Should we be worried of the Liberals
Found a Petition. Should we be worried about the Liberals trying to get the Electorates to vote for Hillary

90% of those signatures are fakes, or non-American. You know, how Sup Forums rigs surveys and petitions.

No, they have been put back in their box for 8 more years.

Don't they do another vote though?

>Hillary conceded
>Obama welcomed Trump to the whitehouse

You faggots really don't know when to let go do you

No. If USA went by the popular vote then there would be no USA. Fucking NY and CALI would decide everything.

The lower density areas wouldn't want to be a part of a union where they had no say in the matters. There'd be a fucking civil war.

I knew the butthurt would be massive, but yet again the libtards shatter expectations.

no, they're not going to overthrow our system like they think they will. They're forgetting that this isn't just them against donald trump
This is them against Trump and everyone who supported trump (Hard working men and women, not just college kids who whine and complain about everything).

I'm not the faggot the people that signed this petition are fags.

>petitioning a decided election

They count the Electoral votes on December 19th, the electors are supposed to cast their vote in favor of what their State voted for. They could technically change their vote, but there is no way she could gain enough votes through this to win...and from what I have been hearing if neither candidate has 270 votes the House of Representatives can name the next President as anyone they wanted. Obviously if this happened there would be a literal Civil War 2 with in days. Some correct me if I am wrong, I am just kind of paraphrasing stuff I heard somewhere else.

You already had a "petition". It was the election.


We could all cry rape

Im pretty sure nobody here consented to this petition.
Fight fire with fire

Again I am not apart of this petition. I am just asking a question.


Good Point

well then don't shill for it

No we can't stoop down to their level. We for the future are supposed to be looked back at as the smarter people. We can't act like retards.


Not at all. The popular vote is still being counted and Trump is projected to surpass hillary there as well once all the votes ave been counted.

>cant act like retards

While posting on a gay anime picture forum...kek

yes it is true, you're referring to faithless electors, there is a reason they do not throw away the states vote, it's because it is in some states illegal, and in other states where it is legal, you will lose all support from your party and have your career ended.

Yes if it were to be 269/269 then Congress picks the president, House and Senate majority Republican will mean that Trump is the next president anyway.

They cannot win, and at the same time Hillary conceded no amount of dirty tricks will stop Trump from taking the white house.

Let us praise kek and hail victory at this glorious achievement.

It's all bullshit, relax.

EC going anything other than Trump would guarantee civil war, they won't risk it.

I'm sure that this thread and the post won't be able to convince people here to sign for it.

Leaf being retarded AGAIN. Surprise surprise.


I love this, they are BABIES.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

It is literally impossible that enough electoral voters will become faithless to change anything.

you retard.

Didn't they do try this with Brexit and like 90% of signatures were bots or Germans.

The electorates will cast their votes for Hillary Clinton

It's all over

"The office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications."

- Alexander Hamilton

She condede also no gay ass petition is in any way changing the minds of any red states so those 1.2 million people (who also can vote for it outside of the us ) are wasting their time

Petitions don't do shit, bro.


>~1,300,000 sign petition.
>Electoral College "oh fuk guises, 1,300,000 signed this petition. Lets forget about the 110,000,000+ people that voted and listen to this petition!

Nothing to worry about here.

/stay salted :)

i-if I say it enough it will become true!!


The electorates vote on December 19th

Exactly. Liberals are basically saying they want their votes to be worth more than our own. Yet at the same time, they cry about 'muh 3/5.'

>Should we be worried of the Liberals
We need their kike puppetmasters killed or jailed. Assholes like Soros, who have been trying to plunge this country into Wiemar Germany status for 2 decades now.

pure coincidence

Your mother will gargle my cum again,because reasons.

Listen, if they want to literally pay off the electoral college and commit bribery, then the results would be invalidated. The supreme court would toss it out, and if they don't, we'd have immediate revolution

Obama is already prepping the bull (Trump); he already knows state secrets that only a president will ever know. This petition is pointless because the system itself is readying Trump to become the next president.

> if neither candidate has 270 votes the House of Representatives can name the next President as anyone they wanted
Holy shit so you're telling me a JEB SURGE is still possible??

There have been Electorates that have voted the other way in history so I am having mixed feelings about this.

no because no one gives a fuck about online petitions and because that would cause civil war

>Obviously if this happened there would be a literal Civil War 2

Only this time not north vs south but rather libcuck coasts vs redneck midlands.

In 29 states, if you're an electoral college member and you go against your state's decision, you go to prison. In the remaining 21, it's a fine.

Additionally, any faithless elector is signing away their political career. They know that to change at this point would risk an armed uprising as well as a coup from the military. They won't do it.

There's a reason only 82 electoral college votes in our 240 year history have gone faithless for reasons other than death.

Libtards throwing tantrums and burning shit won't change that. Neither will bitching online.

It's over.

If this was a close race, then yes if I was a trump supporter, I'd be worried. Faithless delegates is and always will be a thing. However, the race wasn't even close. This petition would have to convince like 35 people to ruin their career and go against what their state wanted. That's just not happening.

If the result was Hillary wins but Trump got the popular vote, they wouldn't have done this.
Massive hypocrites they are.

He won an extra 64 or so votes
Maybe they'll convince some of the already blue states but the red states didn't just go for trump THEY FULLY committed to him, (so they won't change). Also check the map votes by congressional districts and trump wins by an even bigger land slide

Yeah. 82 in our 240 year fucking history.


How is this any different from the actual elelction? So the demorats who voted for her will vote again? Liberals really are petty fucking losers.

I'm not bitching I'm asking a question.

>Trump already met the current president
>Hillary already conceded the election


Meanwhile in reality, several electors have said they refuse to vote hillary

they would need 37 votes to flip the election, the most faithless votes in one period after 1900 was 2.

Ya, not happening

The House has to choose someone who won at least one electoral vote, sadly.

Also be sure to buy our popular and trending #NotMyPresident bracelet for $15.99! to show your support!

We should be worried and we need to make sure they don't but I don't think they'll actually be able to.

If they think their protests are big, just watch what happens with the gun owners if they try to pull this shit on Trump.

>liberals in charge of knowing how democracy works

We shouldn't be worried.

You know what this is? Society has been lead by leftists who have themselves become infantalized. Society decided to stop playing mommy and turn into daddy. We had enough of their shit and told them to shut the fuck up with Trump. This is their great temper tantrum. The crying, the screaming, and the frenzied anger. They are mad that things didn't go their way. Things didn't go their way because of their shitty behavior. The hurling of insults/labels in place of sound arguments.

Trump HAS WON and will be the president. There is only two options for democrats, leftists, liberals, and progressives.

1. Realize how shitty their culture has become and shape up

2. Continue to be shitty and lose the culture war

Right now they're still in knee-jerk tantrum phase. When they cool down we'll see how they react.

>get the Electorates to vote for Hillary
You do realize these aren't actually people right?

Also you can petition the White House to pull the dildo out your ass. Doesn't mean they'll do it. But that's just a metaphor. We all know OP doesn't want it out.

All of you underestimate how much the Democrats whine to get what they want.

They WILL get Hillary into the White House.

Electorates will be paid off.

Never Trumpers will spoil Donald Trump.


What? Yes, they are actually people. The electoral college is made up of humans..

When, I don't believe this has ever happened and if it has it must have completely ruined them.

You know libtards can't force the electoral collage to vote for hillary right?

>for 8 more years.

Whos to say they wont vote Democrat extra hard in retaliation in 4 years?

What if they chose option 3 and continue to shit protest like the BLM, LGBT scum they are? Will they get BTFO by law enforcement eventually?

>In Pennsylvania, the campaign committee of each candidate names their respective electoral college candidates
>Varying by state, electors may also be elected by state legislatures, or appointed by the parties themselves.

Yeah, we have nothing to worry about.

They didn't do it this year.


37 people won't commit political suicide to circumvent democracy

>because Never Trumpers don't exist

Fucking Shillary's can't take a loss and leave it alone

Not even political suicide. Literal suicide. Faithless electors is one of the few things that would, no shit, ignite a civil war.

There won't be Trump Death Squads sadly, it will just delegitimize their movement even worse. As long as they have candidates that tell the largest demographic in this country to check their privilege or that they don't know what its like to be poor they will have a huge enemy against them.

They're a minority of the GOP politicians, just an extremely vocal minority.

Most of the former NeverTrumpers have bended the knee at this point, and electors really don't have a lot to gain by fighting Trump. They're not big names. And they sure as hell don't want Hillary Clinton to be president. The absolute worst that could conceivably happen is that they bring him below 270 (which would require an unprecedented number of faithless electors), at which point it goes to the House and he wins anyway.

The only thing that worries me is the stupid traffic blocking becoming worse. I hate needing to call and explain to the hospital I work at why I am late to work because of another exciting episode of Nigs at Night. Do you think it will get to L.A Riots tier, or are they too much of pussies?

You actually think 37 republicans could turn on Trump and vote for, not nobody, but Hillary.

That is so fucking adorable.

Could, hypothetically. But, it appears that Trump is getting >300 votes, thanks to Arizona and Michigan. It would take ~30 - 40 defectors to overthrow Trump

If they actually vote for Clinton instead of Trump there will be armed riots.
Not this bullshit, l o w e n e r g y shit either.
I'm talking serious shit.
Never gonna happen.
Clinton BTFO.
Electoral College BTFO.

I hope so. That will give the police an excuse to gun those animals down.

>implying 95% of those aren't highschool SJW transgender crybabies whining that they won't get their safe spaces and good xer's checks in the mail from Clinton while she starts WW3

there is no way to verify age with online petitions so they realistically cannot matter.

even if they did, the Military is more supportive of Trump by a long shot, if Clinton got elected because the electorates changed their votes and somehow managed to change enough, there would likely be a military Coub, or every single thing she tries will be denied by the republican majority in congress.

there is no winning, SJWs, dindus, and libertards need to just give it up and admit they lost.


Wow, a font uglier than comic sans. Thanks feminism!

They had that before. It was called the American Revolution

My bet is that they tucker themselves out. It probably won't end completely (meaning just sparse crybaby protests) but it most definitely won't get worse than it is now. Only way it could get worse is if Trump calls Obama a monkey in his inauguration speech.

>Votes in Maine are finished being counted
>Wait a minute, enough voters wrote-in Jeb to grant him 1 electoral vote...! And the same amount voted for Johnson, granting him 1 electoral vote too!
>Enough republican electorate voters change to Clinton, making it 268-1-1-268
>Congress has to decide
>Jeb bursts in
>Bribes congress with his free surplus of Guaca bowls
>Congress loves Jeb
>Jeb given all of the electoral votes
>Jeb wins 100% of the vote with only 0.01% of the popular vote
>Jeb surge happens, America implodes

Hahaha yeah

> millions vote in the actual American elections for trump who is then elected because he has won bigly in every electoral race is given a clear mandate by the people...

>thousands sign an online petition because they can't claim a sex change on obama care

Yeah nah trumps got this! All those tolerant leftists will just have to learn how to actually be tolerant.

Signed( ° ʖ °)

>petitioning the electors
you mean like putting it to a vote?

I know, Trump was never even a community organizer wtf