Well congratulations Sup Forums...

Well congratulations Sup Forums, you've managed to meme Britain into leaving the EU and getting trump elected and have shown you prowess in the arts of meme magic

But I come to you with a challenge. Is your meme magic powerful enough to save even the most depraved of western nations? I'm not talking about the Turkish colony of Germany or the Morocan Refuge of France. No, I speak of something far worse, a nation which few who hear news of it can bring themselves to believe it to be anything but the whispers of a jester.

Meme magicians and servants of Kek, do you have what it takes to take on Sweden?

UK is still in the EU dumbass. They won't sign article 50 because they're cucks. It's been half a year.

All in good time. With each victory, Kek becomes stronger. Make the sacrifices. Keep the faith. And Praise Kek! Unlike those Jew gods, Kek rewards the faithful.

{Dubs} confirm Sweden will be burned to the ground.

We are already polling at around 25%..

When are the elections?

Also, that guy is odd looking enough that memes should be possible. Additional material will be necessary.

One off? not good enough. Let me try
We need higher energy desu
2018, and that dude is the leader of the closest thing we have to a nationalist party

2018 is like a whole fucking year long. When in 2018?

Sweden has fallen.

There is nothing to salvage.

The only humane solution to that problem is carpet bombing.


meme magic requires initial momentum

memen magic is an anokifier, it can't create something

something needs to be there originally


fugging phone

When's Swedens next election cycle?


Literally only way for this to succeed is to make Löfven appreciate it. SD can't do anything alone because of the alliance system. The opposition of cuckservatives would be too strong.

So what I'm saying, you need to do it the good old-fashioned European way: to cooperate with leftists and then take over.

Sorry, Sweden, you have to fall to serve as a dire warning to the rest of the world.


Heh, just watch this, kid.

Don't pretend you know anything about politics outside of the US

Maybe kek does not want to save sweden

We won't save Sweden.

Kek won't.
You'll be the warning to the rest of the lefties and cucked nations.
Your country will be sacrificed to save France, then maybe Germany.
The bright side, Kek willing, Merkel gets a taste of her own medicine going to your CUNTry.

Sweden has the best blue pilled politicians and journalists in the world.

9th of september

I certainly hope this isn't the case, but if that is how it must be then I look forward to restoring it from the ashes, reborn with the it's spirit of old.