Why didn't meme magic work for him when it did for Donald?
Why didn't meme magic work for him when it did for Donald?
because Ron Paul is a faget
trump produced memes
paul did not
Because media ignored him
He never pandered to rednecks
trump brought the bantz, its a necessary part for meme magic.
Meme energy flows all around like the force. However only someone with training can channel the energy generated.
It did, but it was way too weak and raw back then. We learned how to harvest it for the next years. We learned the mechanics and nature. 2016 it was finally achieved. Weaponized memes became a reality and they were ours and ours alone. We put them to good use, I daresay.
But don´t you think it´s over yet. This was just the beginning. While we were dealing with memes and such we discovered it´s source. Kek was not only 4chans lol. It was the name of the god behind meme magic. And we will praise. And he will deliver. As he delivered yesterday.
He didn't create any memes.
He gave no material to be memed.
Meme magic is a give and take.
You need the memes to flow through you, and to flow out of you.
He did not have the faith in memes, or the skill as a meme alchemist, Trump did, he was memeing constantly. He created so many memes his meme magic level was off the charts.
>Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
Only the righteous man can do battle with serpents and emerge unscathed. God spoke. Donald answered.
we can still help him today by getting ron in trump's cabinet
because most of you faggots were on the msm train shitting on ron paul. you guys supported the established republican candidate and bought into the propaganda that ron paul is a cook and had no chance in winning.
>he didnt create memes
Try again. This board is 18 and up btw
Ron Paul was just another learning experience for us on how to properly utilize meme magic.
Obviously the first time wouldn't be a success but it helped us hit a homerun on the second try.
Autism wasnt weaponized back then.
hardly any good memes back then. Hell, hardly any meme at all before 2010
It was a part-success. If not for us, nobody would have known of Ron Paul.
Yea I dont think we knew about Meme Magic then.
We are just starting to realize the power it has.
Because libertarians are self-destructive pussies who believe it's a good idea to have open borders and they also think they can actually win arguments and influence people by autistically defending abstract ideals. Basically Trump is everything they were deficient in as potential leaders and fighters of leftism.
And hardly any 3rd worlders fucking net communities up
Man i really miss the 00s internet
Meme magic wasn't fully recognized back then. It wasn't harnessed or wielded on a political level like it has been here. I think he is an early example of it though, he had some support here but it didn't 'leak' into the mainstream like it did with Donald.
Ron Paul was pre-Kek.
He didn't, we created them for him.
And they were bush league at best.
This meme magic was still at a very early stage during Ron pauls run. Also have to consider meme magic as a discipline takes years to master. We finally where able to get enough high lvl meme magicians, who where able to connect and communicate with KEK ON A HOLY LEVEL!
Memetics 101
normies didn't care about memes back then...they weren't as effective weapon
Pepe Trump > Doom Paul memes any day of the week
There were good memes, but they were norminized by 9fag and le leddit. So they lost all the magic. This year was a success because we, for the first time, actually produced memes that normies would never understand or harvest. Pepe became ours and ours alone.
Ron Paul is a conservative libertarian, not a pussy libertarian like Gary Johnson.
We didn't know about meme magic back then.
Sup Forums only discovered meme magic when the Les Baines plane crash happened early 2015.
low energy
Trump was a reality TV billionaire playboy narcissist who rode a nationalistic social media anti-PC backlash of offensiveness.
Ron is boring in comparison.
He ran before we summoned the egyptian frog God.
The temple of kek hadn't been unearthed, we didn't have a proper conduit.
Our understanding of meme magic was in it's infancy. Ron Paul isn't high energy enough a catalyst for meme magic to work.
We also did not have awareness of kek.
i wonder if there was a noticeable difference in demeanour between pre election reagan and presidential reagan .
surely trump can't act like the tv bastard he has been so far and find some dignity
Your statement is not true.
Libertarians are very Nationalistic. But we are open to allowing certain kinds of individuals into America.
IE: Liberty minded individualists.
Ron like rand is weak during a debate you need to be able to speak over people and shut them down mid sentence Trump was able to do this and show strength Paul and son never did this meme magic is only half the battle
Ron Paul is certainly a smart man, but not anywhere close to Trump, who has one of the highest IQs.
Ron Paul didn't understand 4day chess. He got played by the media, never getting the coverage he needed for a chance.
Ron Paul was to Trump what Abraham was to Jesus.
Kek didn't exist back then.
Trump had Kek
It did. Ron Paul's run broke the matrix, began the deprogramming and woke the sleeping giant.
When do the jajajaja fuck off back to their huts. Once we obtain our White State, I want to have internet that is only browswd by Whites and others with higher IQ's (nips).
90+% of 4channers were democrats/non-registered back then. We discovered him and started switching to Republican. By the time "Ron Paul Sup Forums" was a meme, it was already too late.
>Ron Paul is a conservative libertarian, not a pussy libertarian like Gary Johnson.
He literally wrote an article against building a border wall during the primaries because muh freedom. He wanted open borders.
He's too good for us. We get what we deserve, faggot.
Media totally ignore him, and in the rare occasion that they are giving an airtime to him, they talk to him like he is an lunatic old man.
Also, internet are still only mainstream with younger people, older people still stuck with tv as their only source of information 4 years ago.
>paul did not
Lurk more
OP, I think the reason is because Ron Paul memes were based around happenings, Trumps memes are based on MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Flawed logic.
Sup Forums breached the veil of reality with the plane crash incident.
The tear opened up the reality of magic.
Ron, sadly, ran too early to make anime a reality.
Also he's actually competent desu
It was still in the experimental phases.
You can still see it's effects to this day, with the it's happening memes. But they were few and far between.
Then we had GamerGate... it helped us dig for information and look through media lies. We learned to identify lies, disseminate information and meme it along.
Now Trump, a man larger than life... with slogans and soundbytes everywhere. Easy to meme. Add to that Hillary and the DNC's carelessness and blatantly obvious media collusion and you have a recipe for all out meme destruction.
And Kek > Moloch
Kek Vult.
we didn't have as many people back then, the only good thing about the reddit invasion was their numbers
I like Ron, but he is too kind and too soft. We needed an absolute madman.
Sup Forums was unaware of the existence of our almighty lord Kek
WTF... Is this the 9gag generation? No meme before 2010... Go to bed kiddo
Only once in like 60 years has one political party held president for more than 2 elections in a row. It was bound to happen this time as well especially after all the hate for obongo
Because libertarianism is a false hope. It appeals to the soul of the white man but blinds him and leads him to destruction.
Nothing against Rawpaw though.
Because the democrats and republicans want a fed.
He generally believes in private property rights and against welfare and public support for these immigrants so it would be irrelevant
He was before Sup Forums opened the meme chaos portal to crash planes.
Now memes have changed
1. Ron Paul looks like a fucking pussy. Hillary could probably stomp his goofy ass.
2. Ron Paul is either a shill or a moron.
3. Ron Paul thinks Ayn Rand is a good writer.
4. His memes are nowhere near as dank as Trump's
At least Gary Johnson is sort of cool.
The difference is that Ron Paul is principled to a fault really, and his talents rest more on his honesty and consistency over his leadership and persuasive abilities.
Trump's talents on the other hand are based in his persuasion and leadership abilities that he honed through his business background, and he was willing to flip flop in whatever ways possible to convince people to vote for him.
He also had the celebrity advantage, so the press found it irresistible to cover him for their ratings shekels, while Ron Paul faced a complete blackout.
And really Ron Paul sort of paved the way for Trump, proving how corrupt the media machine and political establishments are, raising the pressure of frustration for the disenfranchised that had to be relieved somewhere. That somewhere was with Trump.
Because it wasn't time. Trump also tried before, but it wasn't time. Obama had to run his course. By then, Ron Paul had retired.
>He generally believes in private property rights and against welfare and public support for these immigrants so it would be irrelevant
How exactly does not giving illegal immigrants welfare keep violent cartel gangs from raping and murdering US citizens in border towns?
>I'm a nerd
>oh! What are you nerdy about?
>Sup Forums.
uh huh
people want to pretend their socialist ideology stemming from prussian ((intellectual)) jews is better
I still can't believe this happened. It really was like a god was attempting contact.
And now Trump is president.
God is real and his name is Kek.
Sup Forums tore the veil.
Sup Forums merely used the hole they made.
Does the rust belt count as rednecks, or are they something else?
by having your own gun and policing?
some parts of our boarders already have walls and they still get in and kill people, you just need security, I suppose for libertarians it would be private security contractors
>a lgbt flag
Low energy.
We discovered the connections way too late.
>Gary Johnson
t.Al Eppo
Without Ron Paul 2012 there would have never been a Trump 2016.
kek did not will it.
He had us bide our time.
In return, he gave us The Donald.
You've gotta do the work if you want to become part of our meme culture and Ron didn't have the qualifications necessary to achieve that status
Ron was mediocre.
Because meme magick is confirmation bias for degenerates. You think Sup Forums/pol/ is significant enough to meme a candidate into the Whitehouse? Keep dreaming you 400lbs LOIC cuck canon.
The only real magick is the court magician that is assigned to every president when they enter office. He/She will fend off mental attacks. Luckily the Russians won't attack the US puppet president, like they did with Bobby Fisher (drove the poor guy insane).
Because we weren't aware of Lord Kek back then.
Reagan had already been Governor of California before running for President.
We discovered Pepe in 2011.
Are you 12?
Even Paraguay beat the shit out of you, get out.
Chronically depressed economically disadvantaged whites. Working class white
The disaffected union vote
Would it have worked better with this man?
He'd be the greatest Secretary of the Treasury now and for forever
Ron is just too old, humble, and wise to be high energy.
He was not KEK's chosen
who the fuck is that?
fuck off with your reddit memes you newfag
Trump was already a meme for normies. Memeing a meme is much easier than memeing Ron Paul
He was too low energy, and memes weren't as potent back in 2008 as they are now.
But why fucking bother. You can't have a libertarian state if you allow pure anarchy
Pepe was way older, it's only then that it reached the lower-quality imageboards like [spoiler]Sup Forums[/spoiler]
Technology had not been invented/perfected yet.
He was not chosen by kek
Trump is a living, breathing meme.
we didnt fully understand meme magic at the time
This. Libertarianism/minarchism is just so outlandish to people that they don't even take it seriously, but Trump tackled issues they are sensitive about. Trump's campaign wasn't just random, he intentionally played the media.
>meme magick isn't real
>Russian mind control is