Is he Sup Forums incarnate at this point?
Sam Hyde humiliates Tim Heidecker's protogé
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Sam Hyde is so fucking unfunny
We have now sustained the rest of the thread's life. Thank you.
he thanked the secret service cus he knows about a million people want to kill him
He can't keep getting away with this
Vic Berger spent the entire election cycle making videos on youtube trying to frame Trump as a bumbling idiot and unpredictable psychopath. It backfired horribly and Trump might not have won if those "Jeb is a waste, jeb is a mess" memes never existed.
Thanks Vic.
Bump 4 sam
t. beta male
You mean protégé.
I agree. His shit is so lazy. Tim And Eric and their editing/writing/directing team were/are light years more edgelord-Sup Forumslack than Hyde and his team could ever hope to be and are actually funny when they do it.
Tim is a cuck for sure. Don't know about Eric or Douggpound.
>Fuck you for thanking the secret service!!
These people have nothing but hatred in their hearts. It bubbles up to the surface when they don't get their way.
This is Sam Hyde's schtick. Jim and Derrick level comedy.
>Tim and Eric
>even close to being as edgy as Hyde
Do you even know memes
Fuck off kid. Tim And Eric shit all over that hack douche. Go watch T&EASGJ, and see what that Hyde loser and his pals have been poorly trying to rip off for years.
I showed
So did I though.
tim and eric is shit
Lmao underrated
How would they rip it off when MDE was started in 2005?
This one bit that was a DVD extra of outtakes, alone, blow every MDE skit the FUCK out.
are you seriously telling me the dude who made those vids is a cuck
I thought we were talking about edgyness here
kill yourself faggot
He couldn't be a full cuck, those videos were brilliant. Probably just misguided
That's a great skit, but doesn't have nearly the edge. world peace had them berating actual women who were mostly unaware of the underlying jokes. Numerous times
Yeah when no one knew who the fuck they were or watched their videos. Tim and Eric had an online presence since at least 2001, pre-youtube. And Tom Goes To The Mayor was on AS in 2004. BTFO!
sage this crypto jew
Right wing men are so fucking hot even if they're physically ugly
I wish he'd say something to Tim kek.
He's always been Sup Forums
Get A Poke On!, non-T&E knowing faggots
Twitter is not loading for me. Anyone else? Or did I just rustle their jimmies to hard.
>liberal resorts to body shaming to get cheap laughs
Oh the irony.
Im pretty sure I saw a tweet on his twitter where he replied to tim heideckers twitter and literally called him a "good goy"
ok, i don't think anyone really talked about Tim and Eric on the internet in the early 2000s though
I hate to see Tim fuck up like this. He was the best but Sammy has supplanted him.
Was The Wall show unscripted or something? What's the story behind that?
>this has been the same and only ID that's been talking about T&E, or defending it
tim and eric always sucked ass only steven brule was cool
2nd post best post
Tom Heidbreicher is a fucking tool. Sick of his forced le unaware awkward man satire. Lazy thinker and overall crybaby.
You're just a faggot
Have never been able to sit through one episode of "Loooooollll so randum xD" Tim and Eric
the madman just keeps getting away with it
Sam is based
Because you're a bluepilled pussy, go back to /r/the donald
I didn't think Vic was leaning towards any side, was he always a leftie on twitter?
Tim and Eric reeks of left wing faggotry, they come off as too afraid to do or say anything legitimately ballsy. It's absurdist humor without a hard edge. Boring.
He doesn't understand comedy. He keeps beating a dead horse with his punchlines. The gorilla dick nigga was funny on paper but in execution it was so awkward the comedic timing was shit. He is so unfunny.
>not funny
Give world peace at least 2-3 seasons before you declare Tim and Eric better, they have to find their style
>Initial D SEB Song handle
>Ryosuke quote
Sam is /p/o/l/ incarnate
They're both good in their own way
Tim and Eric is the most unfunny shit I've ever seen because they act edgy while saying the most docile and acceptable shit possible.
Fuck their faggot anti-humor, fuck "The Comedy", and fuck you.
someone tell sam hyde to skype into tim heidecker's LIVE SHOW Office Hours
skype: therealtimheidecker
That would be a trip
Tim makes me think that this massive group of fake lefties are actually mentally ill.
He seemed reasonable, I like his work, he didn't seem to be some kind of hateful, racist hypocrite. Surely there is legitimate brainwashing.
Haha what the fuck...the guy behind the "Jeb is a mess" meme that helped create a strong image of Trump BTFOing all the other candidates was a liberal? That's actually surprising. Is he aware that he helped Trump's image?
I'm just confused. I just looked at his twitter and he sounds like a panicked SJW. I thought he was actually a "funny guy" who gave both sides a fair swing instead of typical leftists trying to use comedy to brainwash people.
If he really was trying to make Trump look bad I'm amazed at how clueless he is.
When is world peace coming back sam? I need it
>Tim And Eric and their editing/writing/directing team were/are light years more edgelord-Sup Forumslack than Hyde and his team could ever hope to be
So delusional
This is like deluded liberals trying to defend Maher as "politically incorrect"
Eh. World peace was good, but it needs work, that last ep was a little weak
season 2 writing has begun
man i love that tap video. probably my favorite MDE vid
sam Hyde molested me when o was only 5 months old. he is a monster
He's a literal attention whore manchild no different than tranny chris. I doubt(hope) Sup Forums is anything like this idiot.
>Tim And Eric and their editing/writing/directing team were/are light years more edgelord-Sup Forumslack than Hyde and his team could ever hope to be
You're full of shit. Sam Hyde once did a stand-up routine where he relentlessly shit on gay people and the crowd was a bunch of hipster New Yorkers. Name a Tim And Eric sketch that's more edgelord than that.
Eric Andre is a cucked up faggot as well. Shame.
you're supposed to watch it stoned
He's hilarious but yeah his political views are just as cucked as Tim Heidecker's. I really hope the next season of The Eric Andre Show isn't full of anti-Trump bullshit.
World Peace got a second season btw
He used to say he didn't care about politics but now he tweets non-stop cuckery and it doesn't look like trolling. He actually seems like a fucking idiot really saddened me as I thought he would be a Gary or Jill bro at the least.
He wasn't really a Hillary guy.
He said "She literally had blood on her hands" in a Larry King interview.
I converted my gf and 2 of her friends to vote for Trump because of his videos (specifically Jeb is a mess). They saw him as just a funny, harmless, buffon as opposed to robotic, annoying Hilldawg. Thanks Vic.
fuck outta here bitch
Eric told everyone not to vote for Trump on instagram sooo...
People actually watch that shit?
go look at his twitter and tell me what you think. it doesn't look like trolling it looks like a dumbass liberal
To me, Tim and Eric will always be the kings of lolsorandom humour.
Special mentions to PFFR'
>he defends it by pointing out that the last guy who cause the SS to come out and protect him only had cardboard
He forgot the guy from the UK who is currently being persecuted for taking a gun to the rally.
Vic is a MESS
He's funny but has probably already peaked.
Also he is for sure Jewish. He's even joked about it.
>Vic's last video is called "the meltdown"
>gets 30k views, far less than his "Jeb is a mess" video
>Ends up getting BTFO
Seems like you can't outirony reality, you SMUG FUCK!
The idiot should've continued making Trump videos that portray Trump as a funny buffoon. Instead Vic went full "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER" and now his views are in the shitter. A few of his videos will be eternal but he'll never have another hit again. His 15 minutes are up.
He can't keep getting away with this.
The women's reactions to what they were saying were real
the joke died after the first minute and a half
Have to agree if he wasn't /ourguy/ no one would like him
T&E is fucking garbage, randumb trash-humor
is it the delivery or what? i want to fuck their skulls with a hammer
Are you fucking serious?
I fucking love his show but his politics are dumb. I just want to watch absurd anti-comedy without anti-trump shit fuck
Sup Forums is a board for people who have jobs. filthy degenerate.
Vic is a WASTE
Is that Sam as a teenager? I've never seen him look so skinny.
he went from being a tiny twink to a beefcake monster man
that wasn't funny
sam trip if you're posting here