What is your favorite type of power type/character group (think kryptonians, bat types, spiders, mutants, lanterns...

What is your favorite type of power type/character group (think kryptonians, bat types, spiders, mutants, lanterns, symbiotes, hulks, etc etc) and least favorite?
Now, you are transported to a Marvel or DC universe, and you have the powers of your least favorite kind of character, and your worst enemy in life has your favorite, do you become salty or make the best of it?

>Fav: normal guy do the right thing

>least: shitty OP character

What about normal guys who train to become super strong, Rock Lee/Might Guy/Might Dai

I like characters that get buffed by their weapons but are otherwise normal guys. I dislike magicians and psychics, they end up pulling lot of bs that makes no sense.

Yeah I'm salty alright
>enemy gets jedi abilities and a saber
>I get super strength
I'm mostly helpless unless enemy has no light saber or force exhausted

t. Frank Miller

>what are projectiles
jedi powers are shiiiiiit

Least Fav - Powers used simply by retarded writers

Fav - Creative use of powers.

oh no, I'm going to be (more) retarded.

>throw projectile
>enemy uses force to throw it back
>grab projectile and throw it again only to get it back

>least favorite
Kryptonians, bat types, spiders, lanterns, symbiotes, hulks, etc etc

The Ubermensch/super human/super soldier/Captain America or mutants (physical)
Boring blasters (think cyclops or storm)
Yeah I'd be pissed

jesus that didn't age well at all

Favorite Type: Augmented Human (Cyborgs, Gene-Enhanced, NANOMACHINES)
Least Favorite Type: Accidentally ( Spiders, Bombs, Mist)
I'm probably going to make the best out of it, accidentally gained powers range from street-level to Cosmic. I'm probably able to beat my enemy in a fair fight, but he will not fight fair and will in win in the end.

But I hate superman types, and now my enemy gets to be a summoner who can call on huge waifus of various spiritual classes

I loathe fire powers
I love symbiotes
Well I guess I can just use my power to steal the symbiote and never use them again

I never realized how bad that dog looked

You got shit taste.

Type of power: Anti-Esper Drop Kick.
Character Group: Beautiful Mens

Least Favorite:
Type of power: telekinesis
Character group: Espers

>Fav: Super Speed
>Least: Telepathy
I fucking lost mate. Unless I get him for surprise and learn his secret identity so I can then manipulate him.

But want to fuck my summons and supes can't do that
