Why, all of the sudden, is he so friendly with Hillary and Obama?
Why, all of the sudden, is he so friendly with Hillary and Obama?
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That's how he is, bro. Have you already forgotten how he became buds with pretty much everyone at the primaries after it was over?
Yeah, when are you friendly with someone? Oh... yeah..
Because he's not a little babby like half of his voter base
It's called real chivalry and diplomacy. Not meme chivalry, the kind that generals and noblemen employed.
Because the whole world is watching him, and he needs to act like an adult so that people see that he can even show respect for those he disagrees with.
Get off this board dumb faggot.
They told him about the aliens
He's the main character of the anime. After defeating the enemies they start respecting him and become his allies.
And part of making america great again is making america APPEAR great in the eyes of the world.
this. Obama told him all the presidential secrets.
Liberals are protesting in the streets
IDK but from looking at this pic, Trump's got bigger hands than Obama.
"when they go low, we go high"
He's being professional and presidential. What do you expect? Him to refuse to shake and say 'hurr durr you're a dumb nigga I'm gonna repeal all your efforts'?
i noticed this as well in the video, haha OBAMA HAS LITTLE BOY HANDS OBAMA BTFO
Because it's professional
ive been warning all of you he is a jewish shill from the beginning god damn it
It's called a peaceful transfer of power faggot.
Obama's gone high but that involved marijuana.
This faggot better drain the swamp and throw Hillary behind bars
He can't act like an asshole because he has to appear Presidential.
If he kept pumping out anti Hillary or Jeb! tweets, he would appear petty.
Clinton won't be charged with anything. Even though Trump won, Hillary apparently got almost half of the vote. Thats a lot of Americans who won't be happy if Trump throws her behind bars.
Its all politics.
Fuck off shill.
Because he's the fucking President Elect, you idiot. This whole election season the media has been insisting he's not suited for the role and can't act presidential. Well now we're seeing him act that way, the American people are seeing him act that way. He couldn't defuse tensions and show people he's not what the media lied that he was if he kept up his on-stage attitude.
If you had actually done your research, you would already know that this is how he acts in business meetings and negotiations, when he's not in front of a crowd of millions of people.
Because he's a Democrat, we got played
Because he is their master now.
We didn't listen!!!
because he is not your hero
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
He doesn't need to throw her behind bars, he just needs to continue the investigation into her shit and at least try and bring it to trial.
>This is my first election cycle!
Obama is simply too fucking shocked and JUST to really do anything but comply. From the bottom of his heart he sincerely thought Trump would lose. Obama is experience a whole never level of BTFO.
Seems to me that, unlike Obama, Trump knows when to stop campaigning.
Hope he has the good sense to keep it that way.
Thank you for the (You)!
Because he isn't acting anymore. They way he spoke during the rallies was just to lure the dumb rednecks into voting for him. He won't put Hillary in prison either.
what's the point?
he won already, Hillary is no threat to him
Continuing the investigation would look petty
4D chess gotta calm the left first lad
Watch obamas congrats speech
What did you want him to do?
Go in there and call him a nigger?
The media is waiting for a fuck up that they can run 24/7 now.
Instead they filmed him acting like a mature adult.
The deal is done.
Do you expect him to actually do anything?
Be happy you won the war user.
Because he won. Are you retarded?
>Being a gracious winner
>Being presidential
>Smooth transition of power, lending legitimacy to the office
>Showing the rest of the world he's a good man
>Being a gentleman
>keeping the "high ground"
>being the bigger man
Take your pick.
because he's not supposed to go around making everyone his enemy....
Half the country is pissed off, why the hell would he want to make it worse
>the kind that generals and noblemen employed
That's fake "I have to present an image" chivalry, senpai.
It's called being cordial, Obama talked shit about Bush constantly but they were cordial and friendly now and when he first came in
You really believe those memes that Trump is going to the white house kick Obama out and say YOU'RE fired XDDD
a photo op isnt friendly but in general he wasnt running against obama so no direct trash talking face to face beforehand
It's like a boxing match. Before and during you talk shit. After you shake hands
Should he be whining like a baby and screaming at them for hurting his feelings?
OP sometimes in life, you will have to work with people that you don't like on a personal level.
You have to put your personal differences aside in order to get the job done.
It's called being professional.
Have you ever played sports?
No matter how tough the game was, you act friendly when it is all over.
Trump is a good winner, a vicious opponent and a terrible loser.
the fuck did you think he was gonna do, roll up and moon obama?
"Why isn't he acting like what the liberal media said he was going to act like?"
>He won't put Hillary in prison either.
I don't care if he makes her the Secretary of the Interior as long as he builds the wall.
You have to go back
He never said he retracted his current oppinions or past statements. He still believes he is an incompetent fool, but has class and respect.
I knew 2 years ago when he first said Trump would never win (before he even got nominated for the Repubs)
Obama has the worst fucking ability to predict stuff
This. I don't know what people expected. He wasn't going to go to Washington and begin punching people in the face.
Is Trump a lizard?
It's almost as if reality itself intervenes just to prove him wrong.
Go back... Where exactly?
He knocked them to the ground, now he reaches out to get them up so they can graciously gtfo.
As a liberal, I'm already warming up to Trump, he was obviously just trying to get elected when he said all that inflammatory stuff before. He is a salesman, he knows how shitty people are, and he knows how to appeal to their shittyness to get what he wants.
because it was all a trick
trump is a billionaire and literally part of the "Club"
you guys memed for a year and all you did was fall into their trap
trump, obama, hillary - they are all the elite and work together. you guys fell for their ruse
It's called diplomacy and mutual respect.
It's like you guys haven't been sizing up Trump or studying his tactics the last eighteen months. Anytime he's in a new situation he lays back and takes everything in. Step two is he approaches the problem or situation with a couple strategies. Whichever one seems to work the best is the one he cranks up to power level ten and goes hard with till he wins. This is the information gathering and learning stage.
It is, again, his job to get along with people.
>that tiring look from Obama
Why do boxers hang out after a prize fight?
He has responsibility now, you think he was going to start off guns blazing on the current first family?
He has to put up a front to the American people and start to calm the other half of the country that's terrified of his upcoming administration.
You sadcunts literally have no responsibility in your life.
your mom's womb
Trump will be sending them both to jail on January 1st, you just wait
>Thinks the presidency is like WWE
I've read to the Trump plan, and have come to the following conclusions:
He only cares about money, and making money for America. He doesn't care about race, he only care about people acting like shit in public. He wants to get rid of illegal immigrants, because he thinks they are shitty, and he wants to crack down on extremist muslims because they are shitty. But he doesn't actually care about race, or grudges. He's an asshole until he gets his way, and he's that way because he only wants money. That's all it is. He's going to invest in building infrastructure to get jobs back, then allow the free market to go without regulations. This will hopefully create more wealth and jobs. He's not going to name the jew, he might go after gay people and abortions to please christians, but this isn't Hitler's Germany it's more like 1920s boom time America or Babylon. Read "The Richest Man is Babylon". It's probably what inspired him. He's more like Woodrow Wilson, or Nebuchadnezzar than Hitler.
I'm a Hillary voter but you could tell from his victory speech he really realized that all Americans now depend on him and he has to be a leader and an adult now more than ever in his life.
lel this is the actual truth
>BOOM white house doors kicked open
>this is what Sup Forums expects from their president
I just watched this. What do you expect him to do, piledrive Obama and make the smug Pepe pose?
He was showing Obama respect back, because of how respectful he was yesterday about the transition in his Rose Garden speech.
Thanks for your vote though.
It's called diving into the swamp.
you have got to be shitting me. Anyone with a brainstem knows all the memeing during the election was all to win the victory and now he's gonna be super moderate
there's no reason to fight them anymore now that he's won. You don't keep wasting effort on defeating someone who's already been defeated.
That's probably not far off the truth. People are going to get so mad at him.
Because it's the respectable thing to do. Plus, Trump has a lot to learn from the President.
>Peaceful Transfer of Power
This picture perfectly sums up how fucking trash democRats are. Look at how Trump is being a good sport and offering cooperation while Obama looks at him with a distrusting look of superiority on his stupid mug.
It's called "common courtesy", you fucking monkey.
This Sikh gets it.
Thanks Obama
Isn't it a tradition in USA? When elections is over, its over.
because he is an adult who knows the difference between honest competition and being a sore winner
i thought CTR was dead, why is this virgin still posting here?
why are people confused by this
there's no need to be an asshat to people after they're beaten in politics. He won. He gains nothing by calling her a loser now--we all already know it
>Woodrow Wilson
>no regulations
wew lad.
>Sup Forums is already turning on trump
I love it
He's being magnanimous in victory and humble to the job, mark of a good leader.
>Why, all of the sudden, is he so friendly with Hillary and Obama?
Go to bed CTR. Its over. You lost.
dont you have a mart to shart into
you're not fooling anyone tumblr