Are we doomed?
Are we doomed?
Never tought I would seriously say this but damn. Fucking degenerates.
what the fuck did I just watch
>armpit hair
How do we fix white people?
What progressives want to normalize
stop pretending that they have anything to be ashamed about.. and they self correct and shame these fucking clowns like in the above video into decent behaviour rather than celebrating "diversity" as being fubar.. ?
idk.. but weird shit some weird kind of lesbian s&m i guess..
>White people
rather than blacks do with their communities which they tend to burn down and glorify criminals, whites are pretty good at shaming eachother away from tolerable behaviour.. if you let us and stop saying how fucking great it is that people are special snowflakes..
*from intolerable behaviour.
This is why I voted Trump
That girl barking is really putting effort in.
One big factor of establishing proper behaviour is SHAMING bad behaviour.. funny enough the sjw morons are creating a culture of not shaming even the most absurd behaviour.. whilst trying to shame people who try to establish proper behaviour as somehow "hateful".. gee could there be a correlation.. with these idiots taking it into further and further absurdity and then having some moron ask the question "well howcome we see more examples of it". question answered.
The bitch on the leash needs some dick right away, the poor thing
what a luxury, used to be you had to wait for the circus to come into town to gawk at freaks, and now you can get self esteem boosts with little travel or trouble! I used to think my taxpayer money was being wasted but honestly, they earned it! lol!
>the barking girl on the leash
im aroused
Instead of people saying "man you are so fucked up for doing that shit" nono "it's great you totally celebrate diversity somehow".. grow the fuck up.. shaming exists for a reason.. not to hurt but to reproach absurd behaviour and to improve it.. you're quite right that the leftist have hijacked this so people are in a quagmire about how they should approach this thing, should they celebrate that person to stand for the beacon of feminism or should they just tell themselves that they are crazy assholes that need to not be associated with till they get their head screwed on straight.. oh what an imposition..
That puppy girl was kinda hot tho
>that barking girl never once breaking character
i have never in my entire life seen something like that
Well they seem to have a great time.
Thought same thing here burgerbro.
I'd fuck her for a very long time.
Women with armpit hair turn me on.
Would put the bitch in her proper place.
Damnitt where these crazors at when my dick be hungering
What the fuck?
Wait, they're blaming Trump for this? I have no face that accurately portrays my feelings of fuck this gay earth.
>hillary voters
Would anyone object to me putting these buffoons down?
we should start a global petition requesting russia to nuke us, how many foreign-bro's would be willing to sign ?
ah it's a shill thing, hilarious..
>people who were for trump are totally uneducated
some of the smartest people in the world are for trump.. it was even highlighted in a test about this especially with women and people in educational institutions.. (state subsidized and heavily influenced currently) the poll that turned out to be right rather than their fake polls, they found a way to find the actual hidden number.. by asking a simple question.. so what are the neighbourghs voting.. they noticed that every time they said trump.. hiding their true vote but was afraid to say, because of repercussions, especially of women and people employed in educational institutions they found this very thing.. and the polling turned out to be extremely accurate with voter turnout at the result..
The very intelligent people ARE for trump but they just won't admit it to your face ;) because they were/still are afraid of what they are up against, which you pituary retards don't even realize.. watch the video..
>good looking petite girl
>ugly fat butch girl
Why are almost every lesbian pairing I've seen like that?
Literally BEGGING for a good dicking
It's honestly true.
I don't need to pretend to be anyone important I can tell you folk in Europe exactly what the fuck is going on in America.
We're afraid to express how we all really feel becuase of liberals trying to violently and completely controlling the perception of the entire fucking country.
nice country you got there, burger. this is what you wanted?
Jesus fucking Christ.
I would buy you a beer after hunt.
fug maybe hillary and ww3 wouldnt be so bad after all
Only in the us you see this...
Too much freedom.
>most white college grads voted Trump
Is there hope for us yet?
A fucking gay leaf
Exactly and it's still very much the case, but they still peddle the lie that only morons voted for trump, could not be further from the truth, if that was the case trump would have never had any chance of winning because they rigged the election massively and there's ongoing investigations and clear fraud cases how they tried to do it including machines that refused to vote for trump and he still won.. the rigging was MASSIVE.. and yet trump prevailed and the people were heard.. but we still have a long time ago, this is just the beginning, now the real work begins till the people that support trump can truly be free with their career not risking being destroyed!
hot dog tho
I was a full blown liberal until I entered the workforce and got a full dose of reality.
So yes, as long as niggers are subhuman criminals there will always be hope.
*a long road to go..
But the curse lifted in the way that it is possible now and it is going to be the case.
Breathe the free air again my friend..
Half of America voted for Trump. The other half voted for this.
Only because of the rigging did it ever become so close as it turned out.. but time reveals all things hopefully. This is why hillary was so sure that she would win, but the vote was so massive that even the rigging could not deter it.
I want to fuck that dog
We are all living in a John waters film
as if she isn't just Bizarro Alex Jones. That is literally how he behaves
Nope, just degenerates are doomed.
I followed the link and it is only a picture. Where is the video everyone is talking about?
the twitter link.. drunken fat lesbian s&m with a girl on a leash.. pouring beer all over herself, nothing to write home about..
What is the context to this? Where are they? Was it planned? Did they rehearse? So many questions.
No boundaries for decency because nobody requires it of them and promotes decadence and asks it to be accepted as normal and decent, "this is how rome fell.."
You don't, they need to die
rome fell because of its decadence and its love for whoring to follow other gods saturn the false sun.. which is seen from the ancient extremely advanced world from the poles as the stationary sun like atum in egypt the stationary sun is not the sun of earth but it is saturn the prison of the cherub, jesus christ messiah is the king of man and the god of abraham isaac and jacob reigns supreme as the creator of this sphere, tremble in fear and humility for thinking to doing evil to your fellow man..
Its only starting friendo, just saw this shit on my twitter feed too.
It's party time everyone. Fuck the environment, we are taking it all right the fuck now. It's time to get rich and MAGA.
>you don't they need to die?
Why is that? give me a good reason cananite! you would destroy abel out of jealousy? not a good reason!
I tell you something and pay attention.. because i save this for you assholes who keep bothering the christians with this foul nonsense.
>white people follow abraham
top kek idiot.. we follow jesus historically for thousand+ years.. not abraham.. those who follow abraham the house esau as jesus said in john 8:31 is the ones who follow abraham but do not follow the god of abraham isaac and jacob, yet say they follow abraham, this is why followers of abraham have bad reputation in persia with zoroastrians before muhammedans converted the zoroastrians to islam by invasion.. it's not because of the followers of christ which came from abraham isaac jacob, go read john 8:31 and see jesus calling them out for following a different god and saying they follow abraham THIS is why in zoroastrians the "followers of abraham" are zoroastrian satans.. they were not followers of abraham and jesus said exactly that, abraham was given covenant to prepare for jesus to come through his lineage.. the ones who deny this and follow abraham and ignore jesus are the bad ones that zoroastrians disliked..
So you have it all backwards..
*"and saying they do NOT follow abraham but claim to follow abraham".. These are edomite or house esau jacobs brother.. through jacob came christ but esau brother jacob is like cain and abel.. jacob means literally supplant.. he supplanted esau because through esau christ was to come but because of esaus sin they did not become this foundation, but instead jacob, that supplanted them, hence esau selling his birthright to jacob.. which became the christians.. since the "followers of abraham" who did not follow abraham, reject jesus as messiah.
Well friends, we're just gonna have to kill em
Yeah, I followed that link. It is a link to a picture, not a video.
the "followers of abraham" the zoroastrians hated is not the christians of today.. it's those who hate the christians today.. again john 8:31 and onward where jesus calls them out.. I hope this clarifies some things for you.
You have it entirely backwards and incorrect. And you blame the wrong people, the "khazars" you talk about are exactly this perpetuation of the "followers of abraham" which are antithetical to the christians.. wake up..
The people you call white people are the actual tribes of the israelites, who forged modern civilization and undid the works of the devil the 10 lost tribes of the house of israel. I am of the danites the tribe of judges. And the jews are of esau, which edom is identified of yemen to saudi arabia makkah where they have their idol to saturn.. look up the jewish teffilin.. the ishmael arabs knew them as banna quraysh.
Pet play's hot you faggot liberals. Landwhale's embarrassing though.
Look up this bitch on twitter: @lfImDancing
It's one of her videos
She loves getting her shit slapped the fucking hell
Bet she'd let you raw dog that butthole too
Well lads, we've tried our best. Here's some Band of Brothers to remind us of the good times.
Filthy sodomites...
I give up. No videos to be found.
I would also encourage you to look up in the bible of what god says about those whom follow him for 1.000 "generations".. and whom he is talking about.. these are who he loves.. the christians..That's europe the ones who defended themselves against caliphate invasion for 1400 years and the ones you wish to destroy.. who saved christianity and are the only ones who follow messiah in this configuration and who baptized the others via missionary work.. the woman (church) fleeing the serpent (middle east) by wings of an eagle.. think very carefully who you condemn with your lack of knowledge.
I want to rape the fatty, hairy one. I want to heal through the power of cock the doggie one.
>That video
Holy fuck this is serious as fuck. We really are in a war.
It's shit like this that makes white nationalism seem like a good idea
Just remember that this will end soon. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
where can I get that breed of dog?
>tfw no spastic submitcutie on a leash
I know this is going to sound fucked up, but I'd let the cow give me a titjob, straight up. Am I the only one?
>Holy fuck this is serious as fuck. We really are in a war.
They declared the war and they are fighting it, we are asleep but because we ignore that they declared it, as is in the interest of any assailant.. if you are not aware you are being attacked.. how much easier it is..
does not mean they don't continue their assault it only means that we are not doing anything about every brutal blow we get till we realize it..
We have left God.
How do we wake up and fight back?
The memes are real
The good surgeon knows, that for the body (people) to survive, parts (degenerates) of it must be removed.
this is what made Trump win
I'd give that dog chick a bone tho, NO FATTIES.
Why do I see this struggle all over again???
Why were people so dumb in preventing this?
The awakening has already occurred, and trump is already elect, support him as he is gods candidate put in charge via parable of jonah and the whale.. he is the reluctant messenger that testified, you heard you listened you acted.. let him do the rest in his position.. turn to jesus christ, pray without ceasing, inform your fellow man, return to nation duty jesus has ordained for this nation.. joel 3 micah 5 this is the bigger stakes.. an empire is to form in middle east with 10 kings.. and god raises up 7 kings and 8 princely men to fight the antichrist, this will help for you to understand that this is not the jews in israel it is talking about.. because they are esau pretending to be house israel.. there are no 7 kings and 8 princely men in israel these are the lost tribes which is europe and the west.. trump or the one who follow him is 1 of the 7 kings..
They don't understand how trump won, because they don't know what is happening.. islam is waiting for a singular emperor in middle east a supreme caliph.. they call al mahdi which means guided one.. which they expect to reign as a singular emperor and to unify all islam under him as singular emperor.. and as this is attempted, god goes to his own crowd.. and restores it.. prepare for battle not now, but later.. but his own is in a dire straits.. but he raises up 7 kings and 8 princely men (nations 7 most powerful ones and 8 who follow them). these are the christians.. the 10 kingdoms is the revived caliphate (1922 ottoman caliphate fell.. mortal headwound, for 1400 years roaring lion seeking whom it might devour tried to invade europe for 1000+ years) the battle lines are being drawn..
Hot girls compete. Fat chicks want to fuck up, not equal. Hot girls will fuck down if they get sick of men and/or just don't want the emotional maintenance of a catty bitch gf, and most lesbians are catty bitches.
It's always easy in hindsight many things and there were several people who said something but people didn't listen but here we are, but these things are not important now.. the only thing that matters now is what you do about it now..