Is technology degenerate?

Yes, I understand the irony of posting to the internet from a laptop more powerful than the computers it took to get to the moon, but still.

Think of the way we use technology now. Everything is so simple. Everything is done for us. Everything is available at the touch of a button, or the tap of a screen. This has led to a society that is, for the most part, incapable of patience. It's got to be mine, just the way I want, and it's got to be fast. It leads to a selfish, undisciplined mindset, one that despises effort.

But take away all these things, go back to before we had them. I'm not talking stone age here, but think of, let's say, the 1930's. Even with things to make life marginally easier, you often still needed to work harder for things, and nothing that made your life easier was taken for granted. The people were more disciplined, less inclined towards selfishness, and challenging work or ideas were met head on.

The way technology affects our lives currently has it's benefits of course, but to rely so much on it, and the speed and lack of effort it brings ruins the discipline of the mind.

Overuse of technology could be considered a degenerate force, on both the personal and societal level.

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fuck off Kaczynski

Is everyone on Sup Forums 85 years old or something?

Fuck off you 15 year old faggot.

opinion and thread discarded.

21, just concerned for our people.

Should the biggest happenings happen, we need to be prepared, physically and mentally.

We need to be strong.
We need to be disciplined.
We need to be sharp of mind.

We need to be everything the shitskins aren't.

yes completely.

So electricity is ok, transportation is ok, running water is ok, but somehow smartphones are the devil?
Technology has always made our lives easier. Get with the times grandpa, if not fuck off back to the jungle.

In the wrong hands technology is just a 'plaything'. It is something you can use but never contribute to and that is why no one is hopeful on the prospects of going to and from earth.

You and I are probably part of the majority in this world that siphon all the effort from one mans work in the form of Sup Forums and other such sites. Technology was created so we could advance into the next stage, but now it seems as though we lay stagnate with our peers only using technology for the same old social media gospel and pleasure city.

If we don't use technology collectively to better the human race, if we keep on a narrow path, we will never have another great age in which a booster shot of technological advancement is received.

88 get appreciated.

By no means is it an inherent, pure evil. With the smart phone example, it has the potential for great good. You can access great works of literature, discover music, have all the facts in the world at your fingertips, and create lasting relationships with people half the world away.

However, too much convenience degenerates the human spirit. As the old cycle goes:

Hard times make strong men.
Strong men make good times.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make hard times.

Absolutely right. I'm convinced that current rates of depression and suicide are a result of our coddled lives destroying our drive and discipline. Everyone now complains of a lack of purpose and it isn't just a feeling. Very soon people will be compensated for simply existing and the problem will get even worse.

I'm not even going to mention infrastructure reliance.

technology isnt a problem, whats a problem is the way instagram and social media have infected so many young people. that shit is fucking insane and I cannot believe it got so bad so fast.

There is nothing wrong with technology, but legend has it that Atlantis grew corrupt, because they relied on their technology and forsook the Gods and knowledge of their ancestors, the Gods mercilessly destroyed them for their deviation into immorality and destroyed their corrupt wicked civilization, saving only a remnant to repopulate, inhabit, and rule over the Earth, to start over until the next appointed time of judgement.

Op doesn't go far enough. We have to go back to the stone age. Fuck all technology.

The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.


> tfw my neighbor was a carbon copy of that grill

I think ideally we'll reach a sort of self-aware technofascist or technofeudal world where we blend modern technologies with archaic style. This seems to be a relatively common trend in thought given how much sci-fi material features ancient throwbacks.

A Luddite on Sup Forums. Now I've seen everything.

writing and the writing utensil is a technology, technology is not evil or a sin, you just need to be wise using it. With the advent of writing empires could be spread further and wider, such as the with Assyrian Empire or Roman Empire, compare that with our modern telecommunications which allow for empires that span the whole planet, such as the British Empire and their telegraph, or even the Internet as we know it.

your neighbor was pretty cute desu

A very interesting way of looking at it, I like it.

Technology is like a knife. Sure, the knife can be a weapon, but also, it can be used to do surgery, or carve a family meal.

It's not the tool, but the way it is wielded.

The Incan Empire did not have a writing system so it was smaller. Decrees and dictums from its rulership could not be transmitted as far by word alone.
