What did he mean by this?
Why Are Indians So Happy About Trump?
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i want to know this too. i randomly stumbled over an indian message board and they were having positive in depth discussion about the geopolitical policies of trump.
because he said that that hindus were based and he will help the religion
>Why Are Indians So Happy About Trump?
America and India hate each other under Obama.
> reuters.com
Muslims are so subhuman that even parjeet can't stand them.
Indian-Americans are the highest income earners in the US.
Indians are traditionally very fiscally conservative. Which is why they are among the wealthiest of immigrant classes in the United States. We need more of these immigrants here. Not low rent, low iq money drains
And for the record, Sikhs are very cool people
Indians hate Isis, and trump made promises to destroy them. Also trump never said anything negative or demeaning about them throughout this entire election
One theory that I have is that India hates Muslims more than the Americans do because they've had to deal with more Islamic terrorism on their soil than Americans.
Trump literally talking Hindi. LMAO
Most countries that are in bad waters with the US are happy that Trump won and are looking forward to dealing with him.
Keep in mind that a lot of what people accept as truth in the US about his policies and Trump himself is based on a slander campaign by the local media. If you listen to the media in the US, you'd think Trump ate babies and wiped his ass with his house negro's hands. I'm guessing their media is more neutral and those countries actually know what's up.
Because they know Trump prefers them over Pakistan
Thanks, negroid.
As an Indian it's just a very simple answer, Indians hate Muslims because Isis is so close to India that they've been getting drilled by attacks and bombings. So hearing Trump stand up and call out Muslims was a positive. The only problem is his fantasy is so retarded they won't know the difference, many Sikhs will be attacked.
Are you fucking dumb, aren't you guy meant to be political observers?
Indian Hindus really, really, REALLY fucking hate Muslims.
That's the source of the whole India / Pakistan rivalry.
So Indians see Trump's (extremely warranted) Islamophobia as an excellent sign.
That is how India becomes super power, combined effort to destroy Islam
Looks shopped
They will be the first affected by trumps visa policies.
and rightfully so those shit loving niggers.
They need to stay out.
Because Indians are cheaper and richer than Jews and will do anything to save a penny, so they love his tax plans. How do I know this? Ask anyone who ever worked retail.
America gets to build toilets, India gets plumbing
Everyone wins
As an Indian-American, I am happy.
That isn't even a muslim, you moron
probably something related to India's problem with Muslims and Trump's opposition to Muslim influence. We almost had a Saudi spy in the white house. Nobody voted for her, but she would've been the one running things because Hillary is decrepit
Faggot, I'm talking about indians.
And yes, they are still ragheads thus why they are wearing rags on their filthy heads.
Because India fucking HATES China
>Very feminine hand and wrist.
What did you mean by this?
There is an Indian guy at my work and he is a HUGE Trump supporter. We work together and we have a break group with just the boys where all we shoot the shit. His early open display of Trump support inspired me to come out of the "Trump closet" many months ago which is probably rarer in super liberal Canada. Most of the group was pretty neutral on it, generally they laughed at the Trump antics and considered Hillary corrupt.
Anyways the Indian dude loves Trump because of the anti-terrorist rhetoric. Hates Pakistan (and probably Islam too but I'm guessing he won't say it outright), wants Trump to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. For any poos reading this the guy is from Goa, don't know if that adds any perspective for you or not.
Fairly redpilled dude, he is basically a Sup Forums poster but much older.
They hate Muslims and welfare parasites
As long as they can learn to poo in a loo, they can come here
Trump will let individual states decide weather poo in looing will be allowed.
He promised to help fund the institutionalization of 500,000 public toilets.
Trump is going to stick it to muslims and China which makes India a natural ally and beneficiary
Why did Xiping congratulate Trump then?
Brown people suddenly thinking they're close with Americans because DJ Trump doesn't like Muslims and they don't like Muslims.
When in reality, Indians are a part of the fucking problem in the U.S. as well (and the UK too). Vast majority of them are Democrats, support their brethren abusing the H1B Visa program, and fucking flood the US graduate system with cheaters and retards.
Its real.
because Trump is POTUS and everyone congratulates POTUS whether they like him or not
one of my teacher is an indian lady and for the past month shes been constantly dropping subtle remarks about how hillary sucks and maybe trump wouldn't be so bad. i was a little surprised desu
Because they will be a superpower by 2020
It's definitely real, just look at what the wife is wearing. Complete lack of assimilation to the host country's culture.
The Poo in Loos will ally with the white man, we'll give them favorable toilet trade deals!
He said India factored into his plans "big time" (or similar Trumpism) and he called them even before Britain in the traditional president-elect dial-a-thon.
Also, he shares their concerns about radical Islamic terrorism. and isn't afraid to say so.
Anyone seen trumps Instagram account? It's just shitskins talking in Arabic, no English comments in sight
Arab here, 95% of Arabs voted for him; Muslim and Christian
He vowed to jail and deport extremists. That includes Arab and Pakis/bengalis
I noticed trump specifically reached out for indian votes. they're only 1% of the population so it's a pretty small group to acknowledge, not that there's anything wrong with doing that.
Yeah bullshit. I've worked a few jobs for these people and have seen more than enough to know not to take any more jobs from them. One of them calls me and i hang up as soon as i hear their accent. They bring a new meaning to the word 'cheap'.
People like you should be gassed.
Indians hate Muslims more than most of the Western world. A US president that actually might do something about them is the best thing they could ask for.
He will give them loos for all their poos and a ruppie for every poopie
And? Poo culture is based, conservative, hate muslims, work hard, fuck niggers shit up when they chimp out. Most women ugly but occasionally produce qts
First of all I think Trump has some business interests in India. It was odd to hear him bash China, Mexico, Japan, etc. and not have a single bad word to say about India (who are courting companies to move manufacturing to India).
As for the right wingers in India it's simple. Trump's anti-muslim rhetoric speaks to them. The US has always been on the side of Pakistan and gives them economic/military aid, even though it's obvious they sponsor terrorism and harbor wanted fugitives. Trump seems to want to reverse that and build relations with India as opposed to Pakistan.
Can Trump kick out the Indians as well? If they can't speak the language properly might as well kick them out too.
Kys jizzrag. Indians are cheap as fuck and are impossible to please. There is zero benefit in having them in your community.
It isn't I'm the one who took the picture.
We didnt say you had to work for them. They mostly hire family members anyways
Plus there isnt anything wrong with being cheap you faggot. How else are you supposed to save money these days without being a massive cheapskate
Because they have a very corrupt country and actually believe in democracy, despite how fucked up their country is they have that going for them. They know the alternative and have lived with Muslim invaders for many centuries.
because trump will help the Jews in their plan to rid the world of both Islam and Christianity which are disgusting fraudulent faiths based on fake gods
My indian math teacher wasn't too fond of him
Pajeets hate Muslims more tha any1, that's why
I had many indian friends this past week who just told me they support trump. Ive had one who was a hillary supporter, but completely respects my opinion.
of all my friends, loos are the most based.
My mechanics teacher is Indian and he was excited about a Trump presidency.
1) Indians are conservative
2) Kashmir is probably the most likely place for a war to happen in the world. China supports Pakistan, so India needs the US's support
The Jewspiracy is some Dunning-Kruger shit. Its not even possible for an entire ethnicity to think the same way. Wonder why so many old stock WASP people are represented in the elite sector too along with Jews? Because it favors people of high intelligence.
towel on head =/= kaboom!
cmon user get it together
Any google (or other) translations?
>thinking trump isn't a Jew plant
that's some bluepilled shit right there
I can't see that happening.These people shit in the middle of the street and go worship toilets afterwards
That's why.
They get it
Hire family members to reprogram their computers. Im talking about construction. At no time will you ever see an indian working construction so they cant hire family. They waste everybodies time, calling 5-10 contractors to put bids in and then will call around to a few more, just to see if they can maybe save another 80 bucks. They are useless
because india is two oceans away and they actually need to work and be valuable to get here, that and they all seem to own some kind of small store
They have been fighting Muslims since its creation.
First and second generations don't assimilate that fast.
Becuase their competitive and want to succeed, unlike nigs and Hispanics who just want gibs
They think he will be a dick to China and Muslims and a friend to Russia which is the entire foreign policy of India summed up
What is this from?
That's a Kara.
Means he's bro tier
But the kid is dressed like any other young girl. They will assimilate eventually, even if it takes a generation. Indians cause like zero trouble. I don't mind them at all.
This. The worst thing they do is smell of curry but my buddy Patrick cooks badass curry.
The quality of work indians provide is attrocious
>trump plays 4d chess the entire campaign
>indians happen to have some of the better chess players and support trump
is this coincidence?
>> Based
Fuck you nigger lover fuck off with your nigger loving niggery nigger words this is my country again niggery nigger nigerr lover kys
weird, i wonder if the Sikh have had any problems with muslims?
Dear God you're new
/r/ing the article of the hindus performing rituals to get Trump elected from months ago
You're new to this world mother fucker.
Hillary's defeat speech
Modi is part of this new global axis of nationalism like Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Putin, etc. India is going to be a strong ally of ours in this new world.
For some reason I feel like Indians that don't absolutely, completely assimilate into cultures still fit in very well. I have no idea why this is but life experience I guess makes me believe it to be true.
he disavowed the toilet witch multiple times during his campaign
Because they abuse the shit out of our immigration laws as they currently are.
I thought summer was over