Jewish trumpian

I am Jewish and did not vote for Trump. But I gotta say, I think you guys are right. Watching these animals protest, waving foreign flags, burning the American flag, destroying property. Meanwhile the liberal media doesn't report the confirmed assaults on whites that are video taped. Only reports largely debunked twitter posts of Trump supporters "violence" against POCs, faggots and trannies.

What I'm trying to say is, can I join the cause even though I'm Jewish or are we permabanned?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey guys I didn't vote for your guy but now that he won I think you were right and want to be on your side haha.

fuck you over dodger your tribe will never be forgiven for what it tried to achieve over the last eight years. Typical inbred trying to d&c after he got BTFO'd. Go back to desert where you belong you inbred rat.

Sure, I am jewish too. As long as you don't say it out loud and silently push that only the Jewish elite is what they are so mad about it is alright.

Also, for the others: I was on your side of the meme war, not CTR

It was irrelevant I live in Cali. I wrote in Harambe. I'm just watching the media orchestrate this race war and revolution to take down leader Trump and I am disgusted. All people of color call me privileged because I'm "white" and therefore bad.

You're a fucking Canadian fuck you syrup opinion. I'm asking actual Americans faggot. Go suck off your pm, nigger.

you belong in the oven with your asinine Hebrew books

Jews have genocided or destroyed basically every advanced and beautiful civilization or empire that has ever been on this earth. Even themselves.

I think it is more important for you to look inwards in order to find where your energies would be best used rather than to jump on the train of another.

>You're a fucking Canadian fuck you syrup opinion. I'm asking actual Americans faggot. Go suck off your pm, nigger.
Canadian VPN you inbred rat. You kikes voted for Hillary more than any other group except the 70 IQ niggers. You spent more a billion dollars trying to destroy our pro-white movement. You're toast and you'll never get your position back now that you've awakened the beat. Get ready for #110 you ugly inbred rat.

We took you fucking snakes in with open arms and within a generation you turned and bit us. You threw absolutely everything you had at stopping us, you bet the stack and you lost. There is no coming back from this.

Jews are welcomed by President Trump, grandfather to beautiful Jewish children.

Literally rofled at that image.

Jew is a state of mind.

Believe on Jesus.

Vpns can't post on Sup Forums. what shitty VPN do you have that only routes through Canada and why. least secure country for a vpn. I see you feel strongly about this. Ok then I'll try to join the Zionist regime to conquer the world. I hope we meet on the battlefield. There can be only one.

President Jewberg Trump.

>Vpns can't post on Sup Forums
They can if you have a Sup Forums pass

No, it is too late. This is the process of salvation, just like in the Torah. We have done evil, we are getting destroyed and finally we regret. Only after then we can find eternal peace along the world. But don't confuse this, we will not get exterminated. We just need you to find ourselves.

Remember, we all are in this boat together.

You think Trump doesn't realize that all of the media organizations that targeted him and his family were nearly entirely Jewish? You think in his some 60 year real estate carreer that he hasn't had to deal with the eternal inbred Jew? You think you didn't see how was funding Hillary? You think he didn't realize that the damage he ran to reverse was nearly entirely orchistrated by the Jew? You think as an ethnic German he never once looked into his countries history?

But yeah ignore all this shit and assume he arranged his daughters marriage. Quite the bet ratface. We agreed to tone down the Hitler translation videos and /nsg/ until the election was over. Just wait until he's in the office. This cycle redpilled tens of millions on the Jewish Question. You're toast no matter what his personal opinions are. Pun intended.

non white hordes are going to consume everything and that includes jews you big idiot colossal morons

welcome aboard the train my man.

you aren't jewish
and I will prove it.
what is your religion? it isn't judaism.
what is your ethnic/heritage? white european.
you self identify as jewish when there is nothing jewish about you.
why? for the benefits/perpetual victimhood

Canada has more VPN nodes than any other country on the planet. I use AIRVPN and most of their servers are not banned, not that it matters as I have a Sup Forums pass to skip captcha and it bypasses the VPN ban. Essentially everyone in the USA uses Canadian VPN servers. Why would we pipe my connection across the Atlantic and back? Canada also doesn't have secret courts or an NSA. No data retention laws either. Everyone here should be using a VPN at minimum.

The Jews have never been victims.

Keep dreaming. You are living in the same illusion box as the libtards. This is stopping you. You eventually will meet your destiny, but you are long not ready for it

When did I say that?

israel won't survive without aid because they are parasites

You think Trump will put American boots on the ground when Israel launches Operation Eradicate Palestine?

Interesting. Come at me bro. Israel has nukes now, try it again nerd.

Not really it's because I have a Jewish last name and because I celebrate jewish holidays. What do you want from me nigger.

No, you kike. You're all gonna get fucked bad pretty soon. The clock is ticking for you inbreds.

I have seen several of these slimy kike threads.

Fuck off you weasley little prick. Your days are (once more) coming to a close.

It's not even Israeli aid that matters, the USA has been using the unconditional veto to protect Israel and has spent more than $400b bribing its neighbours particularly Egypt from rearming and pushing the desert rats into the sea.

Personally I hope Israel stays and Trump keeps the status quo. It redpills millions lefties on the Jewish issue and it will eventually serve as the worlds largest internment camp before we lets the billion or so muds that surround it do what they do best. Kikes bet it all on this election and there's no going back. It's the final days of 1919 revolution all over again.

Ehhhhh. I doubt it desu. You have to deal with the hordes of blacks and latinos first. I don't think people are that anti-Semitic desu. Just you tinfoil hat type folks.

>What I'm trying to say is, can I join the cause even though I'm Jewish or are we permabanned?

Join us OP! Look when the niggers spics and liberal scum come for whitey they won't make a distinction between a German a Russian a Italian or a Jew. So your with us or against us.

You and your ancestors had 2,000 years to abandon your cult and marry into the European race. No other tribe has allowed this but we did, yet you still refused and used your pedo cock sucking cult to undermine the very people that let you in with open arms

I guess there's still time but should Nuremberg classification 2.0 come about, and it will eventually, the cutoff will be on November 8th 2016. Go to the Israeli desert where you belong ratboy.

Wow why do people keep saying Jews are making up anti-Semitism and it doesn't really exist? Seems to be alive and well.

Thanks bro makes me feel welcomed!

Exactly what I am talking about. I rather want to be hunted from my enemy that I share history with for thousands of years than from filthy niggers who have literally no culture. In the end, I can only argue with the first one

>they keep underestimating how bad they pissed off the non jew as of late.
>they always do shit that pissed the non-jew off and then never learn to quit.

you would think that after the 102nd time they got shoahed would teach them not to behave like parasites.

>Brexit would never happen
>Trump will never be president

I seem to see a lot of doubt thrown our way these days be we are consistently winning.

Next for for you
>the oven

Don't call me a rat that's rude. On the one hand I'm like fuck these niggers, spics and homos, on the other people like you piss me off too. Guess Israel it is idk.

Who brought in these third world scum? Who was responsible for the migrant crisis and the exploitation of it? You're right the nonwhites will always hate the kikes but that doesn't mean we should take them in. Remember that even during the six gorillion they refused to fight during WWII in essentially all of our countries. In Germany during WWI they refused to fight and then tried to take over the country when it was weak.

These people will always be our enemy. They threw everything they had at us and almost won, they even won the popular vote. We were that close to losing for good.

This, fuck Canada

>jews need goyim to teach them not to be dicks

Okay fine then I won't join the Trump train then, jeez you convinced me. Too many assholes.

You're on Sup Forums you inbred kike. Nobody denies antisemitism, we justify it. Nobody here says every single Jew is responsible for the actions of the overwhelming majority but we do realize that if Jews didn't exist in our countries most of the dire issues we face would not either.

>These people will always be our enemy.
No, Israel is our most cherished ally.

Jews meme anti-semeticism into existance because you fuckers are so paranoid of being caught.

I mean 25% of Jews voted for Trump.

You will find lots of support among trump voters but posting for it on pol is like asking to get kicked around because it makes your little dick hard

Good. Everything of ours that you touch turns to shit anyway. Fuck off.

Most people on here support Israel. Most people that fervently support Israel hate kikes. I support Israel so much that I believe every inbred Jewish rat must live there, without exception.

Remember who is your real enemy. There are and always were Jews who hated their own elite. It is true that Jews are gifted through a very special gene, but the only people who are abusing this are the elites, you can use this two ways. Your enemy is Moloch, not JHWH

I don't know if you're a masterbaiter but Sup Forums is a board of peace as long as you can take the banter/actual vitriol

There are kosher nationalists here willing to work with jews, natsocs who are fine with jews if they fuck off to their own homeland, other natsocs who view jews as needing to be exterminated, libertarians who don't care, ex-democrats who support the republicans because of workers politics and others

you're in. Just dont jew it up or it's the ovens for you.

Apparently not. Look at these people calling me a rat and saying they're going to send me to an oven for something I had nothing to do with. Seems like the libs are right on this one.

You filthy gucking jew rat do you know why the everyone hates you?

You have no loyality to anyone and only care about yourselves.

Every single kike that is attacking our sons and daughters was born a "good old jew". Sure we could ignore the slim minority that poses largely as controlled opposition but their kids will target my grandchildren, so no, that's not an option.

>Most people on here support Israel
Do you support this?

>jews aren't jews, according to a 400lb non jew

desu 30% of Jews voted Romney

Trump's real gains are with blacks and Hispanics, he lost among whites and Jews but managed to capture different whites from the ones who voted Romney

It's funny how white people voted Romney because "he's the white candidate" but refused to vote Trump despite Trump being objectively better for whites than Romney. Fucking cucks.

That's the biggest problem, our genetics make us uncopable with bait. If we get frustrated too much, we will turn against our own movement

Goodest of goys.

But people who want to exterminate me, you can understand I'd be against them right. Like fight really hard against them.

Interesting. Isn't loyalty to yourselves a good thing? Isn't that what white nationalists are pushing for? Calm down keyboard jockey, you're going to break your keys.

>burning it all down because some people in the movement don't like your ideas

It's funny because this reminds me that besides the Green party there were 4 or 5 other socialist and communist parties running in this election because they didn't want to team up into one big socialist party out of butthurt that they'd have to work with others

>faking an affair to conceal your secret apiary hobby

I can one-up that one.

Sup Forums was infested by kosher conservatives, d&c kikes and reddit over the last few months but it won't last. TDS is starting back up the campaign tomorrow to take the Jewish propaganda (drugs, trannys, open borders, etc) they force on our kids and slam it at any kid tweeting from Israel. People here don't seem to realize how close these rats came to winning the election and how close shit came to being over for good.

Did these two posters bring the the third world scum in? No. So why should I hate them? I a perfect world they'd be seen as a different race sure. But to hate them for the crimes of their a few of their is wrong.

>Be Sup Forums
>Fuckin liberals only a small amount of white Southerners owned slaves! Sheeeet da jews forced them to buy slaves! Why should we give them any reparations?
>GAS ALL KIKES haha you being a jew is guilt by association am I right?

I don't support it, but I recognize that operation was planned with the knowledge and consent of President Johnson. Both the Israelis and our own government conspired to fuck us into a war with Egypt.

Nobody is buying your pretend to be a goy shit kikeboy. I've already said it. Nobody here says every single Jew is responsible for the actions of the overwhelming majority but we do realize that if Jews didn't exist in our countries most of the dire issues we face would not either.

>my shitty behavior isn't the reason why people hate me!

You proved you are a turbo kike. You are a thin skinned cunt.

You know you JIDF types accidentally revived anti-semeticism here in just nere days because you just HAD to push an agenda, and I can't thank you enough for it.

Stay away from my money and guns. We'll get along fine.

Indeed, but the big secret is that exterminationist natsocs are a minority and in general most people are fine with Israel existing as long as Jews aren't trying to work to flood Western countries with shitskins

Also there's the part where when liberals and niggers say "fuck white people", the jews are included in the category of white people.

Overall you'd have to decide- are a few skinheads a threat to me in a movement lead by a guy whose three oldest kids all married Jews or are the liberals who view Israel as a colonial aggressor state and believe whites including Jews should be wiped out the better group to side with.

Ultimately Trump's philojudaism makes him the better bet for Jews not wanting to get gassed, memes aside

But I can understand why the choice is more difficult for a jew


>TDS is starting back up the campaign tomorrow
Can they counter President Trump's kosher campaign?

Jewish Trump voter here in Florida. There are still about 25% based jews.

Why do you think think they want all Jews to go to Israel? You're scared of the wrong people. They are manipulating you to believe that everyone is anti-Jewish. It's been a long campaign of Jews scaring Jews to go to Israel.

You realize how close they and their CTR/ corporate media were to pushing Hillary in eh? Bloomberg and his kike cabal attacking the second amendment? If you think the attacks are over just because they lost an election you're in a for a 1950's German tier surprise

Many jews joined the cause back then, all are welcome

Yes if your not a rat. Your people have fucked America and that reflects upon the western world.

A thoughtful post, thanks for your reply.

I love Jews.

If it was ok for uncle addie its ok for me

Supporting Israel and liking Jews do not go hand in hand. The biggest kike lovers (liberals) hate Israel. The biggest Israel lovers (evangelicals) generally hate Jews. I support Israel so much that I believe every inbred desert rat must live there, without exception.

Jewish nationalists should actually be against the global clique, usuary, and other kike practices because it is the biggest threat to Judiasm.

The biggest threat to Judiasm is itself.

People are saying you're a Jew trying to push me to be a Jew. Are you a secret Jew trying to scare me from joining the Trump train. A conspiracy so crazy it could work??!!?!

Do you honestly think I know any of those fucks even personally? I am part of the dumb masses who get swept along our people, which is controlled by the people you hate. We despise them as much as you do, they keep us in check with fear of whites as much as they do you with fear of nationalism

Jews had 2,000 years to integrate or at the very least stop trying to destroy ethnic Europeans. We let them in with open arms and treated them as equals, we must not allow our future generations to feel guilty. Nobody can say we didn't try.

If all the kikes go to Israel they would need increased aid from the US to survive. I think President Trump will be very generous in that area, after all his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren will be there as well.

Jews are like Muslims. Kosher is Halal. They both don't eat pork. They are both middle eastern, and they are both shit.

You already admitted to being an inbred rat kike. Why are you even here?

Spend less time convincing nationalists to forgive you rats and more time telling your fellow tribe members to stop attacking our children. I've posted 6+ white extermination quotes from you ugly rats and nobody has called them out, nor has it ever happened when I post those pictures. We all know why this is.

Yes OP just be a Nationalist Jew.

But know what the Globalist Jews are doing and make sure you don't participate.

You know, CTR just knows that when we join in in the masses, they will be in jail in no time. All the jewish elites would be probably gone with that latest child sex conspiracy. You know as well as me that many of our elites could make this horrible acts

But do you want them to live there so you can kill them all or can they live there in peace?

Don't mind the nazis friend; Trump is ever loving!

I like a lot of Jews. I don't give a shit what Sup Forums says, some of them are good (Norman Finkelstein would be one example. I liked Einstein, and truly thought he had societies best interests at heart, however I strongly disagreed with him on some political issues, and don't think that expertise in physics is the same as political expertise).

I suspect a lot of Americans are the same. Trump won, what, ~48% of the popular vote? Hardcore skinheads, neo nazis, etc, are only a minority of that.

This isn't stormfront. This isn't a white nationalist website bud.

You're not fooling anyone.

why do you hate white people and want to destroy the world mr. Nose?