Other urls found in this thread:
>a enemy
>yasuke benjamin
So he's like some kind of Jewish Japanophile?
The truly great thing about leftists and social media is that we will know precisely who to round up on the day of the rope
>Saved them
>Hammer and sickle
>Saved them
all right bruh, I can go as 'he' in public and "Mi-24 chan" in private.
First American Civil War fought over the fundamental governing of the nation. Second American Civil War fought over a bunch of fags, jews and communists didn't get the president they wanted.
Their meme magic is weak and heretical.
They jews didn't do shit but getting gassed lol
Funny considering how many of our Jewish brothers and sisters voted for Trump.
Just mentally ill freaks off their meds, dont give them any attention.
That's all folks, ended on my personal favorite.
It really is hilarious watching these no-guns cucks pretend they're going to start a revolution.
And hell, forget the police, national guard, and military... you just know Ammon Bundy and people like him are just itching to fill these commies with lead.
But the russians did reach the concentrations camps earlier than the Allies
>the defeat of capitol
>promoting antifa
can you americans get that group flagged as terririsms already ? unlike BLM antifa wont just fade away when they stop getting their money
are you actually having a giggle at this ? I'm just getting angry and its not even happening in my hemisphere
Not him, obviously, but it IS funny. I mean, after you get over the cringe, that is.
These people are fucking retarded lol, they couldn't start a revolution if they needed to. If a self-professed gay, disabled, tranny jew wants to start one I'll be glad to watch it burn in days.
I don't even think about these morons. If any of these shitbags would try this in rural PA, the roads would run red with blood. Besides that, they're probably too afraid to come this far out in the woods.
When they actually start chimping I'll care
For now these are the faggots who claim they get "temporary PTSD" from even firing a gun let alone leading a violent insurrection or launching guerrilla raids on gay conversation therapy centers
I think the translating "I didn't vote for HIllary" into Russian is the thing user is laughing at
After raping their way across the country. Before putting the nation under the Stasi