Tell me why you haven't submitted an application to work for the Trump administration yet.
Tell me why you haven't submitted an application to work for the Trump administration yet
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What's the URL?
Is he hiring to round up filthy illegal alien mexicans yet?
I would fucking PAY Trump to do that job.
apply for the death squads here
nice try, asshole.
I aint clickin that shit nigga
I have literally no fucking experience working in government. Can I apply? I don't even have a degree.
ever heard the expression "good enough for government work"?
Because I'm still mid contact in the navy. I'd definitely consider applying though if I wasn't
I haven't. I don't even know what kind of position to apply for. I would love to do it though.
if youre in the navy youre already working for Trump
God bless the navy
i dont have a degree either
just go for it, pick something you like or might be good at if only for an internship
>The moment that you realise Sup Forums is about to transform from NEET central to the God Emperors personal enclave of government agents.
feels good man
feels patriotic man
work triggers me
I think I am just going to join to military
I wonder if they are seeing a surge in recruits rn
this is the best time if you are really interested.
I was in military during the growth period under Reagan. Not only are more MOS's open but promotions are easier during a military growth period.
Has this been posted by a legit source?
Seems like a honey pot
does he accept aussies? I wanna work in his banter division with Nige.
its a .gov url
its good, they send you a confirmation email afterwards as well
Ok, just being cautious
I would hate for a bus load of dindus to turn up at your adress
>associates degree
>I chose these options
No fucking chance anything ever comes of this, but what the hell.
Because I'll be on the other side of the wall.
I applied for everything. It won't be taken seriously, but its not like I'm qualified anyways.
>not offering to build the wall for a modest but honest salary
who else heading to texas come 2017? I can't wait to lay some bricks and deport the spics.
I shilled for Ron Paul in the recommendation box.
I would man the concentration camps if Trump directed me to.
I do whatever he commanded me to.
No joke, no troll.
Trump is my King.
>not applying to be part of the deportation squad
are you even trying?
good man.
As I'd expect from a veteran of the meme war.
I don't even think there is anything that you can apply for if you have 0 experience in anything
aka, even if I wanted to work for Trump as my first job, I have no idea what I would be eligible for
Can I?
>>not applying to be part of the deportation squad
>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
I know where Emperor Trump is going to send me to start my career as a deportation Obergemeinschaftsleiter officer.