What sort of a heartless...

What sort of a heartless, monstrous BITCH of a teacher assigns kids to make a book report on War & Peace during Christmas vacation?

What part of "vacation" does this hideous cunt not understand??

Fuck you, Charles Schulz! Enjoy Hell!

Teachers back then were a fucking monster man. You think they had ratemyprofessor? Fuck that. You would have to pray to whatever angel that might give a rats ass and hope that the teacher didn't drink their sorrows with scotch.


Yeah, well, at least I'm not an emo fag kid that disrespects my friends and is dense as a rock. How about that?

Well, teachers weren't like now, that's the thing.

Welcome to the educational system of the USA, Sir!

At least he's not a religious nut who preaches a guilt trip to his friend.

Forget about the fact that he's getting homework on Christmas, that happens all the time.
What kind of teacher makes his/her elementary school students read fucking WAR AND PEACE? Not only is it super long (over 1000 pages in most editions) with very complex words, but it deals with war, piles of corpses, death in childbirth, abortion, sex, attempted suicide and a bunch of stuff that children should not be reading about. Even back then, Charlie Brown's parents could have sued the teacher or at the very least complained to the school board to punish them.

There were no safe spaces back then.

I used to get homework during the summer in high school.

This was the 1960's. Where molesting kids was a job perk for teachers, corporal punishment was accepted, and the kids were going to see worse when the bombs dropped anyway.

>Teach evolution
>Get shut down because bible-thumper parents complain

>Teach sex-ed
>Get shut down because bible-thumper parents complain

>Lead a school prayer
>Get shut down because atheists/jews/muslims/whatever complain

Public schools have always been safe spaces user, you just didn't realize it because you were a kid that didn't notice or care about those things.

That was the faggiest thing I've read all day on Sup Forums. Good job, user!

Did the entire class have to read it, or just Charlie Brown?

Yeah, maybe it wasn't an assignment, just something he picked up from the library.

If there's something to contradict this, let me know, the closest I've come to watching this in a few years is the Charlie Brown Kwanzaa special.

>it's an autist can't tell fiction from reality episode

I'm pretty sure it was just him because his entire existence is suffering.

Linus, I'm converting to Islam.

IIRC, in the comics, all the kids had to read Gulliver's Travels.

This post hurt my feelings

>where are you Chuck!?
He's literally right where you left him you stupid cunt.

Literally the smallest amount of effort from any of them and they could have just woke him up. Linus just wanted the Little Red Headed Girl to himself

Charlie Brown might be a dense rock but he has some of the worst friends imaginable

>Charlie Brown might be a dense rock but he has some of the worst friends imaginable
That and a dog who only ever sees him as the one who brings him food and cares little for him otherwise. Snoopy even stole the Little Red-Haired Girl from Charlie Brown at the school dance.
