to make Trump appear smaller
Are the chairs different sizes
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those are some big hands.
Yes. And the shots they picked were the brief moments he assumed beta posture
Yes, Trump looks scrunched up because of that.
why does nobody call out obama for manspreading?look at that wide gap between his legs and the feet are even more spread out, unacceptable
that should make him look bigger though
the more interesting thing here is he didn't unbutton his jacket before sitting
I've never seen someone sit buttoned before
The optics are Trump is out of his element and uncomfortable because of it
>how awkward for obama to need trick chairs to feel important.
A smaller chair would make Trump seem larger by comparison, not smaller.
>still appears larger
He's a big guy
Wow, Trump is pretty broad-shouldered.
And who gives a shit. Maybe it is the last pathetic and impotent stand of the losers, so what? The Republicans got a full sweep, they won everything.
intentional symbolism
That's ok... LET THEIR SALT FLOW!!!
no its backfired it now looks like trump is too big for the chair
This pisses me off. Nothing about a photo op is left to chance, this was intentional. Motherfuckers.
Trump's staff will notice and remember.
and libsharts really wanted to try and make fun of trump's YUUUGE hands?
Is that a trophy, what does it mean.
well he's a man
no they won't because they are hopefully not as petty and paranoid as you are
its the day our democracy got stolen by the mad man obunaga. one day one of his sons will kill him for his crown and then be killed by one of his brothers and before long no more black men will be left.
then we will have peace on earth
Get new eyes because you cannot see.
everyone has broad shoulders in a suit
it means niggers live in the white house
its a test, obama bought it before the meeting, if Donald gets rid of it the (((MSM))) will be screaming 'TRUMP GOT RID OF BLACK STATUE!!! HE IS SO RACIST'
Not Obama apparently
kek. saved
nah trump is just a fatcunt
Is that a bust of Eddie Murphy?
The better to grab her by the pussy with.
One chair is for the president and one is for the guest, which chair should be bigger/smaller? Imo they should be the same size but do authoritarian Sup Forumsacks disagree?
Yes, yes it is.
thats cause obama is a skellington
That's Martin Luther Kente
autistic faggots ITT
Yes it's a bigger chair. He's the fucking president. Ever seen a throne? Ever been to a real job interview? It's a technique that forces a subservient posture and immediately implies who is in control.
In this case it serves to make trump look completely out of his element. Closed chest, hunched over, eyes downward... he looks scared.
Rubio was a learning machine, he had learned to meme like Trump somewhat before his deactivation. The small hands thing is the one enemy meme that stuck.
Ugh, two white males Manspreading in the "White house" disgussting.
> implying a chair can make Trump seem scared shitless
> implying you can tell which chair is bigger from this perspective
Truly you are all fucking mentally ill.
That's the clock boy bust you retard.
>He's a big guy
For you
>not knowing anything about fancy furniture sets
the chair was probably there long before obama and has been intentionally used in this way for many many years
God look at this terrible beta posture
A smaller chair would make him look bigger idiot.