Cashless society is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
Prove me wrong (you can't).
Cashless society is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
Prove me wrong (you can't).
drugless society is the way to go. its way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of intoxication. there are no downsides whatsoever.
prove me wrong (you can't)
Cashless society pretty much already exists. How much physical cash does the typical person carry nowadays? Like 5 bucks?
niggerless society is the way to go. its way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of racism. there are no downsides whatsoever.
prove me wrong (you can't)
It was the Superman 3 plot.
Peopleless world is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
Prove me wrong (you can't).
>Jewless society is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
>Prove me wrong (you can't).
>t. x>
Let's enforce dependence. Literally cannot buy even basic necessities without being locked into the system. (Other than by stealing of course.) Every single transaction is part of the botnet.
As soon as cashless society is enforced, I'll go rogue.
Kebabless society is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
Prove me wrong (you can't).
one day we will wake to find a major bank's total balance wiped in a hack. this is 100% certain to happen.
>would literally eradicate every form of crime
Yes. Because Clinton Foundation runs on cash.
Nope. With cash, when your wallet is empty, you are done spending.
Credit/debit cards encourage irresponsible spending. Which might just be what those pushing the cashless society want.
Germans hate debt and are one of the biggest cash users.
Also, OP: We'd like to have a talk with you about that sex doll purchase that you have on your record.
Lawless society is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
Prove me wrong (you can't).
Youless society is the way to go. It's way more practical and would literally eradicate every form of crime. There are no downsides whatsoever.
Prove me wrong (you can't).
yes lets all be like sweden
sweden is the benchmark of the world
i'm bored now
Crime is the foundation of a just society.
are you implying credit card fraud dont exist?
I just got my chargeback letter from my bank reversing 800$ someone fraudently spent from my cc
Most accurate so far.
prove me wrong
u can't
>Way more practical.
FUCK my car is running out of gas.
>Stops at gas station.
>I'll have 2 boxes of mac and cheese and a clam on pump 5.
>Sorry I a gallon of gas costs 2 oranges, and 6 cigarettes.
There will be more crime because no one will get anything done if they have to barter shit.
Also if you have shit that no one wants, you would have to resort to crime to meet your needs.
but I want the cia to know about my loli porn and japanese sex toys crafted with molds from real japanese av actresses
How do buskers get money?
How do I buy illegal drugs?
you'd use cash
How am I supposed to pay my drug dealers?
Blowjobs or other drugs
Hey user can I trade you this chair I made for an apple? But I only want one apple, and I sure hope you are in need of a chair since that's all I can offer!
Gee, I sure wish there were some kind of middle item that could be exchanged for goods of equal value that way I wouldn't have to find people who want chairs specifically and are willing to only buy one leg so that I could only have the one apple I need.
In an ideal world maybe, ahaha :^)
Anarchy in the UK!
You goys are missing the point. You don't need cash when you can run everything on credit. OP doesn't mean bartering. Basically if every transaction goes through your bank and gets recorded, people can't buy drugs and prostitutes. It's next level jewery that's currently taking place in sweden.
White womelesd society is the way to go
etc etc
>>Sorry I a gallon of gas costs 2 oranges, and 6 cigarettes.
ahah no that's not cashless means, it's still shit but not for this reason. They want to enforce the use of electronic money in everything and forbid paper/metal money altogether. The reason is to control everything in your life, they want to know everything about you, your habit, your riches.
The goal is No freedom.
Also negative interest is a thing that is being experimented with, forcing you to spend money so you cannot save. If all your money was in the bank, there would be no way to prevent the jews from just taking your money cent by cent.
I hax your nets and steal you money.
dumb ass
Burden of proof
>government decides to go rogue and take all your money from your bank account for "emergency spending"
>can't stop it because I have no tangible currency to hide
this. homeless people ask me for a dollar but i havent carried cash in years. only niggers and illegals carry cash
hopefully they wont wise up and get fucking venmo on their boost mobiles
Power Outage. No purchases at all.
that stupid square reader charged as services rendered.