Im a muslim hijab wearing woman and last night i was attacked

im a muslim hijab wearing woman and last night i was attacked

15 racist trump supporter gather around me and grab my hijab and said "we are going to repeal womens rights" and called me a mexican

how can you support such a hate filled president?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because of what his supporters did to you

>Today on: Things that never fucking happened


What where you doing outside the house alone, you cunt ? Stone her !


I'm a gay Jewish double nigger and a Trump supporter refused to hold the door open for me and then told me to go back to Mexico. I told him I was a black Israeli and he said he knew cause I was covered with soot from the oven oiy vey

You're talking back to men. Tits or get stoned to death.

kek these tweets are popping up fucking everywhere, how retarded are people

Does anyone have the one with the faggot who got "beat up"?

I'm a trans queer black womyn and today 74,000 Trump supporters came up to me and said 'If you Don't reply to this post your mother will die tonight'.

How can you guys support this racist sexist transphobic bigot???1


If this actually happened it would be all over the news. Fuck off and lie on Reddit where they'll believe this bullshit.

>and called me a Mexican

I'm a z Muslim and today at the market a white woman told me to go blow myself after I asked her for a date.

Such hateful white women.

im also a muslim and trump supporters raped by tight little boipussy

i was walking down the street when a clan of trump-supporters noticed my genderfluidness and immediately started raping at me. pls send help this is real ! (i dont need help i'm independent)

Kos omak ya Mara ya weskha

>and you still had time to count them?..really?

>and called me a mexican

I was going to bitch OP out for being a bait faggot but he made me laugh so God bless him.

Hijab is a *literal* symbol of women's oppression. So why isn't it banned in US?
U w0t doublethink much?


really, faggot?

headscarves are a staple of many cultures, not just the middle east. kinda sexy too, desu senpai

nice bait, show your hijab then, 3 muslims already are claiming getting robbed and attacked.

Don't you mean trash bag?

What about those crazy chechen niggers or however you spell it.

Dont they want independence from Russia?

I'm literally shaking. I'm Canada's residential transgender Muslim inuit womxn and I thought I was safe in what I thought was a beautiful, tolerant, progressive country. Boy, was I wrong.

This morning I was approached by three heterosexual white men and a white woMAN and they literally raped me (let me clarify, verbal rape, not physical). I was in the line-up for Tim Hortons for my daily Herb and Garlic Everything Bagel and when I went to sit down I noticed there was fucking BACON. Yes. BACON. IN. MY. FUCKING. BAGEL. I had to breathe in and out repeatedly and I came to the conclusion this must be a mistake. I thought, "In no way was this intentional, right?" I was wrong. I went to the counter and was greeted by a white man with a Make America Great Again hat looking at me with the most sinister, hateful grin I've ever seen on a white devil's face. He told me in the most grating voice "EH YOU FOOCKING HOSER GO BACK TO SNOW CHINA." I immediately panicked and looked around me for help. This is fucking Canada, this can't be happening. This can't be fucking happening. I expected some smart people to stick up for me, but I noticed the only people in the line-up were two white men and the white woMAN. They clapped in approval and hurled insults at me, "YOU FLAP-HACKY TOWEL FREAK", "IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR, EH?" "WE'LL TAKE BIEBER BACK IF IT MEANS GETTING RID OF YOU B'Y". I screamed and ran out of the building but I was followed. The verbal raping was over. It turned physical. I was help up against the exterior wall of Timmies and had my Parka torn open and they grabbed me. They started to rape me and grunted "EH... BUDDY... PAL... FRIEND... GUY..." with every thrust into me.
I fell unconscious, and when I woke up they were walking away. One of them noticed me and said "Sorry eh".

I am literally shaking right now.

Crazy chechen niggers don't wear hijab, because their leader said so. However, central asian niggers still wear it.

Too bad they didn't rape you for goodbye.
Shit bait is shit.


wow unbelievable baka lots of hugs

- Things that happened
- This

Pick one

Same thing happened to me. I tried to run away but they grabbed me by the pussy. Then they threw me on the ground and started raping me. All I could do was cry in the fetal position while their fingers probed my pussy and my ass. Then one of them got really close to my ear and whispered reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

It is true and I am LITERALLY shaking.

Ever considered abandoning Islam?

I bet you have full and beautiful hair. Why not show it? Be a rebel!

I was walking outside last night when a group of angry trump supporters came at me from all sides. I wanted to scream for help but I was shaking in my timbs, I was so scared I couldn't even run. I told them "I'll have you know, I graduated at the top of my class with a degree in inter-racial female health studies." They got even angry and came at my disenfranchised vagina from all angles with all sizes of phallic objects.

I'm literally shaking so hard right now

Were you literally shaking when they grabbed you by the hijab?

>Canadian Muslim
>Mother - who was literally shaking - begged me not to wear the hijab but I wanted to show I wouldn't be afraid
>My mistake, while talking to Mr.Chang the landlord a group of 40 or so Americans broke into the room
>They were all over the age of 50 of course, with no future in this country and no higher education but somehow they had founded me
>While screaming 'REVENGE FOR 1812!' they beat me and dragged into the street before branding my forehead with a swastika
>I'd post a picture of this but the wound healed up thanks to this amazing skin lotion I bought from the Goldstein Pharmacy, they're really amazing and even having a sale today check them out!


I hear you sister
my wife's 3 year old xhe was gang-raped by Trump supporters last night
literally still shaking rn in my safe space

Maybe next time it'll be your family.

Yeah, we know this story is a lie.

Yeah, I'm with you OP.
No idea how anyone could support Obama after this. Can't believe his presidency is allowing this to happen.



i'm a disabled trans asian nigger jew and last night a semi pulled up to me and opened the back and 88 white supremacists jumped out and tore off my kimono, yamika and air jordans and told me "this is our country now nigger, youre a nigger and literally lynched me and spray painted trump rules on my boi pussy its real guys and yes i've filed a police report but i'm just so afraid. is this what our country is now? also my 8 year old said mommy/daddy/xerself is the bad man going to take away my toys and put us in camps? this can't be happening but it totally is

Wish we could finish you off, Mudslime, back to Afghanistan with you.


>15 racist trump supporter gather around me and grab my hijab and said "we are going to repeal womens rights" and called me a mexican


I can't even with this right now

i'm shaking so much

i'm hear for u xerfriend.
we WILL make it through this together
don't commit suicide though we are all just totally about to do it.