Lets be honest.
He was running as a stunt and doesn't even want the job.
Lets be honest.
He was running as a stunt and doesn't even want the job.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know if CTR is even here anymore but it feels like this is a CTR post.
If he didn't want to win why didn't he pull a Perot
when will this meme end? it started june 2015 for crying out loud
>wat r u thinken abot
>thinken abot maga
do you expect him to be smiling 24/7?
Because although it's a very important job, it's not a "fun" one you cunt. He's the leader of western civilization now. Do you think it's all smiles or something?
I think this is true. I also think this could cause him to be a decent president. If he didn't want the job, that means he didn't want to win. If he didn't want to win, he didn't have much of a stake in victory and wasn't corrupted by the powers-that-be. If he wasn't corrupted/bribed/leashed by the powers-that-be then he'll feel more free to do things that may not necessarily be popular amongst the elites. And if he didn't want to win, it's possible that by winning he'll be motivated to simply not fucking anything up.
But who the fuck knows at this point.
I remember the days when everyone thought he ran just to spite the bush dynasty for 9/11
It's almost as of the media has used so many unflattering pictures of him that we don't even know what the man looks like when idle
I do not know why but this made me sad.
Oh fuck.
The sad Trump threads and this fucked my mood off.
When i looked in his face i faced with the aging and death.
We will die.
All of us.
When i think about this reality i can not breathe.
Oh Sup Forums i am trapped in this body and the death will come for me.
I will feel it.
There is no escape.
I will feel it anyway.
I will be dead.
We are aging all the time.
Oh Sup Forumstards i can't breathe when i think this reality.
I can't breathe...
Thats just a South Park meme bro
Get use to the end.
keep crying plz
>implying he didn't Dennis Reynolds this shit
>Alright Trump it's time to drop out so we can get the bribe
>I'm not dropping out, I think I can really do some good in this country
woah woah woah, roach friend, did someone just spray you with pesticide or something you're speaking jibber jabber
he looks like a fat 70 year old man.
If you are spending 100 Million of your own money, and you have been flirting with a presidential run since the 80s chances are, he really wants to make america great again.
>He will finally know the truth about this nation
He is taking the Ultimate Pill to enlightenment and he is not ready guys
Let me ask you OP. How do you think he should behave, what should be the tone?
Btw - I've been smiling ear to ear all week.
Withing 2 days:
-TPP is dead.
-Russia and Syria publicly announced they want peace with the USA.
-Israel's Prime Minister announced that they want to repair the damaged relationship between the two countries.
-The Dow closed today at an all-time high.
-Canada and Mexico have announced they are willing to renegotiate NAFTA with the USA.
the only goal of Sup Forums is to trigger people. If this triggers you, Sup Forums has done its job.
All the hillbots left, so the only ones left to trigger are?
>Trump out with Bill and a few friends one night
>Friendly banter Trumps tells Bill that being president isn't that hard
>Bill tells Trump that he wouldn't even get close to being one
>Trump does it to just prove a point
>Next month Trump steps down.
I hate cunts that think people should just be smiling 24/7
>my only news source is South Park
I think he is scared as fuck... he is playing now the game... and the game is terrifying... but im sure he is gonna find confidence soon
Pretty sure this is right. Trump looks so spooked because he didn't even think himself he'd win. His plan was probably to run a loud, boisterous campaign promising people every random thing under the sun, then lose because he's not a politician, and spend the rest of his life selling books on what a fantastic job he would have done and how (CURRENT PRESIDENT) is doing everything wrong. Now that he's elected, he needs to actually start delivering on his promises, most of which are illegal or impossible. This is the face of a man who realizes his reputation is going to go down the shitter in the upcoming years.
sometimes the person most deserving of leadership is the least willing to step up
trump may not have been the most qualified or willing to take the job but he has become a depositary of america's hope, and I hope he realizes this
like steering an oil tanker, a minute change in the trajectory of the united states will be able to produce remarkable changes in world dynamics, just expressing dissatisfaction with globalization might be enough to trigger real change
all he needs to do is to not fuck up and start giving nukes to other countries or start another useless war in the middle-east and he'll be remembered as a groundbreaking president
actually, the conciliatory tone of his speech and the immediate change in his demeanor are strong signs that he is at least smart enough to realize how deep he's in this now and how important the job is
he may not be such a dunce after all, I never doubted his talent for communicating but I always worried he'd just meme the presidency and wing it, but if he's careful and manages to not become a puppet he might end up becoming a decent president