>you encounter hillary and bill clinton in the woods with no guards
what do you do?
>you encounter hillary and bill clinton in the woods with no guards
what do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shake Bill's hand.
grow up buttercup
Ask Bill how many whores he's banged
Then ask Hillary the same
I tell them how sorry that she didn't win the election because the majority of the voters for trumps happen to be racist old people, but in fact the country is for the young, not the old. It's sad how elderly people can dictate a nation to be run by a racist person. Shameful
id probably try to engage with them in a weird blood orgy
I'd say good morning.
Tell them they have ten seconds to vacate my property before I feed them a double load of 00buckshot for trespassing.
I probably wouldn't try anything as long as she had that cute pupper with her tbqh.
Wow Bill Clinton! Is it true youre a rapist? Well Im outnumbered. You can have your way with me
Now that it's over and she's probably done with politics, I'd legit to pay money to sit down and have an honest conversation with Hillary Clinton. I'd do my best to assure her I wouldn't say shit to anyone and that I would just be called a tinfoil conspiracy theorist anyway. She's been in the game for a long time. She must know some serious shit.
ask Bill where I can get 15-16 slices of Ukrainian pizza
That really is the most human looking picture I've maybe EVER seen.
She's not wearing 25 pounds of makeup yet she looks better than I've seen her this whole campaign.
Maybe she should have tried being herself.
Suck Bill's dick
*of her
i mean
Turn 360 degrees and walk away. I don't wanna catch a case of suicide.
Mention Scalia.
that photoshop is terrible yet people will believe it
if she says hi
i respond "i like people who didn't lose"
Laugh at her.
I'd greet them in a friendly manner. The way u act on Sup Forums isn't the way you act in real life.
Say Hello.
Fuck her right in the pussy
>She's been in the game for a long time. She must know some serious shit.
Part of the reason she is so dirty is probably all the crazy shit she's become part of through Bill and Obama.
punch her in the face and scream
Give her diazepam and a wheelchair
Wonder why Bill and Hillary are innawoods.
Suicide pact?
Why did you kill Seth
Also this. She looks legit happy here. Maybe she really was being held hostage.
>no guards
>implying the eyes of men can see the secret service elves
Keep walking, I don't stare at train wrecks.
I would honestly not say anything and keep walking, I might even run away because i would almost certainly be hallucinating.
>irl Blaire Witch Project
This is the only photo I've ever seen of her with a genuine smile
I would say hello
Tell her how I voted for trump but that I'm still proud of her for going as far as a woman has ever gone on the journey towards the presidency and for serving our country.
>some housewife makes you, Bill Clinton take a picture of herself and your dried up cunt failure of a wife.
being bill is suffering.
Bitching about elderly voters telling a 70 year old women to fuck off...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA faggots
yeah she looks like a sweet grandma in this picture
This. She has a comfy grandma look to her instead of a crazy witch lady.
>Maybe she should have tried being herself.
That's been her problem from the start.
She is uncomfortable being genuine, she always needs the edge, or she feels uneasy.
kikes jej
Its photo shopped ya morons
Ask her "Who are the Patriots?" and see what happens.
there is no "herself" anymore
after decades of self-delusion and degenerative brain disorder she is just a blank slate that her handlers can mold any way they want
wasn't that clear in the podesta emails? her "beliefs" are whatever she is told. do you understand why foreign governments were so willing to pay up big money for a chance to control the USA?
Point and laugh.
Run, because I've probably just stumbled across some kind of Satanic ritual.
All these liberal sheep freaking out over lower taxes, higher wages, and more jobs. Really makes the neurons fire.
She was probably on her way to her satanic ritual spot.
I hope the girl's husband's wifes son is okay.
Thank Bill for his service. He was a pretty cool dude in his prime.
Ignore Hillary as much as possible.
I actually respect that a lot more. What people don't seem to understand is that they want their politicians to be real people, not robots puffed full of talking points and focus group polls. This is one reason why Trump succeeded, people saw him as a real person, his personality is his own, not something invented because of what was polling well.
I despise the Clintons for how they are connected into the establishment, and how they have lied again and again, but normalizing them is a good thing, they are still people behind all the facades of politics.
Also, this is basically her equivalent to Romney pumping gas at a gas station a few days after he lost.
ask them how I can join the church of Moloch, and if the "pizza" can still be fucked before the sacrifice
That dog was paid to be with her.
Also she is filing a divorce with Bill lmao
Just HRC going on a PR tour to keep the cufflinks at bay.
>psshh, too easy
Run before they capture me and sacrifice me to Moloch.
Maybe she's realized she's glad to not have given away four years of her life; instead, she can take that time to walk in the woods and enjoy her time in peace.
Maybe she realized that she just dodged a massive fucking bullet by not being President. Maybe, inside her dark heart and soul, the will of the American people finally convinced her of her wrongdoings. Now that the weight of politics is off of her shoulders, she can finally start living her life. Similar to the redemption story of Lying Ted, maybe we have all just seen the redemption of Hillary Clinton. It's almost like one of those anime where the enemies that the protagonist defeats becomes allies in the next arc.
[spoiler]Of course she should still go to jail but it's nice (photoshopping) that she resembles an actual human being in this photo.[/spoiler]
The most human Hillary looked was at her concession speech, as if even she had gotten sick of the entire quest for more and more ill-gotten power and was finally released from the curse.
No need to hide inawoods, I'll tell her there are some big walls in Israel for her to hide behind until this whole presidency is over. Suggest she gets a settlement in the west bank as well.
real redpill
also this photo was staged
Swear in Russian and pretend that I'm Chechen war vet with PTSD which was lost in American woods for over decade
The main reason I disliked her so much is not even because of all the corruption and the e-mails, but because of how much of a phony she is. The defining moment for me was during the debates in '08 between her and Obama. She'd laugh at the most inappropriate moments and I kept wondering what the fuck was wrong with her. This makes the 2nd time she lost to a person with a genuine personality.
This. I keep my autism on Sup Forums only
>I left my house long enough to wind up in the woods alone
Honestly I feel bad for her. She's a terrible campaigner and has an extremely unlikeable elitist public persona that you can't relate to because it feels so artificial but I think deep down she genuinely cared about helping people. She pushed for health care reform 20 years ago and even in the leaked speeches she didn't seem all that unreasonable. She just wanted to be pragmatic. She played the game by the book and got into some shady shit, but at the heart of it all I don't actually think she was evil or anything. She just wanted to be president at all costs and was willing to do anything, and it all backfired on her and instead of going down as an icon for women she'll go down as one of history's greatest losers. What an unfortunate life.
Greet them, wish them the best with what's left of their lives. They're on the tail end now, I'd recommend they retire in obscurity. Maybe take up painting.
dont think hes suffering when he has full access to all the cunny he can gorge on and trillions of dollars in the bank
>I heard a bit of rustling coming towards me
hillary was bigfoot all along
Whose body were they burying?
Probably get raped
I would ask Bill how much fun he was having on the Lolita Express.
But yeah the saxophone skill he has really makes up for all the kids he diddled.
Turn 360 degrees and run away before the Luciferian cultists get me.
Bitching about elderly voters telling a 70 year old women to fuck off...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA faggots
lol fucking hell, she almost looks human.
help Bill finish digging the grave of whatever intern they got out of hand with in exchange for being set for life with a slice Clinton foundation $
Kill Bill grab Hillarys Pussy.
implying they wouldn't just put you in the grave too.
> This makes the 2nd time she lost to a person with a genuine personality.
nah this isn't obama's true personality. when you really get to know him the nigga within starts to come out and he acts like a rapper.
how could i know where they at officer..yeah i was also in this woods and it is current year so i obviously would have made a selfie with them.
I just know if they are gone since a week there is a good chance a bear ate them or something like that.
people die in the woods,it happens all the time
>the Hillary redemption arc is that she's finally free from her own forced ambitions foisted upon her from the establishment overlords and she gets to spend the rest of her life peacefully innawoods with her faithful pet Yippy
I'm actually okay with this. What about Jeb though? He's stuck in limbo. We need an end to that story for the saga to be complete. Or is him being stuck in limbo simply the appropriate end?
>nod, smile at both
>"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Secretary, Mr. President"
>shakes at least Bill's hand if not Hillary's as well
>"I had a great childhood growing up in the 90's so, thank you."
>respectfully depart
>hope they ignored my MAGA hat
She's more likely to go down as a martyr for women. When a woman finally does win the white house we we get a shit ton of 'Hillary Clinton is looking down from heaven smiling' bullshit articles.
It might even be better for her. I suspect her presidency would have been a fuckup.
Tell them it's an honor to meet them both. Congratulate Hillary on a well fought campaign even though she lost. Before going our separate ways I would kindly ask Hillary if she could give me and autograph which I could send to my sister who is in love with the woman.
Well said. A horribly mismanaged campaign that should've let her be herself. Better to be a genuine looking somewhat distant politician figure than a fake normie
>the baby's nervous expression
Hope that lady didn't take any invitations to a pizza party.
intents mean jack shit
I'm sure SJW fucktard really want to help people
fact is they're just an absolute bugger
qed: actions are much more important than intents
>cared about helping people
Say hi, shake both their hands, pet the dog, and go back to the hike. I oppose their politics, they lost, they are still prominent members of the American government history and it's neat to meet them.
>Meme Response:
Grab her by the pussy
Honestly, seeing this picture and this thread almost makes me feel sympathetic toward her, although I suppose that's the whole point of this picture. Maybe she really did want to help people at the beginning of her career, only for the system and politics to swallow up those ideals as her career progressed. Maybe it was never completely her fault, but the fault of the political systems that have destroyed so many before her. Maybe, after she got off the phone with President Trump, she realized that she would be the system's last victim if Trump's congressional reforms go through.
But then I remember how many corpses they made to get to where they are today. The rule of law must be followed, and the Clintons are no exception.
She felt burnt badly by the press in the early years of Bill Clinton's presidency when she made unguarded comments that people attacked her for. She put herself in a straightjacket ever since, which ultimately hurt her more than it helped.
Try to find the freshly dumped body.
Please don't make me feel for Hillary.