What is this Sup Forums?
people are spreading it on FB, it starts in 10 minutes. The video deletes afterwards.
What is this Sup Forums?
people are spreading it on FB, it starts in 10 minutes. The video deletes afterwards.
Other urls found in this thread:
its fucking nothing
probably something fucking gay
It's the fucking 2016 anonymous fags, who gives a fuck? They're probably going to DDoS overwatch in Russia or something and announce they're kicking off World War III.
ppl are going to record it anyway
>4 minutes
This on YouTube? Or another streaming site?
>doing anything notable
>Why that explosion looks like a taco
It appears to be something that is at once fake, yet at the same moment, gay
> r/the_donald unironically take amonoymos seriously
Guys if you're going to stick around you should start googling some shit
Is anyone going to watch it and tell Sup Forums what happened? I'd rather read about it later, everything Anonymous is too cringy for me to watch.
These high production value Anonymous videos are Soros psyops
If you see that mask, it's not anonymous.
It's fedoras.
They've been full of shit this entire time
It's not even proper Anonymous, it's "Conspiracy Universe" apparently
After Ananamoose delivered so many amazing shit during the election, I am feared.
Bet they don't even own a fourchin pass heh heh losers.
I thought anonymous was taken over by the cia so is this technically an announcement from the cia?
What does "fedora" even mean anymore? Atheists? MRAs? Conspiracy guys? I've lost track.
>no link
this is gay
Anyone who claims to be anonymous, is not anonymous.
am agree. fear alonymus
Link you nigger!
this thread is dildos
Some of the less faggy ones probably did help leak Podesta and Weiner shit desu
This. It's fucking ironic. Anonymous is not the true face of actual anonymous. Faggots keep putting themselves in the spotlight grubbing for attention, the very antithesis of anonymous.
A bunch of faggots is what they are. They were never anonymous. We are anonymous. Praise kek
search conspiracy universe on facebook.
Right now its fucking nothing, just the Putin video talking about missile systems weve already seen.
These posers haven't been relevant for years
it's just putin talking about nigger bullshit
hey anonymous kys faggots
Its just putin talking about things anyone following world politics would know
People who wear fedoras.
Its pretty self explanatory.
>sounds of a bong rattling and Cheetoes falling to the floor.
But no one really does since it became a meme, all the pics are 3ish years old. I only see old guys playing chess in the park wear them now.
No sound for 2 minutes and faggot talking about how America prints more money then they have.
>watch the "important part"
>no fucking sound
federal bank, money, oil, bla bla bla
This is so fucking lame. It's like I'm really in the matrix.
could have posted a fucking link !
Remember when 'anonymous' just meant nerdy trolls on Sup Forums who sometimes shitposted IRL and couldn't give a fuck about politics? I member.
They shut down PS3 servers years ago and somehow they still think they are political activist
Thanks for the link faggots
Oh boy, another hippie gathering.
You bring the gluten-free, animal cruelty-free organic hummus and 0 transfat chips and I'll bring my hacky sack and bongo drum
Any updates?
No guys, they're actually talking about redpilled stuff.
100k people are watching. They're actually fucking redpilling the masses.
it's been posted you fucking retards
Checked. And I don't know what you're talking about, anonymous is a powerful hacker who explodes vans and brought down Scientology.
I can't get onto the site, anyone streaming it?
Pick one.
>tfw no facebook
record it for us please REEEEEEEEEEE
I'm positively suprised. They're talking about Syria Ukraine etc.
Its just stephen hawking teaching recent history
facebook (dot)/ConspiracyUniverse/videos/324790104545478/?hc_ref=SEARCH
Beware of the Hackers on Steroids.
Nice fucking video
He is talking about proxy wars , big goverments and ww3
It's actually a redpill suppository not liberal memery
this video was already posted on youtube :/
Post if the gay ass says anything relevant to ww3
Syria , regime changes , Russia-China-Iran
and UN and the Qatar pipeline
is anyone recording it ?
they make a production of dissapointment
Who the fuck even cares about Anonymous anymore? They used to be cool when they fucked people up for hurting cats, now they're just a bunch of tryhard kids.
This one is at least an improvement on election-era user
it really isn't annything new to the average /pol users
righ now he is talking about how the so called "freedom fighters" that the west is backing are actually Shia Yihadis and how Syria reacts to the pipeline plans and their relationship with Russia
"Moderate rebels" = radical islamits
Getting a dog usually stops all of that from happening
shit from 30 years ago.
FFS get with the times civvis.
Basicly usa is arming rebels in middle east.
Nothing new :/
The only relevance of this is reaching to the normal people on facebook that don't get exposed to these kind of information that goes agaisnt the narrative that the media likes to show about the middle east conflic , who is fighting who , why and for what reasons
Talking about Turkey support of islamic terrorists
So anything that everybody with half a brain and the will to do a bit more digging than "I get my news from the MSM lol" already knows. Gotcha.
yes nothing new for us, good for redpilling normies though
Anonymous is a clickbait phrase for YouTube monetization videos anymore.
Remember when this used to be a symbol for EFG and not for bullied underageb&s that think they're part of something big beyond their hugbox?
Meh , they are reaching a lot of people
now showing clips from Hillary talking about the middle east and terrorism and that Putin video where he talks about how the west is not dealing with terrorism properly
Wow! Its nothing
is there a better stream link besides the fb one that is choppy AF
Now talking about the US intervention at Ukraine
viddeo is stuttering heavily
not sure if it is on my end or not
My friend told me these is Anonymous.
now they just went full SJW with their divercity and race thing
I'm out
Another liberal art student claiming to be annonmouse