Now that the dust has settled and ive sobered up from meme-high i'm starting to feel guilty about this

now that the dust has settled and ive sobered up from meme-high i'm starting to feel guilty about this

we fucked up...

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw voted aleppo and got Trump guilt free

Wtf I hate Trump now #imwithher


about what?




I didn't actually vote for him, but I rooted for you fucks to get him in for the butthurt

Don't pussy out now, we'll need in the frontlines for the civil war later this year

mighty fine, check me too

Never regret something that once made you smile :-)

hi Gawker

i dont feel guilt, but it feels... weird
things feel off, strange, i dont know how to explain it

I literally felt like I was going to the casino and betting on 00 on roulette.

I thought there was no chance. My state was going blue, I fucking new it, but I've spent countless hours getting digits and collecting frogs from a North Korean chinpokomon fan forum not to. So I cast my vote. I do not regret it. Hillary was a two faced politician. He couldn't face her crowd after a loss. Coward.

I want to make threads like this so someone writes an article about "Trump regret" like they did for Brexit regret but with a bonus of using screencaps from here. It would be fucking sweet.

>0.005 shekels have been depo-
fuck off cunte

It's the constant bombardment of media and people telling you the world is ending. Keep in mind these same people were saying all sorts of crazy shit for months and just protested Literally Hitler getting elected for a total of... 48 hours. There are like 200 protestors in NY.

It will pass, I felt the same with Brexit. We all made this choice to see a change, whether that change comes or not we don't know yet. If it doesn't, we deal with it then.


>voted for Trump
>Trump won
>feels good man

This is fucking CTR isn't it.

God damn you fucks, just give up. It's over.

that meeting with obama made me really nervous

Here's the weird thing: I fought with Sup Forums for months against it, but I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. He's going to get big business going and hopefully everyone settles down and goes along with it. That last tweet didn't help anything, but the actual policy makes some sense. Basically all regulations are now gone and capitalism is allowed to go crazy. This will destroy the environment, but we'll have some really fun years ahead. Sort of like one last big party for planet earth. If the protesters don't get violent, or he leaves them be, Shit's going to be great for a few years--there will be lots of jobs. I don't know, it's not ideal, but it's just what it is now. The media thing is the scariest part. If he just criticises it's fine, if he starts censoring we're fucked. We honestly *might* be fucked, but maybe not at this exact moment.

>le I reget Brexit maymay reheated

Yeah nah, you're a cunt.

No we didn't. Canada and Mexico are ready to talk about NAFTA. Europe admits it needs an army, both Syria and Russia claimed they want to work with Trump.

We won and the world understands the gravy train is over.

lol OP here im not tho

fuck off leaf

We might all be about to die, that's the feeling. We're all feeling it right now (well that's what intuitive people are feeling). It might be okay though. It might actually be kind of good. See my post above. I honestly think it depends a lot on how we all act, and it always has. The stock market is up, and the protesters are peaceful and those things might be a little related. I guess we just have to be brave and see what happens.

CTR is recruiting for next round.

they have no chance of beating us unless they recruit us.

>the protesters are peaceful
Why would you lie like that

ctr in full retard mode huh? how are you people even getting checks still



It's over mate, you can stop correcting the record now. There won't be another payday

>He thinks it's over
It's only just begun.
Buckle up buckaroo, Meme War 2 is revving up already.

Meme holocaust.

Its the lesser of two evils.
Atleast murricans might actually nan up n stop being whiney crybaby faggots that have a tantrum when somebody calls them a mean word instead of just going and punching who said it.

Also that was your two best candidates? You did this to yourself

Mexifag, you have to go home.


No, CTR, you fucked up by believing you could win. Now go slit your fucking wrists and bleed out slowly so you no longer are the pimple on the ass of life that you've been for far too long.

OP here, i totally suck cocks

poser! get the fuck outta here!

kek's chaos is truly coming alive, this is what we get when we summon a trickster god

This. And also the release of internal pressure/stress would signal to the body that something is wrong, almost like the calm before the storm. However, we've been in the storm the entire time and this is actual calm.

Same. I have this weird feeling, that I did something... not bad or wrong, this isn't guilt. I don't know how to explain it.

Ive never been happier in my life.

Ive never felt such a closeness in the air with fellow conservatives

Fuck you 4 years of demon clinton was our curse, we shifted the fucking reality stream.

It's because you feel partially responsible in creating a massive uproar. Like conflict is directed at you. It's a fear of confrontation. Puff your chest out and say you love America, motherfucker. You did what was best for America.

I agree, op. I think it's the protests, Caliexit and how SJWs are being completely uncompromising in their quest for vengeance.

We've won the battle but war is coming.