take?
Connor Rogers
Daniel Cooper
I dont like that image, intellectual cucks are the same as idiots. The same useless vector just on another level. It needs brutality and force. Intelligence without force is like jacking off, you only fuck yourself.
David Martin
I agree. She's like a living meme.
Ayden Reed
We're doing this world a service.
Michael Myers
Target is #whitefeminism
Christopher Lewis
>Intelligence without force is like jacking off, you only fuck yourself. kek, well said.
Levi Diaz
At least a few days. Let it disseminate, let the hate grow, then ever so gently manipulate the direction to fulfill our goals through subterfuge.
Brayden Price
Isaac Evans
>tfw white women will be abandoned by their pet non-whites and the white men they cucked will abandon them too Our sons will have white girls practically begging to sit on their dick and make white babies. DON'T KEK YOURSELVES NOW.. Make them come crying back so hard they vote en masse to give up their rights and beg for patriarchy.
Tyler Flores
Easton Taylor
perfect this weekend will be great
Angel Cooper
I'm thinking though, that that would be the next logical step. Expose their anti-white mentality, and EndWhiteCulture would be the tag to do it.
Think about it. Get them to approach "White" culture in the same way they do "Rape" culture. More and more will turn against them and, you'll have a reason to be openly pro-white IRL.
Connor Davis
I've created my sock puppet account. You guys need to do the same. We have to make this look believable if we are to pull this off. Then, once we've figured out a hashtag, we can begin the undermining process.
Jonathan Taylor
Remember to tweet this video to expose the PRIVILEGE of SJWs.
This is from a piece Lawrence Murray ran last week, though he's among us.
Jaxon Richardson
I think it's a bit too obvious. Maybe it's the picture.
Jonathan Gomez
Pretty good but too obvious
Then again it's only obvious to us people with brains and common sense
Good luck
Aiden Gomez
so is Sup Forums white supremacists? or are you guys just trying to restore the power to white hetero males in society?
Ryder Smith
end whit culture is nothing new though. fuck white women is specifically targeted at white females, which is what we need. they need to feel the pressure in order to understand the situation theyre in
Hunter Wood
should it be #fuckwhitefeminism ?
Easton Cox
Pretty sure you frogs can use that, like a little chamber orchestramus, well placed. A attractive black man with a pretty white wife, and an attractive black man with a fat white wife, chiming in praising the efforts of feminism. In the rants of black women.
Luke Lee
Bentley Clark
Logan Evans
>years of fighting against this enemy >manage to beat him even though the overwhelming odds were against you >he's on the ground squirming and begging, finally time for a coup de grace >slowly he reaches towards you, thinking it's over and his suffering is at an end >you gently grab his hand and hold it in your own >he looks you in the eyes and sees another human being, an enemy worthy of respect >this is when you take out your machete and cut off his arm while frantically yelling "88 GET PRAISE KEK" before kicking him in the head repeatedly
Taking them apart one limb at a time
Oliver Turner
White nationalist does not necessarily mean supremacist. There are supremacists within our ranks, however, and we shall not shun them. This furthers the goals of a white national/nativist movement and one of destroying feminism once and for all.
Zachary Hughes
To you it is. It isn't obvious at all, all the dumb fuck lefties talk like that.
Nathaniel Rivera
You idiots aren't intelligent enough to manipulate anyone. Cut it out, kids.
Wyatt Wilson
also think of a contingency narrative. If you do end up turning them agains white women, they have the most powerful defence... TEARS They'll just shed tears followed by some emotional bs to be forgiven in a heartbeat..
Henry Sanchez
>I'm thinking though,
This is only the beginning, let's keep it believable. One step of at a time, the insanity comes later.
Once we get a solid foundation, then we can start feeding on the hate and chaos to stoke the flames more. Redirect the Trump hate to white feminists, then we can use the momentum.
Owen Lee
Very much this.
Dominic Bell
>nativist Natalist, but nativist still applies.
Brayden King
It's a fucking Wojac meme. Wojac memes are supposed to be cuckish in nature.
The whole concept behind using Wojac or other similar memes is that we're supposed to be able to express the full breath of Human being both in its purity and its depravity. This would include concepts like: wife's son, mommy, chicken tendies, tfw no gf, feelz, anime girls, etc...
Get a grip man if you don't like our humour you're better off in plebit.
James Allen
Colton Gomez
>made NOW his smurf straw man account user its not 2013 anymore. But welcome to 2017
Brandon Turner
That is what your mother said, but she forgot the last part of your post, and now here you are.
Inaccurate now, seeing as Iowa went red which would not have happened if whites didn't vote Trump
Brandon James
You fuckheads are ruining your own country.
You're doing exactly the same thing you'd normally chastise globalists for doing.
Nathaniel Wood
but if you're trying to make whiteness a symbol of power in the U.S., is that not racist? After all the original "natives" were the native americans. I'm seriously not trying to troll rn, I also consider myself a nationalist and hate SJWs and just recently started lurking Sup Forums.
Brayden Miller
Tangilique faith @TangiliqueF Emma Watson gets an invite to the UN but you will never see POC invited to talk about ther struggles!! i #whitefeminism in action"
Back in the old days, feminists pushed on a bullshit wage gap between the sexes, without a solid grasp of the facts behind it.
I propose something similar.
Attached is a survey on income between households based on ethnicity. We would do well to shill the shit out of this in meme format.
If we can stir the shit pot by saying something along the lines of "White women are guilty by association for the wage gap" and put white women on the defensive, that would certainly help.
Ian Anderson
OR maybe i m explaining why you shouldnt be wojac you fucking canadian leaf, who chooses a leaf for a flag, a leaf is something that is exposed to external factors, in spring you spring and in autum you fall and the colour of your flag is only signaling death in that context. Now explain to me again how i dont get it.
Thomas Murphy
>raciss As a part injun, you can suck my peace pipe, nigger.
Kevin Campbell
Wanna give that another go Ahmed? Why are you on an English message board if you can't speak English?
Camden Morris
Shut up and meme.
Evan Jackson
all races of people should focus on improving within their own racial group.
We accept that humans of all tribes are racist in nature.
We accept that certain races are superior to others, as should be demonstrated in the natural selection of competition, which is not tainted by "affirmative action"
Nicholas Turner
Be the jew.
Jason Howard
I have a feeling this won't work, sounds like we're being tricking into doing Jews work for them . Liberals have no sence of irony or hypocrisy ,getting liberals going on an anti-white movement will be just that, reguardless if they themselves are white and the establishment and MSM will fully support them ,
>I guess after fighting an enemy for so long you start to use their tactics >We have become (them)
Matthew Gonzalez
Justin Gray
use their ways against them. Our autism is becoming strong
Gavin Fisher
To put it simply, "How many #whitefeminists you see workin at Burger King?"
Joshua Torres
There. I've made it a little more subtle. It's not like most libtards will be checking my profile anyways, but just in case they do.
I'll admit, I'm very behind. Better late then never I guess.
Easton Ortiz
logo only
Jackson Clark
Something that can be tried is having "privileged white women feminists "(PWWF) talking the word of PoCs, talking over, taking leadership, using an obviously patronizing tone etc,, "I have a degree in gender studies so...", "I understand the plight of PoC women" (this can be answered by a PoC plant attacking her privilege and then getting into a damning argument for the PWWF).
Austin Taylor
Well done.
This is how it's done.
Christopher Hernandez
Carter Rogers
Doesn't say anything about feminism.
Jordan Barnes
Na, i wont give it another try since chances are that it spawns another imbecile like yourself. Your mother is like a rigged genetic dice not rolling it again.
Zachary Sanders
intended as an exploitable for memelords
Easton Anderson
OP here
I'm not a fucking kike, I'm a Germanic Anglo. I just happen to know a lot about all of this, and studied behavior/reactions. It will work.
If it makes you feel better, I was given an IQ test when I was 8 after I scored higher in reading comprehension that most high school freshman. I tested in the 160s, I'm no dumb ass.
Dylan Nelson
Breath indeed Get a grip canuck, you're being schooled by a fucking baguette
That picture sucks, it looks like something from EVE
Owen Clark
Soooo we are stirring up a race war? We Clinton now?
Jackson Reyes
lol no. just end sjw bullshit from seeping any further into society.
Juan Lewis
Yeah, that's better. Good luck out there, buddy. Maybe report back if you see something interesting/kek worthy.
Jonathan Taylor
The too intelligent meme is a joke brah you're obviously too intelligent to get it though
Bentley Watson
Shut up and meme
Aaron Miller
Of course, keep it simple:
"White women live with 48% more income than women of colour."
"Black women live with half the income of white women."
I'm uncertain at this point if this includes married women/single women together, or just the married, but that's irrelevant - the gals will only care about the immediate fact without looking too much into it. Throw some words on a graph with the highlighted numbers and that's all they'll care about.
As a side note, I don't think we need to bother with including the Asian side of things too much as far as income is concerned; Asian population is not significant enough in the continental US to matter for voting demographics. Additionally, there were already a good amount of Chinese and Japanese Americans that were pro-Trump more than there were opposed (at least based on mainstream media, which is all the normies will pay attention to anyway).
Ian Reed
A based leaf.
And that's one thing that needs to come back. Actual competition. People being hired because of their skills rather than connections or ((Affirmative action)).
Adam Thompson
Show us yours. And tell us how it's better.
Samuel Carter
Some of those things are maybe better suited for profiles.
Camden Robinson
Diverting racial outrage over Trump election toward #whitefeminism.
Roll up your sleeves and meme along.
Dylan Roberts
we also need convincing white feminist girl profiles to make arguments with the fake blm profiles. that way they can get btfo and start the "but i voted for hillary=but i have black friends" meme
Hudson Hall
That is what your mother said when talking about stds, she already got caught all of them like a pokemon master.
Aiden Brooks
And to get an idea of the stupid shit that engages people. Doesn't have to be rocket science; they aren't interested in discussing wage gap analysis; they're pissed they didn't win an election.
William Adams
Divide imperaque fratres
Justin Butler
Yeah but she was pure before meeting you
Jaxon Brown
What's great is it's the hate, exclusion, and demonizing of white men that redpilled many of us. If white women experience the same, and we are here to guide them...Whites will be whole again. Muahahah. The kikes stand no fucking chance!
Henry King
Like this:
Liana Naima @LianaNaima 12h12 hours ago One of my students said yesterday: "When white people sneeze, black people/poc catch a cold." #trump #whitefeminism #notmypresident
US demographics heavily favour white people. I'm not a fan of the current situation, but the fact of the matter is a lot of women have been brainwashed by MSM to think white heterosexual men are evil. A stepping stone in ending the actual race/gender war we have for good is to slowly turn demographics over.
White women are the next logical step.
A good number of them (read: happily married women) already voted for Trump, which leaves the vulnerable single ladies "on their own" so to speak against people of colour that propogate this race war bullshit and want a scapegoat for their problems.
Plus, this is a double whammy. We pick up single white women, they flock to strong males to support, and the beta white males will follow the path of the white woman.
Ryan Stewart
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster."
Australia is right. What have I become, my sweetest friend?