I find it hard to believe that a Jap comic creator/fan has no interest in our full-color, capeshit dominated Sup Forums...

I find it hard to believe that a Jap comic creator/fan has no interest in our full-color, capeshit dominated Sup Forums. Is there any evidence of their love for it?

>inb4 uncited "Toriyama LOVES Superman" claims

Japs only give a fuck about Spiderman, Batman, and the X Men

His main guy is just a Journey to the West by way of Superman. Do you really think he doesn't?

>that time Clark reminded Jimmy Olsen that he didnt have a nose so he could win a match in a martial arts tournament

Goku literally started out as a parody of Sun Wukong and for the longest time, he was just a weird kid with a tail. The alien origin thing was only to explain why Goku is so weird.

Toriyama never gave a shit about Superman until he made DragonBall Minus but DBZ fans dont consider that canon.

>never gave a shit about Superman

The Yu Gi Oh guy loves Hellboy

Boku no pico academia is literally about capeshit.

Japan has been fascinated with western culture, their love of Disney is super deep rooted, if we were to take the claims of people saying stuff like Toriyama likes superman(it would be hard to believe he has never heard of him considering how much he followed the plot idea in Z despite being inspired by Journey to the west for dragon ball) or the clear influence of western superheroes on Kohei Horikoshi(my hero acadamia creator) it would not be impossible to believe there is at least some passing interest in the mangaka world
especially since fucking westaboo's are becoming some of the bieggest names in japan right now and all those bishi and fujos making porn of super heroes

>their love of Disney is super deep rooted
It's very exaggerated. The idea seems to have become popular after Frozen.

>Japs only give a fuck about Spiderman, Batman, and the X Men
Europe is just like that too

Just gave Dragon Ball Minus a look
Why does this even exist, and who on earth cares about this Jaco dingus.

>what is Dr. Slump

Agreed, Disney is just popular worldwide.

>The idea seems to have become popular after Frozen.
Both modern manga and anime were born THANKS to Disney. This shit goes back since the japs lost WW2.
Hell, their firsts 2 animated movies were basically Disney rip-offs, adapting classic asian stories instead of european ones.

Tezuka was a huge westaboo and member of the Japanese Superman fanclub.

Japan likes 80's and 90's ove the top violent and crazy characters in comics and cute cartoons

Lots of Japanese stuff is repurposed American culture.

Magical girl/strange girlfriend stories come from Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie.

Haremshit and all the rom com love triangles comes from Archie.

Kaiju is Lost World, Beast from 20000 Fathoms, and various giant monster movies.

Kamen Rider and Sentai are superheros adapted for a collectivist culture.

Isekai is Connecticut Yankee and Barsoom but bad.

The Japanese aren’t a creative culture. They’re an innovative culture. You talk to a Japanese they won’t deny it.

The One Punch mangaka loves Spider-Man. Soemone post his Black.Cat and Spiderverse work.

The Saiyan Saga had clear influences from Superman 2 and Zods trio.

Pretty sure Toriyama is more of a movies guy and was influenced by the Donner films.

At a stretch, he may have watched the Adventures of Superman TV show when it first aired in Japan.

Tezuka was one of the biggest Disney fans ever, but it played little role in his manga and animation work. Japan's first feature length animation film was already completed during the war. While Disney was influential after the war, anime as we know it was not a result of Disney. It started from Astro Boy, which was very unlike Disney.

>Haremshit and all the rom com love triangles comes from Archie.
I've never heard of anything like this.

>Isekai is Connecticut Yankee and Barsoom but bad.
Isekai is a meme. Hardly anyone in the West (such as you) knows anymore what it actually is.

>The Japanese aren’t a creative culture. They’re an innovative culture.
Complete horseshit. The exact opposite of reality. You are just a fucked in the head ultra-nationalist xenophobe.

>that one time they traded art
Cool shit.

>Well I want to say that I am not too familiar with Superman, but a hero is only as strong as his creator or writer allows him to be. Son Goku is designed to be an underdog. I think a lot of the younger audience can relate to Son Goku because of this. I don't think Dragonball would be interesting otherwise.

People felt it was so important to know who Goku's mom was.

Shut up weeb you got owned.

I didn't say anything that would indicate I'm a weeb. You have no evidence I'm a weeb. Do you normalfag fuckers do anything anymore except call people weebs for no fucking reason? I also wasn't "owned," I am right and you are wrong.

Artists do research. Even if a work is unpopular, an artist will try and come across it, then refer to it in some fields. "Making of" documentaries and interviews don't easily make it overseas, you have to put in some effort to find them. But when you do, you'll see that inspiration comes from all corners of the world.

Man, Kishimoto isn't that ugly. I would give the guy a round.


Please post more stuff like this!!! I LOVE IT!!!

>comic creator of hellboy loved by nips
>movie director of hellboy loved by gooks

really makes you think...

Japan loves Iron Man or at least his suit design.

This The creator of My hero Academia is a notorious Westaboo. There are even a bunch of Star Wars references all throughout that series.