What does "xenophobic" even mean?
What does "xenophobic" even mean?
fear of traveling or travelers
it's an ancient concept and we can only guess at the true meaning
you would have to ask the ancient Egyptians, they mastered space travel and yet stayed on earth. they are the true xenophobes and created the word and understanding.
Common sense, and something ingrained in our genes.
fear of xenomorphs
Some Scientology thing
being unsettled by the idea that if you go halfway to your destination an infinite number of times, you still aren't there
Successfully not putting up with other people's multi-cult bullshit. Like the Japs and Swiss
It means we are going to maga.
What the ayylmaos of Xcom are
Don't be xenophobic.
scared of ayy lmaos
Hostile towards things which are alien/stranger/foreign etc.
Afraid of the buggers
Lel, where's #XenormophLivesMatter ?
xen-, word-forming element meaning "strange, foreign; stranger, foreigner," from Greek xeno-, comb. form of xenos "a guest, stranger, foreigner" (see guest (n.)). xeno- in Medicine Expand. xeno- or xen- pref.
Xeno = foreign, stranger, unknown other
phobia = fear
Not wanting to miscegenate
You literally wrote that up, chose a pic, answered a captcha and waited for a response when you could've found what xenophobic means in 1/50th the time. Kys
It means you want to stop dumping poor third worlders on the country, build a wall, enforce existing immigration laws, have an immigration policy that actually benefits Americans, and maintain social cohesion.
it means he's going to war with the ayy lmaos
Its a condition which is denoted by marked anxietly, fear responses, and, on occasion, cold sweats occurring whenever and wherever a xylophone is played. Onset of behavior typically occurring in high school football stadiums or orchestral performances.
It means you're white and proud.
It means fuck xenos
Fear of that which is foreign to you.