Yuri Bezmenov...IS THIS A JOKE?


Just got time to watch this fully and wow...is this really what has been going on the whole time? Some of the shit in this video is scary accurate. Like everything.

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>is this really what has been going on the whole time?


HOW do you even fucking start an operation like that. Honestly this shit is just next level, glad I avoided the subversion

You must be new here

Get woke, anonbro

Everything he says is true.

>Some of the shit in this video is scary accurate. Like everything.

Because it's true, and it's why the Liberal cancer has always been ordained a cancer to society.

never had the time to watch the full hour +
wish i never did

And so what stage do you guys think we are at?
Beyond destabilizing?
Seems like were almost at a fucking civil war

You take a gvernment with god power over all resources and people and then you pour time into whatever insane endeavor you want with zero resistance because you'll kill people who resist.

Continue for decades ignoring any pesky side issues like tens of millions of people starving to death or the nations you claim to be so deficient outpacing you beyond measurement.

we have stopped their phase of demoralization, it is not over, but it has slowed down

memes. literally memes. like 'black people are constantly discriminated agains', less military leads to more peace, taxing the rich helps the poor, women earn 75% of what men earn ... all those ideas in society that have become self-evident truth are actually just age-old memes. (meme as in 'self replicating unit for carrying cultural ideas that spreads within a population' - not as in image-macro)

But who is pushing the operation now? just globalists in general?

Truly we are the meme antidote.

the ending is bullshit though

No one. The seeds have been sown, they don't require the farmer to grow.

How do you mean? I think he makes perfect points throughout the entire video, honestly

Even the 2x2=4 concept is so fucking accurate its crazy how good he puts everything into words

also pushed HEAVY by the media & social media which makes them feel validated

merely soviet fantasies of ruling the world.....if their ideas were so good why did they lose?

>No one. The seeds have been sown, they don't require the farmer to grow.
very true, so they were planted by the kgb then?

may not be perfect but what is

At the tip - about 50/50. Once it goes beyond that, it's over and the nation will fall.

This is why extreme liberalism is more frightening than extreme conservatism. Conservatism creates patriots and nationalists - a more outward pushing force. We are more likely to start wars but less likely to do it within our nation. Liberalism creates degeneracy, equality, and breaks down society through clashes and class warfare - a more inward pushing force.

To the extreme, both are bad but a nation can only collapse under liberalism.


It was all a ruse by the Soviet Union to make their enemies weak from within

who knows, maybe
it doesn't really matter who put the seeds there

shame the soviet union didn't survive long enough to reap it's crop

Yes but also the people themselves push it automatically now because they are retards.

Feminists achieved equal pay 50 years ago and yet one of the main feminist issues today is equal pay. They are so ill informed and so weak minded they don't know anything about what the claim to be.

Bezmenov says once you get into it people can't be convinced otherwise, an it's clearly true. Women now have it easier than anyone ever has yet they think they are holocasut survivors. Something as simple as checking your pay against a colleague is beyond their intellect.


Honestly his videos should be sticked on the top of the board.

the ideas that defeated them

true again sir

not a religious person but he makes a very valid point about religion and how it helps to keep the degeneracy down

*haven't watched the full hour+ video

>Libtards still trying this hard

Me on the left.

Well,it would be better for everyone in a way,at least you could name the enemy,now the enemy is invisible,hidden.

shit didn't work fast enough in the west. think of the peace movement in Germany. introduced by the soviets in the 1950s, spread in the 60s and 70s throughout universities and infested the then-intellectuals, mutated during the eighties to the anti-nuclear movement and then into the ecological movement, became in the end of the 80s and during the 90 a minor political power and is now backed by the establishment (the students from the 60/70s are now judges yada yada) and influences now German policy and can not be questioned.

shit takes time to penetrate society.

>your just finding out about Yuri

nice try kgb

i hope

yeah i NEVER heard of him EVER before

Doesn't have to. Just compare 50s US to today. Marxism doesn't need a nation to be represented

What are other things that you would consider to be necessary to know about? I am just learning about Yuri and would like to be learning more. Where to start?

they understand our brain far better than we understand it, it's actually fucking terrifying if you think what kind of power these military scientists have, they can do things to us and we wouldn't even know it

true, but russia arent the only ones subverting... there are other countries working as well. we are just the battleground because we are the most powerful country.

it is interesting when he says you cant subvert soviet union because the borders are closed.

the us has been desinged to be manipulated.
why is it surprising that we are the targets of all these subversion.

but no matter how you look at it trumps win has reset the board. one group that was controling has been sidelined.

who will control now?

They didn't have good ideas, they had the ultimate loser mentality.

The subversion in the video is the purest form of leftism, the relentless sickening jealousy aimed at anyone successful and the desire to attack them.

The Soviets were looking at the USA through a telescope whilst jacking off and shouting about how bad it is and how it needs to be destroyed. The subversive plan is like a huge stalkers notebook covered in jizz stains and photographs of the target with big X marks drawn on the face.

Instead of fixing their country they spent decades hate jizzing over the USA.


its because the us politicians are easiest to be bought

I didn't say Marxism died, I said that the USSR died.

Try this I suppose. Went viral about a year ago.

oops English subs

If you thought marxism died out you are a fool. They have been playing the long game for quite some time.
“Communism never sleeps, never changes its objectives. Nor must we.” - Margaret Thatcher

>capitalism destroys western civilization
>reactionaries still somehow blame communism

what linked you here?

the (((soviet union))) didn't survive
but the (((soviets))) did

To the video? I've known about yuri from here actually just never took the time to watch a full video of his

What you have last seen in the past 24 hours, is what you are going to be seeing a lot of now that their total political power is about as close to 0 as it can get.


Ive seen this before, do you think its a coincidence its germany getting bad now?

No but, Merkel is really stupid and probably thought she did the right thing

Yes. Reality is fucked up. This is an excellent video and should be required viewing for all red pilled people.

political correctness

someone should buy out an hour of tv time and fucking play this shit on primetime

Frankfurt school

also read this

>doesn't have the good opening music anymore

Was just trying to find the correct video and found pic related on the Chinese translated version.

do you think trump could be demonized as another hitler in the future?

You're asking for quite a load of money there

Welcome to Sup Forums you're here forever

Go fund me's have been started for much, much more pointless reasons my friend

buckley was so fucking based haha

is that good or bad? idk how to feel

Well, you'll have the veil ripped off by force. It's going to freak you out the more you dig. But in Time you will a hardened shitposter. I say enjoy

Also five headfirst into the JQ. Check out culture of critique by Kevin MacDonald
It's widely available
>2secs in Google


Yep and the Bolsheviks, Carl Marx, the commies who caused all this shit. Predominantly Jewish.

Fight memes with memes.

im pretty red pilled already, ive been on here the past couple months but i thought it was just a phase i could kick after the election


The Jewish Question


This whole time I thought it was the Jews degrading American society but I guess we're just feeling the effects of KGB subversion

The OG Communist Jews got the ball rolling in our education system, and the ball has been rolling ever since with no centralized control. We are just now slowing down the momentum of the cultural Marxists and their subversion.

Hey, he's new but he's willing. Sup Forumsneeds to stop punching right. Teach him, don't bantz him. We need everyone we can to help MEGA

awesome thanks!

It's true. The jews are largely blameless for all of this degenerate shit.

I'll take Bolsheviks for 1000 shekels alex.

Don't slack off m88, read the culture of critique. Just nab the pdf

Fuck off JIDF, every major Russian commie was Jewish


Proud of you, user.

thank you for the spread of knowledge, its been a lot of information to process over the last few months to understand what is going on

Well said, checked.

It's an interesting process, to say the least.

Kike the wars, race gas now!

Trump is a Russian stooge they said.

Remember the Clintons always project.

When you get through that book, you'll see how everything yuri said in that interview is true, and a result of Jewish subversion beginning with the Bolsheviks and ending with todays sjw bullshit.

I hope gen z smashes this bullshit

is there an easy way to end this shit? i feel like even if you kill off the leaders it will do nothing because everything is in place. like a fucking worm

welcome to Sup Forums

enjoy your stay and remember:
you're here forever

i can already tell a lot of the stuff he said is true, i am in that 18-25 age range so its pretty rough out here. cant wait to read more about it

The goal isn't killing anyone, it's the removal of influence that matters

Except muslims, they need glassed

memes, ideally by scrapping the (((education))) system and making a real education system

thats what everyone keeps telling me :/

I hope its true what they say: people get conservative as they get older because my generation is literally fucked

Explain how August Putsch failed if KGB was as powerful as you people think they were.
Bezmenov made a good commentary on social decay in West but to think it's some KGB plot is to be naive and ignorant about history.
And read fucking Spengler.

Who the fuck do you think was making these decisions in the soviet government? Fucking lurk more retard

It's very true

>adolescence: no responsibility. No real exposure to life and (((vibrant))) behavior
>adulthood: life smacks you in the face. Hard.

Took me to my mid 20s to take my last redpill. I regret nothing.

Mostly ethnic Russians (plus Ukrainians) and surprisingly high number of Caucasians.
Not a single Jew was in Politburo after Stalin's purges, excluding Lazar Kaganovich.

>it's some KGB plot

the seed was planted and it grew and continued to propagate itself even after the collapse of the soviet union and currently infests academia

Ive taken a good amount of my red pills already so im glad it hit me early. but cant say the same for a lot of my friends/poeple my age

Wrong. All major Marxists were jews. Bolshevism was literally Jewish Marxism

Gas yourself

Metal Gear post best post, absolutely true.