I am a Mexican American. my parents became legal, had me here in the USA, and they left to Mexico while I stayed here. I love this country. I love Mexico. I love my Mexican background. I am indifferent about Trump, but happy that Hillary fucked off. I do look forward to what Trump is capable of.
Nobody dislikes law abiding citizens. Liberals like to blame everything on racism and sexism because they are mentally ill. Just keep contributing to our country.
Nicholas Jones
>came here legally >citizen >happy to be american while loving own culture Ok so whats the problem?
Noah Lee
how brown are you tho
Connor Fisher
That's not how it works!
Adrian Moore
For many intolerant people there is. I'm worried about OP, stay safe.
Ayden Bailey
If you are pro Trump and Anti Hillary you are smart guy.
Sebastian Anderson
You're an American.
Not 'mexican-american'. You were born here, you're an American.
Leave MUH HERITAGE at the door paco.
Elijah Rivera
As for whether I hate you or not, that depends if you're Mexican or American first. No, you can't be both. Our countries aren't the same at all.
Jordan Parker
Your parents are legal immigrants that went home. You are a legal US citizen who appears to be happy living and doing your thing here. Far as I am concerned, you're fine. Minus a small group of complete retards in here who seem to think that brown immediately equates to "subhuman and inferior," most of Sup Forums and the country at large has no problem with legal immigration. That's all they really care about. "Immigrate if you want, but do it LEGALLY, and there's no problem."
Luis Bailey
We're white Christians, not niggers.
William Hall
One cannot have two masters. You're either American or Mexican. We are not one and the same. If we were to go to war there would be conflict within the people. You need to make a choice because your current stance will only get you enemies on both sides. If you're with Mexico then you need to go there and do your best to make it a great place, not just in your heart but a place that foreign nationalists would acknowledge as great.
Easton Fisher
he has more to worry about from illegal immigrants than he does from white Americans
Adam Peterson
You're alright beaner bro. Just drop the 'Mexican' in front of your real demonym. Retain your native Catholicism though.
Benjamin Morales
>my parents became legal
Jacob Martin
Fuck off with your snowflake stories.
There are millions of legal immigrants who have absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
You also aren't Mexican American. You're an American citizen with Mexican heritage.
Also, who the fuck loves Mexico?
Josiah Powell
Post nudes
Levi Sullivan
Retired men like me
I love latino boyos
Wyatt Rodriguez
You are a legal; we have no problem. Plus, you are still more American than illegals.
Jacob Wilson
Post your boipucci then I will decide.
Nolan Richardson
>love my Mexican background
yeah, i kind of do actually
Aiden Nguyen
Are you gonna get a dual citizenship? Free travel and work throughout the western hemisphere and buy beachfront Caribbean property in Mexico.
Oliver Carter
nothing but love buds who the fuck loves Mexico Mexicans, and people who have actually been there and not just judge based on pictures and memes. duh
y tho I'm a dude
Adrian Hill
>legal Absolutely no problems bro. Making america great again is gonna be a beautiful thing for both of us
Nathaniel Lopez
Old people would prefer to live on Mexico because we have great food and can talk to the neighbors. Young people would prefer to go to USA because they want to buy unnecessary things.
Cameron Gray
This is true
Grayson James
Warms my heart to see pol have a soft side :3
Nicholas Rogers
Not him but when I took up my American Citizenship I renounced my mexican one without ever looking back.
Dual citizenship is for pussies.
Isaac Barnes
I think the other replies here represent the true viewpoints of the far right. Most of them aren't racist as the media would make them out to be-rather they just want people who become law abiding citizens and contribute no matter where they're from.
Julian Garcia
>Be American born of illegal Mexicans >Parents learned English and became U.S citizens >Voted Trump and so did family >Work with fellow beaners that are pro-Shitllary >Go into work yesterday and wont talk to me >I KEK >White bros high 5 me
Praise KEK >
Ryan Evans
>American Citizen >Legal parents
So who cares, you're another American and your parents are legal residents/citizens.
Embrace the American nation and celebrate your ethnic heritage.
Cameron Sanchez
Praise indeed.
Charles Ross
Lol I got triple
Asher Nelson
why did your parents go back to mexico?
Owen Myers
First post, best post.
Legal immigrants are free to come. I welcome anyone coming here legally.
Hell, I even accept a pathway to citizenship for those illegals but it must be that and not a fucking WELCOME sign. Just pass some tests and be vetted. Trump's ultimate policy will probably not be any harsher than that.
Jaxon Cook
yes, working on it.
familial issues at first, family member fell ill so we all went to see her in her last days. eventually I came back, they stayed.
Samuel Brown
People, don't fall for this feel good mentality from the libtards. "Oh, this guy is completely legal, I absolutely MUST express how I don't have a problem with him" "Yep, I really told him. What a reasonable guy I am." Leave this bullshit to the left and their group hugs. OP was being disingenuous as well, it's extremely clear to anyone browsing the board for more than a few days how most of Sup Forums think about stuff like this. He was fishing for these kinds of responses. "Oh god, they really do accept me.This feels so gooooood" This type of thread appears all the fucking time too.
Hudson Peterson
You can take advantage from that. Just as you have advantages in your country, there are some advantages here compared to US.
If you actually renounced having any kind of extra citizenship you are a moron.
Jack Morales
As long as you don't mix with white girls, assimilate, and don't go against white american interests you are fine.
Aiden Gomez
Yes go back if you love it so much. You don't love America, you love the benefits, and Mexico. Gtfo.
Connor Richardson
Nothing in the bible says you have to replace your native population with spics and niggers.
>but muh love my neighbour
Yup, and keep them as neighbours... neighbour countries.
Tyler Cook
No. There are two groups of people that will push our NEW NATIONALISM agenda. The hard working, nothing for free, law abiding, family loving, country loving citizens, Black, White, Asia, Hispanic, etc. etc. Then there are the rest, the viruses, the riot bringers, the lazy, the angry self-defeatists, the deviant protester etc. If any falls in to this latter group, our New Nationalist brothers and sisters will meet you aggressively at every stand, and you WILL be far outnumbered. Our movement will make BLM and anarchist movements look like a fucking Senior knitting circle. Fair warned…. we are here, we have the capital, the connections, and the means to pop up at any given notice. We are underground and YOU are heavily out numbered. “Globalism is the virus we will eradicate”
Jaxon Rodriguez
I hate you. But, just by default, im hispanic/latino descent and I hate all beaners. Shove your mexico up your ass.
Andrew Nelson
why are you this upset, seriously? I am no lib, if that is what you are trying to get at. fuck outta here.
Juan Gutierrez
Why do hate them? Is it because they are mire intellectual than you?
Angel Mitchell
Look, a chicano!
Shoo you animal, shoo!
Gabriel Clark
>can't distinguish actual dislike of a people from bantz Hello Tumblrwhale.
Nathaniel Hill
I apologize for not forgetting nor regretting my Mexican background.
Noah Phillips
>being mexican american >Not just American >Not just mexican yeaaah, you go fuck yourself, you are hated by both.
Justin Lopez
i'm not sure how many times we have to say 'a better place for ALL americans' before brown people start understanding it
Jason Rivera
Bentley Cooper
What the fuck is all this faggot shit about being legal. Multiculturalism (or multi-racialism) either works or it doesn't. Given how things have turned out since Heart-Cellar, it demonstrably does not.
America will be white again, thanks for visiting but you have to go back.
Liam Cruz
kek I have to say, the hue-bros have really been on point lately. What's gotten in to you guys, or have only ones with the most european blood been posting?
Oliver Sanchez
I'm not implying you are, I'm saying libs love jacking each other off like this. I am also not upset, but simply motivated enough by this repeating pattern on the board to write a post about it.
Dominic Brooks
My personal thoughts pertaining to legal immigrants of non-white origin: 1.) If you and your family comes here on a visa it has to be H2B (to prevent droves of the unskilled) 2.) Set a reasonable threshold of immigrants allowed into the country to occur on a bi-annual basis. 3.) You are only allowed to settle in the states of California, Nevada, or Utah. Overall, if you and your family came here through legal means then I am fine with you. Pic related; reason why I have these policies in mind is to prevent scum like that from breeding in our country.
Samuel Green
why does it have to be one or the other? my parents and family originate from Mexico, and you are saying i should look the other way and give them the cold shoulder?
memes have ruined you. go outside for awhile.
Gavin Fisher
Fuck off pleb
Justin Peterson
No flying the Mexico flag without the American flag too, Pedro. And the American flag goes on TOP.
You are either an american, or a mexican. To be a special sonwflake and say you are a citizen of the world will just earn you nothing well deserved rejection
Chose between the cultures, and go fuck off to whatever one you prefer. Preferably following your parents right back over the border.
Christopher Phillips
No. If you understand the Constitution and what this country is founded upon and IF you believe in Jesus, you are literally one of us. Skin color and race politics are tactics of the left.
William Martin
fucking chicanos man. bottom of our barrel
Lucas Jenkins
Probably. I think everyone is a bit more inspired than usual by the mirable of MAGA.
Kayden Hughes
You can't be both pick one, remove the other( if its mexico move out aswell)
Kayden Baker
No, I do not hate my fellow Americans. I hate people who violate the laws of the land and try to de-legitimize the process of immigration. It ruins it for the rest of us legal immigrants.
Hudson Edwards
>If you believe in Jesus
Christian Long
>citizen of the world
never said that. I love both countries and that's all. I think "no borders" and "citizen of the world" folks are idiots, as they want the uniqueness and culture of every country to be eradicated.
I was born and raised here so this is where I feel most comfortable. and nah, I won't choose between the two, as there is literally no benefit to that is there? and I also won't turn my back on family.
Nicholas Rivera
Then you are neither. Might as well chose yourself a special pronoun to call yourself and throw a fit since the doctor wants to know what your sex is.
Leo Hill
I just do. Maybe hate is not the word, more like tolerate. My real compatriots are real americans. So this scum can go fuck off. This is actually offensive to me. The fuck is wrong with DBZ? pic unrelated.
Gavin Lee
Connor Gomez
>Dual citizenship is for pussies fuck off single country citizen with less restriction of the world, I'm also planning to marry someone that is not American, probably a east euro qt and get a triple.
>Anyone saying I am chicano traitor I had one chance in life and ended up born in kekifornia with spic parents, it was the luck of the draw I am a hated law abiding citizen that 80 percent of chicanos are leaching up American blood hell i post on Sup Forums daily
Cooper Davis
>me me me me me, me me
Fuck off
Josiah Williams
Hypothetically speaking if a war broke out between Mexico and America, with Mexicans trying to kill your American friends and family while Americans are trying to kill your Mexican friends and family, who would you fight for then?
Eli Russell
Good lookin' out. You really hit the nail on the head.
Matthew Kelly
Remember this: Hillary paid CTR to come onto this board and spout racist shit so that people like you would think we are all racist. REMEMBER THE TACTICS OF THE LEFT.
MAGA is a mindset, NOT an ethnicity.
Brayden Morris
A war with america is a no brainer.
A better question would be: If Texas seceded from the union, and Mexico would invade it shortly after, who would you support?
Ethan Brown
>I'm legal do you still hate me
Fuck this meme. If you are an immigrant here legally and asking this, gas yourself.
Grayson Allen
But we are racists, senpai. If we wanted to support some multikulty bullshit, we would have supported hillary.
John Green
Henry Ortiz
Nigger are you retarded? Triumph has always said it's the illegal Mexicans that are fucking shit up. Legal immigrants from Mexico are just fucking Americans.
Fuck me you're fucking retarded.
Christopher Price
OK i thought you might have been a salvi that hates Mexicans just because
Anthony Wright
Fuck off, CTR is dead. Civic nationalists can fuck off to r/the_donald
Andrew Lee
I have a dick so I am a dude. I am also American and Mexican, and that boils your blood.
keep using lib memes though.
Lucas Lopez
We don't want your friendly bullshit
Kevin Anderson
if that ever happened I know Mexico is fucked and stands no chance. I would tell any family remaining in Mexico to GTFO and I would fight for the USA. I'm no fool, only Mexico would be for waging war against America.
Hudson Mitchell
damn I almost got quints
Owen Reed
This honestly. I care more about the fact that they are breaking the law and that people are complacent in them breaking the law. We should make a kind of second class citizen system for them so that they can work legally but work under paid, with a majorly low tax for them to compensate the low wage.
Liam Thomas
>legal immigrants are just Americans
Which ones? Because anchor babies sure as hell aren't. Same with the ones that got amnesty under Reagan. The only ones that you could say are real Americans are the ones that were granted legal status through the immigration process and have assimilated or became Americans generations ago when north American Mexican territories became part of the US.
Evan Hall
Americans and Mexicans would not even meet face to face. They'd bomb the shit out of us first and then send niggers to clean the mess up
Jaxson Diaz
Look, admit it that Americans with Mexican heritage who voted Trump are OK with you and you know it. 35% of the Hispanics voted Trump. Those are the good ones. But I agree. typically multiculturalism is a huge strain on a country and I do not believe in all the "we were all migrants." We were based on ENGLISH COMMON LAW, and you have to have an IQ high enough to understand that and a morality to have it work. Even Ben Franklin was worried about the Germans coming over because they were not English. We can take other cultures, just SLOWLY. They also have to INTEGRATE, not remain hostile to Americanism.
Brandon Kelly
Nothing wrong with a little brown sugar. Illegal spics and blacks are the problem, not legal spics.
William Kelly
kys beaner
Liam Foster
Others coming here SLOWLY is not a bad thing, as long as they FUCKING INTEGRATE. Many Mexicans do not. What we need is more European migration instead of 3rd world migration. Higher IQs that will understand and support the foundations of liberty.
David Thompson
Thank you for correcting the record. Working till the end of this week before your contract is up?