How do the Brits and other members of the commonwealth feel about the Queen and the royal family?

How do the Brits and other members of the commonwealth feel about the Queen and the royal family?

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As a Brit, I can confirm that she does nothing and holds no opinions on anything publicly.

We view them often not as a collective, but as individuals. Harry is loved by all, no one really cares about that queen, Charles is unlikeable, William is boring, the Duke is a meme.

Would you prefer if she held public opinions on the people, showed a care about her country or the world around it? If I'm not mistaken she isn't allowed to influence politics but still

No. We really do not need any drama from her in this country. Not like it would matter because no one would give a fuck about what she has to say, she's just a revenue machine. Neither the left nor right wing has a bias towards or against her, she's that neutral.

God Bless her

A Europe without kings and queens might as well be communist china.

I wish the monarchy was absolute, Phillip is really red-pilled.
Please take us back.

Canada lacks any form of providence so we'll be be royal subjects until America invades.

I was going to say I can't imagine the Quebec butthurt if that happened but after this election I can imagine it easily, wouldn't be that bad I think.

or in Sup Forums? or in reality?

In Sup Forums all the edgelords wank over her because we as Australians have developed a peculiar inferiority complex where we feel like we need to be part of something bigger like the realm, as we are a new country, we lack our own long history so we need to ride the coattails of yonder years to feel like we are somebody and to feel relevant.

In reality? Nobody gives a fuck, you tell an Australian about being subservient to the Queen in real life and theyll probably tell you to fuck off before they give you the quick one-two. Honestly, she's over 10,000kms away in the UK, how the fuck is she relevant in our lives? But we are just to insecure about our own relevancy to admit it.

TL;DR no one cares, people have busy lives.

But what is there purpose in modern politics and why do they keep getting taxed money (your money) purely for their enjoyment just because they are

> (((ROYAL)))

You are basically giving free food to useless leeches just because they felled from right vagina.

If they work something useful the make country stronger diplomatically, I wouldn't say a thing, but they don't.

I don't see purpose in having royal families.

Can someone explain to me why are they still 'in power'?

>You are basically giving free food to useless leeches just because they felled from right vagina.
It's been proven that, through their cult of personality and tourism, the Royal Faily generate more money than they are given.

That's why they're still in power, it's economically and culturally beneficial to us. There is no reason to be rid of them.

Sorry for some incorrectly written words, it's 2 a.m in Croatia.

> It's been proven that, through their cult of personality and tourism, the Royal Faily generate more money than they are given.

Can you tell me how? What do they do to make money?

2 BILLION people, over a QUARTER of the world's population watched the wedding between our least likeable royal family member and some posh cunt.

Do you see now why they aren't useless? I hear this shit all the time from foreigners. Their names is part of our country, it contributes to tourism, television and other media. Please just think of them in a wider context. They are NOT just useless leeches and the only British people who think they are are chavs, underage of edgelords.

she's a top lass

god bless

Us Americans, and others, go to England on vacations and tour around Buckingham Palace, harassing guards and taking pictures.

Also iirc they still own large swathes of land that the Government is renting from them to work on.

It's also late and I can't type properly

Maybe it's hard for you to understand how huge the Queen is in this country. Despite having no personality she is one of our defining factors.

The Crown Estates is a net profit generator and the Royal Family takes only fifteen percent of the profits, giving the rest voluntarily to the UK government.

Monarchist first and foremost. Looking forwards to accepting an official apology for the 340 year rebellion of the Thirteen Colonies when they ask to rejoin post Trump

People like the Queen, no one believes or will espouse she has real power over us, but she's an important constant if you don't want a government overhaul.

Like the UK, Australia's republican movement is filled to the brim with bleeding hearts that lack a cohesive vision.

Thank you for information. I see a bit of a larger picture now.

God save the Queen.

i like the queen. She's living history.
Charles likes islam. Prinv=ce Harry is dating a divorced half negro.

when she dies it will be the end of them

In this country, if you're not a monarchist, you're a SJW communist scumbag.

love her

Love her and the rest of the Royals, but glad they aren't actually politically relevant.

Anyone who wants to abolish the monarchy altogether will have to go through me. Yes that means you, Jezza.

God save the Queen

I wonder what it's gonna be like when fucking Charles is king

just watch

the opinions and affairs of the royal family honestly get on my tits a lot of the time and the paparazzi vulture swarm that picks on them is annoying, but god help me, at the end of the day i love the queen and i'd do anything for her, for reasons almost beyond my comprehension. republican'ts can never know lightness and purity of this feeling, it would be like trying to explain to a fedora what it feels like to have true faith and be filled with the holy spirit.

it'll skip charles

compromised by jews and lizards
should take a stand for brits in her country then ill believe she is a real monarch

At least we have Trump now

God save the queen! Also total QILF

Gods original nigger

>bleeding hearts

pick one.

The only bleeding hearts are firmly in the pro Queen camp. They desperately cling onto this nostalgia, they want to feel relevant.

Would any normal uncucked country continue to have a monarch who lives 10,000kms away who rarely has a passing thought about them except when she sends one of her sons over for holiday? kek. You have some rich family as the heads of state of multiple countries because they fell out of the right vagina, a family who is actually german and when you look at the claim to the throne you see so how weak the lineage is; 'cousins, twice removed, aunts nephew, brothers brothers son' etc bullshit.

The simple fact of the matter is, it is a combination of

(1) Not having the balls to go alone (2) Nostalgia (3) Wanting to feel relevant and part of something bigger

You want me to like the Royals when prince Harry is fucking some random mexican-american TV star??? Like being run by a bunch of celebrities, thats what they are now. Once the Queen finallhy carks it, its over for them, fuck harry and his yank moviestar, fuck that geriatric charles and fuck that balding cunt and his smug, posh little twat of son. they can lick my arsehole