Why not create a pro trump protest? fight these cuck bastards??????
well if we organized....
Sorry, we have jobs and work in the morning
that would only fuel their victimhood complexes. much better to sit back and let them act like morons on their own, history will remember
But user, we already did on the 8th.
Why? We already won.
Sup Forums is a board of peace, law, and order. The police will deal with any rioters.
Because we actually think and let them blow off their steam like the homosexuals they all are.
Hope you guys are right. I'm just a Dutch fag boy, but these asshole need a smackdown to me. Hope you guys are right. TRUMP RULES!
Because you guys are pussies despite all of the hard talk of "muh gunz, wi r liek nazis win we orgunise".
Ever wonder how the country got the shit cucked out of it for 8 years by nu-males, feminists, and libtards? Cause they had the balls and the nerve to actually go outside and do shit.
You actually believe you're the saviors of western civilization because of.... memes.
When they go low, you go high. These libshits chimping out are making themselves look like fools out there and every sane person out there watching this unfold will realize just how idiotic the radical left is and side with Trump.
>You actually believe you're the saviors of western civilization because of.... memes.
Hope u realise our country is owned by nazi lovin, SS participating goodness, you fat fuck.
I love Trump, I hate the EU, we need to fight! and you guys are becoming what we need here,
Its the non aggression principle silly. Once things get out of hand and people come to their sense then we start piking them like Vlad the Impaler and make them beg for forgiveness. This is how we roll in white civilization.
This. We won the legal way, and now all three branches are red, and the public is seeing riots and turning away from them even more. If they destroy anything outside of the ghetto that's when legal self defense will destroy them.
Because we have jobs
why contain it? Let them show the world what they are.
if you see your enemy's house burn down you don't rush in to laugh at him
He didn't say riots, he said protests
They do need a smackdown, but not before the rest of the country is so sick of them that even normies are ready to lay it down on them.
Trumps getting into power, Libshits run their reputation even further into the dirt and this is used as an excuse to crack down on them after they chip out enough.
never interrupt your enemy when xe is making a mistake
Protest what? We won. All we have to do now is wait and hold Trump responsible to do everything we voted for him to do.
speak for yourself
veterans day tomorrow
This. I'm too comfy to deal with toddlers throwing tantrums.
Shut up cuck
t. totalitarian retard
your civil rights allowed you to make that post and you want to give it up for some meme fascist government
if you like authoritarianism so much move to dumbfuckistan or spicland where the subhuman retards need authority or else they start brutally killing each other
kill yourself
Finally.. my tought exactly.
You guys need to show your support to your President.
You need to repel this communist fascist protests who are disrespecting the outcome of a free democratic election.
Stop being pussies, fight for your right to democracy.
dont be a retard.. this is exactly the kind of shit you dont need right now.
see what Trump is doing right now, hes doing it right. He knows what has to be done to actually achieve something.
>Have a job
>Law enforcement collects data on protestors