What's this
>Bernie Sanders
dude birdie sanders is going to be like 90 years old
How is Michelle Obama qualified to be president?
> a billion dollar businessman with experience spanning many industries is unqualified to run for dog catcher!
> But the wife of a president is the most qualified thing ever, vote for her yasss
We're actually going to be seeing a lot of this around 2018 or so because Democrats literally do not have any big names in position to run for 2020
All you need is a bull and you have a cuck porn
Dead people don't get to run.
>cuck Bernie out of the presidency
>"aww, well he can be VP when it's Michelle's turn"
Liberals are stupid.
>Implying that Bernie will be alive in 2020
Top kek
>Implying that "WE WUZ QUEENZ" will get picked after Trump makes america conservative again
>Clinton loses to Obama in the 2008 primary
>That's okay guys it will be her turn next time
>she gets pushed into being the democratic candidate as a result
I've got an idea, lets make the guy that lost the last primary our candidate for next time. It's his turn!
I think a lot are putting there eggs in the Bernie basket assuming he's alive in 2020
Who is the master and who is the apprentice?
Ann coulter, print screen this kek
Michelle will receive less of the Black vote than Trump did.
He will definitely be too old, if Trump didn't look so impressive he would be "too old".
It really is a serious problem for the dems- who the fuck runs in 2020? Look at how narrow the field was this year- Bernie and Hillary. Webb dropped early and I can't even fucking remember who the other guy that hung on a little longer was. Yeah, Hillary was a fix, but certainly if they had somebody they would have pushed a big name or an up and comer. I can't think of any "cool" or hip obama-like dem pols that could possibly play ball. Warren? get fucking real.
Meanwhile the republicans have lots of younger, well known politicans that are practically household names to follow Trump with- Jindal, Rubio, Gowdy, Paul.
At least 4 years away so who cares?
Michelle is the Bull bro
Equivalent to Marina Silva + Lula here
>Press alt-F4 to quit reality
OP is a reddit faggot
how secretly mad do you think white feminists would be? a black did it before them, sad!
Typical Drumpfcucks, the REAL Americans will oust the fascist out of office. Once that happens, we will elect a my homegirl, Michelle :)
Why do liberals think Bernie had ANY similar policies to the Hillary gang? He was literally the anti-Hillary, even moreso than Trump.
You lost you nigga
After Trump won, it seems like anyone can fucking run now, qualifications or not. From Kanye to Michelle, to that guy who plays Hellboy.
And where did Obama come from in 2008? He was a nobody. Bernie was a nobody. Let another nobody sweep us into an excitement. Don't force the "ideal" candidate on us like we just did.
>implying house wife isn't hardest job ever
why u fall 4 b8 mariachiman?
I unironically would clap to murder of people who say this
Both are pro-high taxes and anti-gun, unlike Trump.
>spends 4 years planning school lunches across the nation
she'd be okay I guess
>not a Wall St. puppet
>fails at doing that
yee i just wanna eat the b8 and then escape the net very hayai
sanders wont live that long
Implying Barry wants to be living there again in 4 years
>child gets burned after touching stove
>doesnt do it again
>bern victim says this times it's different
do you also collect old and irrelevant pepes?
Even if Bernie somehow lives that long, he'll be decrepit and likely senile. No one wants a nigger tranny as president.
if sanders were younger then yes? why the fuck is michelle obama there?
Trump is going to get so much done in his first term that the Obamas will be embarrassed to ever poke their heads into the political arena again.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist Jew.
It's not going to happen.
Well, thats some new kind of monkey prediction going on.
Michele wouldn't want the job and Bernie will be too old.
We'll have to see how the next couple years go before there will be clear front-runners for the Democrats.
Maybe Elizabeth Warren, maybe Nancy Pelosi, maybe Elijah Cummings. John Lewis will be too old as well.