C&H cancellation 22nd anniversary thread

That awkward moment when C&H predicted SimCity...

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That awkward moment when C&H predicted Fox News ...

Seriously: comic was published on July 7th, 1995; Faux founded on October 7th, 1996. Not that the writing hadn't been on the wall as soon as people saw how easy it was for Limbaugh to cash in via AM Talk Radio; but still.

That awkward moment when C&H predicted "Art of the Deal..."

it tragic that this doesn't have more replies. I will add my collection of strips.




Post the divorce one





this one will hit close to home.




Man this sums up my childhood winters really accurately


>implying this comic doesn't also apply to CNN



this is my favourite one

>At Fox and Fox News, 10 percent of the claims we’ve rated have been True, 11 percent Mostly True, 18 percent Half True, 21 percent Mostly False, 31 percent False and nine percent Pants on Fire.

That means about 60 percent of the claims we’ve checked have been rated Mostly False or worse. Here’s how it breaks down (as of Jan. 27, 2015):..

>And as for CNN? It has the best record among the cable networks, as 80 percent of of the claims we’ve rated are Half True or better.

whatever you gotta tell yourself to get by






This needs a Shadman edit.


nothing needs a shadman edit.














Wait... Calvin is adopted?




well hey, I'm headed to a NYE party. I hope everyone has a great 2018.

I hadn't realized there were so many pages I haven't already read. Thanks, user.

>believing politifact

That awkward moment when C&H predicted the Vladivostok Circus...

They predicted The Sims, too.

That awkward moment when C&H predicted that conservatives would want Obama's college transcripts...

That awkward moment when C&H predicted swatting...

That awkward moment when C&H predicted Godwin's Law...

Thanks, user. This was golden

>His eye twitches involuntarily

I remember exactly where I was standing when I read this. The absolute absurdity & hilarity of this strip is what convinced my roommate to get the daily newspaper so we'd never miss C&H. Years later when C&H retired he cancelled it the day after the last one. He told me the lady on the phone said they'd had people cancelling for the same reason & said they'd never seen that happen before. Calgary Herald if anyone wanted to know.

>Call the National Guard. I'm sure they can track the bee on radar.

Comedy gold, right there. kek
Anyone have the one where he pretends a car goes out of control at high speed, along a canyon edge, driver tries to escape, the boom echoing up the canyon... then the neighbors all pile into a minivan to investigate.

No, this was how politics was going in 1995. It wasn't the prediction of Fox News, it was a reflection of politics at the time and how it continues to be.

Calvin and Hobbes was such a great comic. Are there any other comics that knew when to end before it got stale?


That awkward moment when C&H predicted otherkin...

That awkward moment when C&H beat Star Fox to the "do a barrel roll" meme...

I'm starting to wonder of C&H gave me more than just my furry fetish.

this but unironically

Umph. Too real, man. Too real...

>Not Black & White


I loved this arc as a child. It was such a great fantasy to have an alien go to school for you
when I grew up I realized Calvin was fantasizing everything

This one has one of my favorite commentaries in the tenth anniversary collection, it's something along the lines of "I will never, ever be able to understand how people take superhero comics so seriously."

Pretty sure you're confused, user. This strip was a one-off, and the arc was that Calvin made several duplicates of himself using the cardboard box and they all took turns going to school. (There was also a follow-up arc where Calvin made one duplicate of himself without all his negative traits.)

No, his dad is saying that rather than having a kid of their own, they should've adopted a 25-year-old.

It would have been so perfect if the alien's ship was an orange version of Spaceman Spiff's.

Calvin knows what microbes are at the age of 6. He's actually pretty damn smart.

Calvin was probably a genius of some sort if you take his awareness at face value, his intelligence is 1. Why he cannot take anything seriously, and 2. nigga probably had ADHD

That describes liberals though

It describes liberals to a tee right now. Everyone not aligned with them is accused of being a Nazi, misogynist, racist, homophone, hate poor people, ect. They don't want to compromise on anything that doesn't give them what they want and they frequently harp on the media about how the other side is making the world worse. The retarded user you quoted even did his "faux" news jibe without once seeing the irony but expecting intelligence from liberals is asking too much to begin with

>Fox News

You just played into it. Now you're the one the comic criticizes.

Congratulations, now you're also the one the comic criticizes.

>this is fox news

You're 20 years behind user

kek the ironing behind this post

I really really want a reality where Watterson did cape comics. This is damn good.

Yeah, the ironing is delicious

And he wasn't locked up for distributing kiddie porn???

> When Calvin and Hobbes predicted economic terrorism

>Calvin made one duplicate of himself without all his negative traits
That one would be microscopic.

Possibly my favourite comic strip of all time.

Watterson beat you to it.

>MCU and DCEU in a nutshell

This feels like an attack towards politics in general with no real left or right slant.

What's wrong with not being in black and white?

More like they predicted the "keep making purchases or the terrorists win" narrative. Either way, still pretty prophetic.

That awkward moment when C&H predicted the Detroit bailout...

this is beautiful

A bit of OC

That awkward moment when C&H predicted grade inflation...

Thats really well put together user, Good Job!

I'm glad they arrested the faggot that made the call.

That awkward moment when C&H predicted the anti-dairy movement...