Trump says whatever's on his mind and he's criticized her more than he's praised her.
Well he cant say Putin now.. not yet at least.
Let him work with her for a while and he will change his mind.
We have to play it cool until Jan 20th
You guys have to be the fucking stupidest imbred products of cousin fucking, or a mishap in a cloning experiment. The guy just ran the most device campaign ever seen in human history... now he is in charge of everyone. He's trying to bring everyone together so he can manage the masses and start introducing policy. He just destroyed the first "skrong womyn president," he's gotta say something nice about a woman leader of another strong country. You fucking idiots.
But why Angela Merkel??????
Trump could've named anyone as his favorite world leader and of all the people he chooses Merkel! Makes no sense.....
it's hollow pleasantries... it's literally fucking nothing...
that's really cherry picked, he says it as he says her immigration policy is shit
He's just playing it cool I guess.
Giving him until august to B everyone TFO.
>written in september
>he literally says he still doesn't like her immigration policies
Is CTR here to stay?
Because he was talking about her immigration policies being a disaster. Go fuck yourself.
How is publishing stuff like this even legal? NO WHERE does he anything even remotely like "Angela Merkel is my favorite world leader". He praises her then immediately attacks her immigration/refugee policy. That's literally it.
Fuck you OP for being a fucking retard, you aren't fooling anyone with half a brain and the capacity to actually read an article.
Trump is a troll. Fucking idiot.
what the fuck is wrong with him
should have said Hitler
You're talking to a brick wall lol.
I mean who else could he even say?
She's the only one he could remember off the top of his head
its fucking nothing retard
he treats interviews like vanalities
He's trying to get inside her head. Do you people even psychological warfare?
Goys, Merkel is just a puppet. I think shes secretly very happy that Trump won.
he should have said mark rutte, he is a good prime minister in netherlands
It's gotta be a joke, because I'm laughing
He didn't wait a day to start disappointing, first saying he's going to seek Obama for counsel "many many times" now fucking Merkel?
All of the nationalist politicians who praised him are scratching their heads right now
literally nowhere in the article did he say that, he said what he said in the debates. he respected her as a leader and then something went wrong in terms of the immigration and other stuff, which most agree with. she was elected several times for a reason
>Republican nominee’s comments come after he had said Merkel was ‘ruining Germany’ and said she should be ‘ashamed of herself’ over her refugee policy
Drumpf is gonna be such a clusterfuck, lol.
“I think Merkel is a really great world leader.”
also you're confusing Trump for Bill Weld, who really named Merkele as his favorite world leader.
Yes... the only problem with Merkel (which Trump still stands firm on) is immigration and energy policies.
She would be a great leader if she hated mudshit immigrants.
He said it because she's a woman and wanted to look good
That simple
>Friday 30 September 2016
The pivot begins.
It amazes me how like 90% of Sup Forums doesn't actually read any of the articles posted here before commenting on them.
He is just a person and doesn't give a fuck about left, right or political manouvreing. It is part of his success and it is undeniable that Merkel knows how to keep a government under her thumb.
Yeah, the only problem with Merkel is that she is Merkel who fucked up ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING she was confronted with in the past years beyond repair.
gg Sven, no re.
thats with anything on the internet
>not naming this one
Seems that way. We had a break for a bit at least.
keep em guessing. no one will know what position trump has taken until he does something about it
wow it's fucking nothing
Pacing and leading at its best...
Check Dilbertman's blog on Trump or even better his interview with Dave Rubin. Trump pretty much pretends to be on your team so then he can tell you what to do.
“Hillary Clinton is running to be America’s Angela Merkel, and we’ve seen how much crime and how many problems that’s caused the German people.”
Hillary BTFO and stay BTFO
>he hasn't already learned to take what trump says and cool it by a few degrees to get his real position
He shit on diet coke and then said he would still drink it. This is some 42d chess. Merkel praised trump unironically. Trump was using it as a one-liner to build up his smack down on immigration. Merkel thinks he's gonna be good.
To the retards complaining I hope you understand that Trump is still playing 69D chess but the game has changed. He needs to sway the world to do his bidding. Trust the Don he'll get results. This literally costs him nothing and warms up the world of fags and cucks to him.
Her politics contributed to his success.
He wants unity. He is going to say and do things to ease his way into power. Then
>Angela Merkel, she's truly a wonderful, wonderful woman, one of my favorite World leader, I might even say my favorite, but her immigration policies are a big disaster and the Germans need to change it to start winning big league again.
Trump always does things like this to criticize something or someone, it's an incredible strategy. Have some faith in the God Emperor.
Trumps buttering up the people he has to work with he did the same thing during this entire election. The moment she pisses him off in any way he'll attack her again.
>who else
literlly hitler i mean cmon
Truly a legend. You cannot get results like these.
>/pol keeps getting BTFO by their great emperor
>muslin ban gone
>biggest cuck leader
>no wall
>whats next?
>alleged drug users and dealers
>4812 dead
dude will be remembered as an other pol pot
This is so out of character for Trump. I'm scared the CIA did some kind of mind control thing to him during his meeting with Obongo
Wow. Drumpf is finished now, we Sup Forumsacks need to take down the jew puppet that we've authored. I'm not a jew or anything, so I wouldn't know, but it looks like the country will be destroyed by jews if we let him win. We need to start civil war.
He absolutely hates Merkel, she's Hillary with less corruption. Obongo and Merkel had good ties but Trump and her won't.
>You retards still not understanding 4d interdemensional chess.
Seriously, his favorite leader EXAMPLE of what NOT to fucking do.
He will let Clinton walk free.
this shit is getting worse every hour
Correct, its arguing 101
You give someone an inch so you can take two
Liberal are very caring people, but their ideas and policies are disastrous to the economy.
Its easier for people to digest the opinion when you format it this way.
He's just trying to pivot with the sort of people who are now calling for his assassination. Socially Trump is not as conservative as he presented himself during the election. He wants to close the border primarily for economic and demographic reasons.
>being the only guy in America who wasn't actually CTR after all
How lonely are you feeling right now?
Merkel was cool before she started being blackmailed by Obama's administration into opening the refugee floodgates and turning against Russia.
He's also said he loves Mexicans during the election
She's a cunt but she's only fight for her own country. It's not her fault if german girls are so ugly that they must import sandniggers to make the natality great again.
>Merkel praised trump unironically.
Merkel is full of shit. If you take anything that Merkel says at face value, you are fucking retarded, my man. She is 10 times the lying fuckbag that Clinton would have been.
>Merkel was my favourite before she ruined her country with migrants.
That's a great answer to that question on many levels actually. 4D chess.
From this point on he's just gonna put a smile on and say sweet things so he can do the dirty work in DC, just like obama.
They've shown Donald the film from the grassy knoll.
This desu. He still criticized the refugee crisis which has been one of his main gripes with her from the start. It's a winning play.
“I think Merkel is a really great world leader.” Though, he added, “I was very disappointed that, when she, this move with the whole thing on immigration, I think it’s a big problem and really, you know, to look at what she’s done in the last year and a half. I was always a Merkel person. I thought really fantastic. But I think she made a very tragic mistake a year and a half ago.”
How can I join his death squad? I have two years of service in the Inner Troops, two years in Immigration Enforcement and five years in Far Eastern Police Department.
Ok motherfucker, right here, right now. Draw a line. Tell us something trump could do that would betray your personal expectations and make you throw him into the trash he goes. And when he does it, no bullshit rationalizations, no 4d chess, he fucked you. You got fucked. The dream is over.
>I know nothing about diplomacy
I'd love to play poker with some of you guys.
>Tell us something trump could do that would betray your personal expectations and make you throw him into the trash he goes.
Nothing. Now say the line, shill.
She's my favorite too.
Because she somehow managed to trick the Germanic people into believing getting fucked in the ass, getting robbed, having your culture and heritage completely and utterly erased from the planet is a good thing.
That takes some real showmanship.
> This article is 1 month old
where to sign up
Because shes the only other fucking world leader the average American knows other than Putin
2 days after the election and Sup Forums is already turning on Trump. HAHAHAHA!
In 2 months you'll be begging for Hillary Clinton.
OP is a fuck.
His quotes were dated BEFORE EVEN RUNNING LIKE BACK FROM 2013. Do you even, journalist?
He just defeated the two most powerful political dynasties in America, won the highest office with no prior experience, and averted WWIII with Russia. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I trust him, crazy I know.
>4800 dead
>760k surrendered
holy fucking shit. i knew the guy was going full-judge dredd, but dredd couldnt come close to that count
reluctant hillary supporter here, i've been jerking off to every thread where uneducated magafaggots are realizing that their "god emperor" is a closet liberal, pro-choice, pro-EU, recently former democrat who duped literally the dumbest political party in the western world into meme'ing him into the presidency.
Sup Forums has always been edgy. In 4 years they'll scream how communism is the best system and Donald Trump is a evil nazi.
>this denial
y'all niggers got bait & switched
because she will push the caucasoid out of the old continent and into the New World, where he belongs. RIght now the New World is tainted, but that will be fixed in time
Read the full article faggot,
that headline is a Red Herring
opening borders of his homeland doesn't do it?
This. Trump isn't retarded, nice to see.
80% of Sup Forums can't comprehend the 4D chess Trump is playing.
He has to quell the enemy by pretending to appeal to them, to buy enough time to put his endgame in place.