W-what are they going to do to us, Sup Forums?
W-what are they going to do to us, Sup Forums?
let them draw 1st blood
High 30 for Latinos and others
They lost and are sore losers about it.
There is no way to know how people actually voted.
Do fuck off back to the sixth grade.
They can have the first strike.
We will have the last.
93% of negress voted Clinton?
Fucking wrekt
>Just learned how math works.png
Nothing, we have all the guns.
Can these fucking mestizos stop acting like they own the word
Some whites are latino and some blacks are latino
These mestizos like Pablo need to stop
especially when you consider their opinions during the primaries
Huh, they lumped "others" together as a single entry, without even bothering to break out other-male and other-female numbers.
They might mow a yard or make a taco or two.
Here's the real story here.
Imagine what's going to happen when whites are the minority. There will NEVER be a conservative president again.
We have to do something before this happens. You think the white genocide conspiracy is just a meme? Wait till then. I guarantee there will be a real honest to god white genocide. They will murder us and our kids south africa style.
Trump won but the war isn't over.
>I have an idea. Lets believe the same polls that (((predicted))) a Hillary blow out. These exit polls sure aren't manipulated to further their agenda
He can think about it all he wants in messihole.
Wait, what did the Asian Americans do?
>one racial demographic votes a certain way
This is awful!
>one racial demographic votes another way
This is great!
Fuck these faggots.
Just like the crusades, the enemies will strike first and the whites will come on the full force.
Whites give the enemy a few chances to reconsider their foolish actions.
they loved clinton in primaries
Then we mow em down
I remember a few months ago I had an old, black (English) professor who genuinely believed that there would be a race war if Trump got elected. Is he not as crazy as I thought?
When whites are the minority the country is finished anyway. Won't be enough gibmedats to go around and work won't be getting done.
>23583 respondents
so this survey group is less than 1% of all voters, right?
I'm Puerto Rican in Florida and all my white Facebook friends continue to assume I voted for Hillary. lol
>a solid year of YOU'RE A WHITE MALE
>surprised when whites vote for Trump
Not even a lot, it's just barely over half of the ones sampled.
Voting is a social construct.
Isn't that essentially the breakdown of every presidential election? Minorities overwhelming vote Democratic and whites overwhelmingly vote Republican.
What's the problem?
you forgot about Elon Musk. By 2050 when whites would have become only less than or equal to 50% of the US population we'll already be in the process of mass migration to Mars, by 2100 we'll have a beautiful clean 98% white/asian utopian city on Mars while the dindus and spics take over the remains of north america.
Now add an IQ number next to the race
Mars. 1/3rd gravity. White men will be able to dunk.
Can you imagine how awesome sports will be on Mars? Can you imagine a 300 yard long football field and 200 yard passes? I'm so excited to see this when I retire to Mars with my white privilege.
whats the matter brownie? i thought white womyn loved the BBC?
You know what grinda my dick?
They hate, HATE when you show them the statistically of black violent crimes, cause it doesnt take into effect just how many there is per cap.
100 whites in a room. 12 black. 50 hispanics. 60 whites trump. 9 blacks clinton. 40 hispanics clinton. There are more white people here in this country then anyone. 12% of the population is black, and lowering. So if 63% white voted trump is cause theres fucking more. More room for someone to have their own beliefs & opinions.
NYC sucks. It's the white man's fault here yet everyone has to speak up for us minorities. I'm hispanic. I voted trump. Fuck you for saying I'm oppressed for it. You don't speak for me
Mars-ifest destiny?
Asians are such a minority they aren't even counted as minorities.
That tells you what "Majority" means. That's the meaning of democracy. That's why everyone gets a vote. Jesus.