How do we fix millennials?

How do we fix millennials?

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You don't have to. Gen Z is the perfect age (10~18) right now to be naturally red pilled. They hate the millennial just as much as us. Come 2020, you'll see an even redder America as Gen Z starts voting. Millennials were a one off fluke caused by the boomer tide.


the whole "gen z is really conservative" meme needs to stop, there is no proof, and don't show me that ONE article with a tiny survey done by a conservative publication

This fuck my shit generation they are too far gone.

T. 25 year old

This was the first step, showing them they can't have everything they think that they want.

Step two, grow up.

>How do we fix

Can confirm, at least in the North-east but we a are usually pretty based when it comes to politics

in my country millenials are more conservative than their parents and often even grandparents


we hide all their shoes...

>t. someone who thinks their personal experiences with people their age around them is representative of their entire generation worldwide

I swear all the people that think the entire generation is completely fucked have to live in big cities full of faggot liberals.

The entire world isn't like SanFran and Seattle.

Take away their phones.

shoot me please

gen z is only conservative because they aren't white. mostly muslims, niggers and mexicans. there will not be a white gen z.

Realistically speaking, testosterone shots and forcing them to get a valid 9-5 job. Force them to work for their money instead of being leeches, then show them how it feels to have others take their hard-earned cash away because it furthers a political party's goals.

Just let them sit in their corner and cry. They find the world far too stressful to ever be a threat to anyone, worst they could ever do is invent a new hashtag to express their anger. Point them towards the safe zone and let them be. Leave the real world to real men.

Gas the millenials gen war now

Violent gay sex

Start over.

age is the only thing that will fix them

Free helicopter rides.


Show them a world without an Internet connection.

get them jobs and put them to work so that they can pay taxes

War. War that kills their loved ones in front of their eyes.

Seeing your buddies lips turn blue on the street is an instant red pill.

Execute them

This is actually part of the fix. While technically of the millenial age I just can't be a leftist. It's good to lose and learn and this is a first for most of them on this front. Getting Obama in twice made it seem like they couldn't lose and that their will would become law. They couldn't, and still don't yet, conceive of the backlash their ideas might generate. This is good now they have to look the rest of the world in the eye and try to actually understand it rather than believe that everyone else are only NPCs in their little regressive game.

Gen z extends to 20, some of them are redpilled.

Reeducation for 90% of us. The last 10% can be kept around for lulz.

Fix this

Hate Jews more please

Mandatory Military service ala Israel.

18 year old high school senior here, can confirm anecdotally that were mostly red-pilled, we crack jokes and no one is offended black or white no triggering and the girls are submissive and don't spout any of that feminist, slut shaming nonsense, secure the future for us and we'll repay you with lots of keks.

I'm a millennial and voted for Trump. The issue is really that they spend all their lives with someone else telling them what's correct, spanning from grade school to college. They become liberal without ever thinking for themselves and eat up the MSM telling them what to think about a person.

With a bullet.

Just so you know - young Israeli men and women generally more or less modern and even gay friendly. Also muh purim.

I'm a Millennial and I support this message.

So many fucking dumbasses...

We need a much Redder America. Fuck these Liberal shits.

Arizona just called for Trump, officially!
Hell yeah!

Most millennials in first world (the US, Europe, etc) will be replaced by elite immigrants from 3rd world anyway (read: can't get a job and be starved to death). Those elite immigrants have better work ethics and don't give a damn about PC which literally blocks millennials from being more productive.

24 year old (yes I was born in 92!) with a STEM degree and $70k/yr job, red pilled, voted for Trump, worked on a farm as a child. Fuck off.

We're not all shit stains.

A large reason why The Donald played you cant always get what you want by the stones at his rallies.
it was a direct message to millennials
that they cant always get what they want
But if you try sometime you find
they'll get what they need

Doesn't work, it cucked Cartman.

WW3 - mass media manipulation against Putin to get all the SJWs wound up , then send them in to Siberia like the Russians in WW2 without any supplies and just wait about 3 days.
Problem solved.

it's too late their too far gone m8

dunno guy, kids 15~ and younger are super anti-bullying, feelgood retards in my experience

hope you're right though, or humanity is fucked

Literally me.

Let them remain broken.

I'm 21 do I still count as a millennial? Also voted trump

>technically called a millennial

I honestly don't know what happened to the entire generation behind me but it probably had something to do with pussy parents. Who had millennials, my parents were boomers, but I'm not really in the millennial grouping so what was the generation that gave birth to these awful people?

i voted for the trump man too first time. trump inspired me to register and vote in PA.

You start by shooting them. Yes that's right.

The more that die, the more red pilled they become and eventually you break their will to push for degeneracy anymore, then they join you.

70% of these leftists probaby wont even produce children anyways, so there is no real loss

Gen z here. Voted trump and continue voting red into local office.

hospital treatment through pepe-care

They will grow up. They'll have to. I hope.

Of course, if they start getting a universal guaranteed income due to automation -- all bets are off.

Family formation and supporting that family with a job, is what creates adults.

Since family is already broken -- not requiring a job could be a deathblow.

Would you do firing squad, gas them, ovens or the guillotine?

By not ignoring the popular vote and taking their voice away for the second time.

There's no point in even worrying about it. Nature will take its course, as it always does, and most of them will turn more conservative as they get older, starting around their early 30s.

Make it so they have to get real jobs. No internet BS like blogging and gaming. Leave journalism to the hobbyists. Once that's done they'll have to go out and get real jobs. And after that, we let natural selection do its magic.

my little brother is off to a good start. I didn't even red pill him that hard he figured most of it out himself.


Agreed, I'm 30 and believe the majority of millennials are beyond repair. Single parent homes, feminism , liberal media, degenerate nigger music and everyone is a winner attitudes have made them incapable of dealing with reality. The ones who had decent parents and been through hardship, understand sacrifice and responsibility will make it though, they must tell the younger generation the mistakes of ours.

I get it.
U can't.
I see what u did there.

no but thats where most of them are now, and where many will pass through in the future. It is not just the state of education now, but the number of people it will effect before reformation takes hold.

change is slow. We can estimate the collateral damage of a culture before its completely gone

I mean you grind them up and use them as fertilizer because that would be more productive than letting them live.




Everyone grows up.

You can't fix them, but you can stop there from there being any more by getting rid of zero tolerance in schools and restore the grading system to the way it was pre-2000. Zero tolerance is really a key part of what is creating them

Gen Z in the UK seems to be; 25% polarised to extreme left/right, 25% Liberals and 50% too busy drinking or doing follies to give a shit. If we're gonna do something, we need to focus on the liberals on the fence

They're mostly conservative because they grew up in single mother welfare households and desperately want work and stability in their lives.

They are dumb as rocks, though.

Honestly, electing Trump was one important step. They need to experience what it's like to not get their way, but still function like a normal human.

One of the earliest signs of healthy development in children, is when they recognize that other people have different thoughts and feelings than them. This development is apparent when a child learns to "play nice," and share and discuss rather than argue as they get older. Millennials currently in college seem to have completely missed the boat on this. They seek echo-chambers and safe havens. It's really really sad.

So let Trump be president. Let him do reasonably well. Let the country somehow not implode. And millennials will come one step closer to being functional adults.


I am 20 right now, am I a millennial or gen z?

can be done chemically, or by physically means, ie., vasectomy, hysterectomy etc.

>Gen Z

Millennials comes from gen x, you retard. not the boomers.

They don't want to work

Is the only way, they will be slaves to people genuinely more intelligent and motivated than themselves.


by accusing them of their crimes

The only way to redpill millennials is to go FURTHER left. I know it sounds crazy, but the constant onslaught of SJWs, trannies, gays and feminists are actually pushing more people right than you or Trump could ever do.

> 50% too busy drinking or doing follies to give a shit.
The best way to be 2bh, I bet if America didn't have retarded drinking ages there never would have been a "millenial problem" or this whole SJW menace.

they will grow up once they have in investment in the future, ie family kids that sort of stuff. You usually lose your lofty ideas. Cheering in the oppression olympics and fabricating incidents to really behind to feel like they are achieving something will suddenly stop once you get an actually purpose in life.

there has never in history been one youth political revolution that hasn't turned in to a massive disaster, voting age should be 25 years minimum.

>show me one Article
Typical left
> go talk to a kid ,niece ,nephew ,friends' kid
God forbid volunteer somewhere outside the socialist welfare meme bubble
Smart Kids (aka people) are def red-pilled,
only socialization denigrates the naturally. Magnetic pull of free thought
>you're about it find out how small your cuckverse >actually is.

Once the media abandons you it will become so apparent even the most blue haired leftist shill won't be able to mentally gesticulate from the slow,steady,squeeze of truth

Middle schoolers chanting "build the wall"


I don't know, man. There were a lot of young married women buying the juvenile narratives of liberals/progressives.

what the fuck happened to the left?

it used to be for cool badasses who take zero shit, want to stick it to the man, unionize workers, punch central banks in the face and save the working class.

but now it's for rich young white people living in expensive New York appartment complexes drinking 9.95 USD double pumpkin lattes and want more refugees. they literally MAKE FUN OF THE MIDDLE/LOWER CLASS, call them stupid uneducated REDNECKS.

the left was for the poor people. but now it's for the rich? the rich who want refugees? wtf?

and Lithuania doesn't even HAVE a strong left. we just have right wing parties and that circlejerk and through buzzwords like Europe, European Values, Western Values, Democracy, etc.

Take away their internet.

women are kind of stupid, say what you will but they are so gullible it hurts, then you have cucks who follow to appease them

i dont know the buzzwords but most "millennials" (18-25) are going to get red pilled soon once they are done with college/get a real job/start a family etc.

"Gen X" is going to have the greatest 4 years of their lives under President Trump before they can vote and will be naturally red pilled

It's a slew of indoctrination by government, educational insitutions, religion (or non, because without it they often lack moral and ethnic discipline), social media, news networks, brainwashed, missing, or divided parents, etc that has created the ultimate generation of loyal cattle. It's not possible to fix a generation, you have to start with the future generations to instill new values.

Toon toon.

Don't worry lads. As we all know, we're entering the age of free information that is accessed by anyone. Because of this, people can talk about anything they want and share anything they want. Whereas before, it was all a narrative controlled world.

See, our side of the internet did something remarkably incredible. We used memes to our advantage. We pretty much did the same thing the mainstream media did to the masses, we took control of it, and instead of manipulating people, we countered the manipulation and freed an entire generation that was born into technology.

Does anyone else see it like that?

Not in fucking germany LMAO

Alpha up and swoop in on their women while they're still able to be redpilled. The males will either grow a pair and redpill themselves since they will have no one to mate with or they will go the way of the LGBTQ++

This is one of the most ring wing countries in the world


I'm 28, and was repeatedly told growing up I was GenX. Literally have never heard anything of Millenials until this election cycle. Super dissapointed to be lumped in with these retards. Anyone else experience this?

Most I know think they are red pilled and think they are awake but they aren't.

Jewbook has WAY too strong a hold on them

Think about the 1960s. Now think about the 1980s. Do they fix themselves?