Can someone explain to me what meme magic is and/or how it works? thanks!
Can someone explain to me what meme magic is and/or how it works? thanks!
it got Trump elected
If you try to explain meme magic it won't work.
I'll explain by having you check this
you have to praise kek
No OP, one figures it out naturally.
CTR and other shills never figured it out.
Even the peer review paper written about Sup Forums didn't fully explain it.
Get the right digits and the magic is cast.
Hillary Clinton and George Soros should drop dead.
It's not real and it doesn't """work"""
"Meme magic" is just a term these neckbeards use to justify spamming this board all day
you see these digits on the end?
thats how it works
just kidding
>explaining magic
The power of kek be with you.
It's just a stupid Sup Forums meme itself. Trump got elected because he said a few things a lot of people liked. People just pretend that shitposting also had something to do with it.
its the ones on the end of this
just kidding
I'm writing a paper for uni about it and as someone who doesn't use this board too often I'm just curious about what you all have to say about it
any help is appreciated, honestly
There's nothing to explain.
Kek works in mysterious ways.
its the ones on the end of this
space and time will be torn apart though
fuck it didn't work
kek went to sleep
If you don't already know you can't be helped.
>he doesn't believe in meme magic
This is why you fail.
If get, shillary dies.
Selfish faggots thinks it's spamming their desires for a wish fairy.
Little did they know Kek works in mysterious ways and it appears when it wills.
>Can someone explain to me what meme magic is and/or how it works? thanks!
Meme magic is a powerful chaos magic that flows from our God Kek to his faithful children and priests through his prophet Pepe.
The digits are a conduit to this magic, but they are not the only conduit to the meme magic stream.
I hope this has given you greater understanding on the ways of Kek, brother.
May chaos make you shine, as it does us.
Not a single repeating digit in this thread. Kek hates you OP.
Clearly there's something to it
meme magic is a lie
I tried to explain it to my boyfriend and ended up sounding retarded
But then trump won so who's laughing now
Praise kek
I spy Kek! Praise him!
There is some (maybe) pseudo-science that suggests the collective concentrated thoughts of large groups of people can affect reality -- that the quantum world is physically affected by our thoughts and observation. There have been experiments done where groups of people are able to change the outcome of random number generators by concentrating together
remember that karma shit the hindus and buddhists believed in?
It's sort of real. I don't believe it works like "good things happen to good people" but more like the universe itself has a sense of humor and will punish bad people in the most ironic ways possible. In this case it's liberals getting what was coming to them by watching their queen crash and burn, trump getting elected is just a byproduct of that.
Just the idea that if enough people want something to happen, it can just happen
Kek be praised!
Eyes of kek. he's here.
His digits defy your heresy
The quaads>>> check'd
Are you tryin to hide his magic from us???
Thanks, lads
It also focuses on how memes are pretty much the modern form of cultural subversion. They easily spread ideas like mass made political cartoons.
ITT: people who don't know what meme magic is
Lol change the outcome of a random number generator. How would you know the outcome before hand? How would you know it changed. If you seeded the function based on time. No shit it was a different number. It was a different seed.
The more you analyze the universe the less random it is.
these digits defy kek
Originally discovered by Sup Forums with their incessant baneposting, meme magic is the ability of memes to shape the very fabric of reality. We took their initial discovery (pic related) and harnessed it for our own ends.
Rules used to be you were expected to lurk before posting.
smells like someone fell for the science jew
the more you try to under stand it the more l o s t you become
Meme magic is essentially an egregore in my opinion
kek loves all his children. except for the eternal australian
Literally any get to you guys is a sign from kek now.
In it's most basic form:
You read a book.
You notice the words.
The words compel action from you.
It's only then that you realize the implication of the words spelling.
shadilay, kek confirms!
get fucked roos
This is the faggotory I'm talking about it's not supposed to be Sup Forums checking digits
See that, this is another fine example. He is disappointed in his childs. He speaks through the digits.
materialism is the biggest jew of the last 3000 years
>meme magic is a lie
this is the chaos kek promised
Have you all ever considered trying to direct this "force" anywhere else? Seems like you all are sitting on something pretty powerful here
basically the fabric of the universe is tightly intertwined with the mind of man, consciousness and matter are not separate
with our intention, attention and blessed consciousness we here have been bestowed with the ability to alter future events but not always in ways we choose or understand
if you've followed the breadcrumbs long enough you'll see the obvious trends and evidence that support this theory, little hints and winks in worldly events that allude to inside jokes and insular postings that befall here in this tiny sector of mind-merging
he who controls the memes controls the cosmos
nobody controls the memes
they are an example of willed chaos
we roll the dice and they land where they may
but this whole praise kek thing is rubbish, gods of chaos and light need not praise but simply recognition. I recognize the force that is kek, i do not stoop below, I stand as equals, knowing we each play our vital role
it all came clear to me during the bane flight crash egregore along with les miserables, les baines etc. if you missed out on it, forget it
those who were there, know for sure
Listen to this song, it was made before the election and explains how if we keep memein trump will be president and CTR will get shreked
You know how Christians pray? Like, alot?
Yeah. That.
But instead of a God that encourages goodness, love, and righteous anger, meme magic goes to whatever demon wish fairy that is likely taking a bit of your soul each time you say kek.
Holy shit, have I been chosen?
Meme magic is just a powerful form of a sigil. Look that up if you really care.
First priciables from Greek show that there must be a inmatieal world for their to be motion....
Yadaydayda. Psych energy exists, and we can prove this, (see the altrsuianian to England news experiment). It's just each persons pych energy is very very weak compared to the collective. Sigil's focus our psych energy together into a single tool
ohh ohh ohh its magic, yknow, never believe its not so!
Thank you, Kek
meme magic, once summoned can be neither controlled nor contained
>Literally any get to you guys is a sign from kek now.
You don't think it's the humor of Kek to grant us quads in the holy 5 digit on such a statement?
The quad 5's is a jovial rebuke from Kek.
You just speak if he wishes he will grant you the digits.
retard! How dare you...!
Best GIF I've ever seen
Did poor /x/ ever manage any thing?
>Hillary Clinton and George Soros should drop dead.
couldn't agree more
why would kek annoit a post such as this? good magicians dont reveal their tricks.
Here's how it works:
The non-believers in this thread
should all drop dead
Check 'em faggots
Meme magic is another name for the collective unconscious, a term coined by Carl Jung. I'll quote him to explain:
"And the essential thing, psychologically, is that in dreams, fantasies, and other exceptional states of mind the most far-fetched mythological motifs and symbols can appear autochthonously at any time, often, apparently, as the result of particular influences, traditions, and excitations working on the individual, but more often without any sign of them. These "primordial images" or "archetypes," as I have called them, belong to the basic stock of the unconscious psyche and cannot be explained as personal acquisitions. Together they make up that psychic stratum which has been called the collective unconscious.
The existence of the collective unconscious means that individual consciousness is anything but a tabula rasa and is not immune to predetermining influences. On the contrary, it is in the highest degree influenced by inherited presuppositions, quite apart from the unavoidable influences exerted upon it by the environment. The collective unconscious comprises in itself the psychic life of our ancestors right back to the earliest beginnings. It is the matrix of all conscious psychic occurrences, and hence it exerts an influence that compromises the freedom of consciousness in the highest degree, since it is continually striving to lead all conscious processes back into the old paths.[5]"
Essentially, meme magic is influencing the collective unconscious by injecting it with memes, and I mean the literal definition of memes:
"an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation."
By forcing Trump or pepe memes, we're inserting them into the collective conscious shared by ALL of humanity. It's some esoteric shit.
kek is a god not a magician
They are still trying to make imaginary waifus for hugging or some shit while Sup Forums crashed a plane with no survivors and Sup Forums changed the course of history across the globe.
>he would never get elected they said
Can't believe nobody linked this source yet.
it's weird but i guess in order to get it to work it has to be a group thing, and you either have to want, as a group, for the world to suffer or become better as a result
/x/ is selfish as fuck about it and they deserve not to get jack shit
I normally shitpost on Sup Forums and some of those fuckers think they got Kanye to announce his 2020 candidacy
...and I guess that's not true, according to the digits
user read the Bible. These idiots call it meme magic. It's really faith. It's using more people to pray. Understand the essence of faith and what prayer truly is. This is the faith that moves mountains ... This is prayer in group. We affect understanding on as large a level as possible.
Fucking christ that couldn't be any more true.
/x/ problem is they constantly argue about what works instead of just believing and their meme game is fucking shit as well.
if we foucus our energy on an outcoem we might get it.
remeeber when we almost memed ebola to kill millions of people
ebola chan was when we first started to truly understand meme magic was real
Sup Forums memes eveything
/fa/ memes the newwest trends in clothes
Sup Forums memes the coolest upcoming artist and albums.
if people enough people on Sup Forums like something or want something enough it can happen.
- latent psychic powers
- combined psychic powers
- like Jedi battle meditation
>he doesn't believe in Kek above all other gods
Do you think those quantum computers are connected to the internet?
>in order to get it to work it has to be a group thing, and you either have to want, as a group
>/x/ is selfish as fuck about it and they deserve not to get jack shit
Yes pretty much.
Whenever I lurk /x/ I can't tell LARPers; schizos and ironic posters apart from each other.
They can't even fucking tell haha
Thank you, kek
Youre using this demi god as a surrogate. You give him credit for something that stems from something long preceding him. He has no claim to glory, kek. He is parasite to the glory owed to that which is I am.
Literally this.
All you need to know