He fucking won. He's the President. Why is he fucking tweeting, especially shit like this?
He fucking won. He's the President. Why is he fucking tweeting, especially shit like this?
Why the fuck not?
Are you going to tell him what to do? He's the fucking president.
Because he can.
I hate to link directly to Fox News, but this is your answer, bub.
Sharing the truth with as many people as possible is a good thing
He's reassuring people he's still his old self after that shell shocked picture started making the rounds
Because I like hearing what's on his mind. Trump is my nigga.
Don't you have a flight to Canada to catch you fucking sissy?
Because he is the fucking president and (((they))) cant kill him
Are you kidding? This is why a lot of us wanted him to win. We now have a shitposting President.
Well hes just devastatingly demoralised the left by winning in such a landslide, now is the perfect time to build their perceptions from the ground up. Sure it won't work for all of them, but it certainly wasn't going to work pre-demoralisation.
a twatting President sounds just fine.
I was sort of scared he wouldn't
God bless our shitposter in chief
Faggot doesn't know about social media marketers
Trump is like Italy's Berlusconi.
Berlusconi blamed everything on the Left.
Then he won.
His Government sucked ass and he kept blaming the Left, like he was opposition.
I expect Trump to do the same.
He will keep Tweeting and blaming others for his shitty presidency.
Screencap this please.
This is only the beginning
Because it's true, and he's still himself.
Who else but Dahnold!?
digits speak the truth end of thread
You voted him in dumbshit...I mean wtf did you expect Sup Forums?
Your fragile feeling are insignificant, why you posting shit like this? Go home, bake a cake and focus on yourself
Omens from KEK
That's who we elected you dumb nigger.
Doesn't anyone remember the "Selected not elected" libtard whining when W won?
what did he mean by this?
this. this is all
Yes? I make demands of every president. President is a bitch. If he wanted power he shouldve run for congress
Because he is fucking insecure. He is losing the popular vote to Hillary by 330k now.
That is enough votes to cover her losing margin in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Florida. With 20k votes to spare.
If he can ad hominem the protestors, everyone forgets they actually have a point.
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
Get in here lads! >Get in here lads!
I can't wait until he tell someone to shut the fuck up on live tv in front of the WH.
Hire Malik Obama
He'll be proven right when the media only reports on that tweet and not the positive tweet he put out ten minutes beforehand
>nerd virgins
>butthurt democrats don't know the rules
Not an argument.
Ass blasted. Is it not as presidential as "Delete your account"?
Do you think he will continue to post on his regular account or on POTUS twitter account which will be given to him after inauguration with whole base of twitter followers who read it because it was Obama's twitter for some time? they subscribed to Obama and will end up following Trump on twitter and in real life.
if we can get trump to shitpost to the point that liberals start becoming terrorists we might be able to go full fash and exterminate them if the moderates side with us.
8% of the total votes still hasnt been counted from red states.
We'll see him win popular vote easy.
We've elected the first bantz president in quite a while. Jackson would be proud.
I appreciate staying true to character but people can fuck up stock markets with simple words he needs to be a little bit more careful.
They both went into the election knowing the rules, and if the shoe was on the other foot, no way would they be complaining. The protesters don't have a point at all, and in fact, these kinds of protests always happen regardless of whether it's a legitimate gripe. It's pathetic.
why would he not be tweeting or be on social media at random? You make no sense. The "professional" alludes to the ridiculous way protesters came in literally busloads instead of forming on the streets organically
they actually have no point though. They're issues are created by the media.
black pride was destroyed back when abraham lincoln took advantage of slaves to get their vote. They should have been able to congregate, leave and get their own land on the west coast. Anyone who has read malcolm x should get this. but blm people are poser shills.
Womens issues don't exist.
And no body gives a rats ass about identity politics/lgbt so they can get the fuck out.
This is not appropriate right now.
This is a time for unity. This is a time for recognizing that people of color—yes, including black people—are Americans, too.
Presidents should celebrate protestors for exercising first amendment; they shouldn't be opposing them. They also shouldn't be giving voice to racist trolls on Twitter by retweeting them, but I bet that'll continue, too.
This isn't what America is about.
Well considering the electoral college was actually created to keep poor white farmers from electing someone stupid, they have a point.
People like to say it is to make the rural vote count more, but everyone was a farmer in the late 18th century. There was no notion that the electoral college would do this. The president is meant to be the popular appointee, and then be checked by the states in the form of the Senate.
But I wouldn't fucking expect Trump supporters to know their history anyways.
Because he's still Donald Trump. He's not going to stop being Donald Trump just because he's going to be the President. Making spicy tweets is in his blood.
>t. assblasted hillary supporter
>implying Obongo never tweeted in office
>telling sobbing shitlibs and POC tantrum-throwers everywhere who are upset about the election that their behavior is very unfair to HIM
MASTER troll, holy kek
Checked and I'm saving this spurdo burger. I've been waiting for this to come freshly baked out of the meme oven.
Still not an argument.
Because hes starting his 2020 campaign
It's the truth. He needs to go after Soros, big league. Throw all kinds of treason charges and make soros a political prisoner like they made Julian Assange. Trump should pardon Julian Assange btw.
You cant imagine how triggered shitlibs are by "unfair"
Trump can still lose.
you can bet some lefty painted that.
Hey rabbi...
>why is Donald trump still Donald trump
Really? The man is amazing
Because your employer is mad?
Are you saying he shouldn't tweet because hes president?
Who cares? 270 to win. That's the only rule, popular vote be damned.
This is what I like, keep the bantz!
>All the presidential shitposts in the next few years.
The future is looking bright.
i hope he insults merkel at some point desu
And if they did it would be a civil war.
I was just watching cnn and they were all saying how great he was. Funny how quick they changed their tune. I predict protesters will start to get villified by the media soon.
HAHAHAHA - the Emperor does not give a fuck about your feelings OP
Don't like his tweets - CANADA
Fuck off, Melania. Your husband will do just fine.
I also hope he does a shitpost war with whoever lead Iran
>4 years of extreme liberal butthurt incoming, all under a trump presidency
Are you guys excited?
Why doesn't Trump use twitter.com/donaldtrump instead of readlDonaldTrump which comes off as too username420
>Tech Insider
And fucking wall and graffiti
This. His tweets are what won him tremendous support. He's not gonna give that up and I'm glad. Can't wait for him to shitpost during important meetings
This is how we know that it's still Trump and not some kind of body double or clone.
When he stops shitposting on Twitter is when we should be worried.
Anyone else really relieved by this tweet? Feels like the good old Trump after his fake graciousness over the past couple of days
>why's he tweeting the truth
IDK op because it's important to communicate with the electorate?
We need to use this chance to get Rowdy Gowdy into AG position
CTR shills < 24 hours after he was elected were already spreading demoralizing psyops like "OMG he betrayed us"
Really? Didn't even have time to take a shit and they were already shilling.
trust me leafbro you really don't want that to happen
That's a good idea if they want a massive citizen uprising and a civil war.
>all the retards in this thread who think Trump makes his own tweets
witnessed brother
>POTUS handle "Making great deal with Mexico for the wall! Keep America Safe"
>personal handle "Mexican president should is a loser and should read the Art of the Deal, sad!"
Just watch, business on the POTUS, bantz on the personal
To hurt your feelings, you fucking low T faggot.
any minute now Bernie is going to get the nomination
He claimed he did.
I suppose he could lie, but why?
Its what the people want faggot
Damn right
>good post
pick 1
why would he stop being trump the moment he becomes president elect?
He's not President yet, but that's just his style.
>Then what does all this–the yacht, the bronze tower, the casinos–really mean to you?
>Props for the show.
>And what is the show?
>The show is “Trump” and it is sold-out performances everywhere. I’ve had fun doing it and will continue to have fun, and I think most people enjoy it.
this is just kinda sad. he won. defied all the odds and pundits. got the last laugh. did the impossible. and less than 2 days later he cant even give this bs up. these people obv are getting to him. it makes me think he's depressed or something. BE HAPPY U DUMBASS
If Riker is happy about it, then you know it's a good thing. Carry on shitposting President-elect Trump.
>he doesnt want presidential banter in 140 characters or less
Yeah no
I've had a meeting with Angela Merkel. Nasty woman!