How can americans procailm with a straight face that they have the greatest democracy on earth when barely half of the people even show up to vote?
Even in this supposedly monumental election to end all elections, the final turnout number is expected to be around 57%,. That's pathetic. That's unironically third world tier turnout.
How can americans procailm with a straight face that they have the greatest democracy on earth when barely half of the...
Jason Parker
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Jose Jones
my dad was in the hospital in a coma and couldnt vote
Charles Perez
>49% of births in Germany in 2016 so far were muslim
Wew lad
Carter Reyes
I doubt half of the population is in a coma.
Brayden Nguyen
what exactly are you on about Muhammad?
Ian Collins
Your "democracy" got you Merkel, we got Trump.
'Nuff said.
Jonathan Flores
Are you fookn srs m8?
Zachary Barnes
When did women get voting right?
Gabriel Cooper
Not voting is an expression of democracy
To live in a democratic society means that you are free to vote or not.
Adam Rodriguez
lots of retarded liberals thought Clintons victory was gonna be swift and ez against trump. they underestimated him and the supporters