Serious question. Women over 30 are worthless. The goddess Ivanka is 35. Is Ivanka worthless?
Serious question. Women over 30 are worthless. The goddess Ivanka is 35. Is Ivanka worthless?
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>women over 30 are worthless
but m-muh milfs
Yes women at peak fertility are worthless.
Women UNDER 30 are worthless, self-assured pieces of shits, you pussy ass fag.
I'm pretty sure age is irrelevant. Women are always worthless.
This election proved that Christmas Cakes might actually be the preferred spouses.
She's married and has children. She's honorable.
I'd suck her dick if she had one.
>wins you the election
>ha ha fuck women
What a child.
Ivanka Trump first woman president when
You're wrong.
Men and women under 30 are worthless.
She's had 3 children and is in a stable marriage. She's fulfilled her use and is now a valued and respected mother.
Single mothers and childless women over 30 are worthless, however.
>Is Ivanka worthless?
Yes, OLD HAGS should just die.
>over 30
>peak of fertility
Was your mom 35 when you were born? Because you sure sound like a retard.
I assure you I didn't win any elections, nor did women play any part in getting someone elected. Unless you mean Hillary being a completely worthless soppy cunt then yes; she helped Donald win the election.
you can suck my dick
She's 35? Fuck, she looks great.
Stress and sun exposure makes people look prematurely old. A lot of American women get too much of both.
She's a Chosen people, you stormfag anti-semite.
>just old enough to be president
Women over 30 have great worth as good wives and mothers, and eventually grandmothers.
long necks should be the next phase of human evolution. they've very attractive.
Also good at grazing from the higher branches.
Sorry user, not all of us had degenerate mothers who got knocked up at 17
i'd put my erect penis into her vagina if you know what I mean
Oh yeah?
You say that but what you don't realize is that the greys are actually time travellers from the distant future.
Women over 30 are not useless. Approximately 50% of women voting for Trump is what won us the election.
There are good ones out there.
There's literally nothing wrong with having children young as long as the father can support the family. In fact it's much healthier and more natural to have all your children early when you have the energy to put up with screaming children all night.
Ohio here. Every woman I know voted for Trump and are pretty based, including my [spoiler]black gf[/spoiler]
oh fuck that's great
>first woman VP
>libs lose their shit
>first woman pres
>libs all die from their feelings
Enjoy your hyper stable relationship, fag!
My only concern is I think Ivanka's a very motherly and gentle spirit, not really suited to be President.
Maybe we could meme her into being the Holy Mother of America? Kind of like how Catholics have the Virgin Mary.
Only single childless women over 30 are worthless.
Ivanka fulfilled her role and now gets to spend her life being comfy as a mommy in objectively the most fulfilling role a woman could have
She's not only hot, fellas but also alpha as fuck. She might have a more dominating presence than her father does because she's also all friendly and shit, appealing to pussies.
this one is 38
Sharon Stone didn't become famous before early 30's
i'd say women under 30 are more worthless than those over unless it's for pure sex and absolutely nothing else
I'd suck on her fake titties while she simultaneously strokes my crooked dick and berates me for being a poor, disgusting cretin.
Probably how it's supposed to be.
Have children and fulfill your duty, THEN you get to be a matriarch when you've proven you can handle children.
>liking 3D women at all
Jesus christ when are we purging all the leddit normalfags from this site? Hopefully they neck themselves when they read the news that Trump's Cabinet is all Wall Street Jews.
>Single mothers and childless women over 30 are worthless, however.
"hurr, everyone must make children!"
the shitskins are already flooding the planet with shitskin babies, people need to stop making children tbqh
this, she deserves to be put on a pedestal like all good mothers, not like these roastie cam-whores you degenerates worship
Every decade is a massive hurdle for women to overcome but the ones who make things work for their age bracket are quite worthy.
Fagboy, look at the results.
Women got Trump elected. If they voted Hillary it'd be ww3 with russia.
As a women under 30, god that makes me so hot. Yes I'm worthless.
>and has children
The pussy is wrecked. Move along. Nothing to see here.
>Women over 30 are worthless.
>The goddess Ivanka is 35. Is Ivanka worthless?
Obviously not.
>Serious question.
Lol you've probably never touched a woman in your life.
There needs to be more white people, not more blacks, indians, and asians. Not surprised at all to see a Scandinavian eager to throw away his race.
News flash dip shit. Women are not the only voters. You can't just exclude everyone else you don't want to acknowledge just to make some kind of point.
>"Yeah well something else would have happened if something was different"
No fucking shit. That's irrelevant to reality.
Unmarried and divorced women over 30 are worthless.
These anons get it.
I am a women, and I aspire to motherhood. The greatest role a women can fulfill.
Was worried I'd be worthless after 30. Ivanka gives me confidence that I can age gracefully and have worth as a human being.
Trump's campaign manager is a women, did she play no part? And while they're generality inferior, exceptions exist.
>Already held together by plastic surgery
We'll probably be watching her cheekbones climb up to her eye sockets like momma over the next 4-8 years.
So they're generally inferior; hence the generalization that they're worthless.
Welcome to the party.
post fuckable Ivankas
Are you a virgin? This is important because it basically determines if you even have the capacity to be a good wife and mother.
They were always worthless just more so as they age.
I'm more into Latinas but that is a fucking gorgeous pic of her.
I'm a gay man
I would fuck Ivanka so fucking much though
It's like she draws out a primal urge to fuck women in me that I never thought I had
>There needs to be more white people, not more blacks, indians, and asians.
i completely agree, but i don't live in a fucking fantasy world
the poor shitskins are flooding this planet with human trash and there's no stopping it because that's what poor uneducated people do
shitskins will always make more children than well off and established people
your lineage/bloodline doesn't matter for shit
there's also people who have children just because they think they're supposed to, then they become shitty parents and raise shitty people.
the traditionalist value that if you don't have children then you're not complete is retarded, especially these days.
i'm not saying it's not okay to have children, have as many children as you want, the whiter the better, all i'm saying is it's okay not to have children as well.
if you're worried about the white race surviving in this flood of shitskins i can tell you right now that outfucking them and making more children is literally impossible, just look at the birth rates, only way for us to survive is to avoid race mixing.
I wanna see her feet and sniff them, god damn.
post more fucking gorgeous pics of her
Fuckboy don't understand voting. It's simple math.
More women vote for Hillary -> Women outnumber men in the USA, Trump loses. Every vote Hillary gets is a vote Trump loses, the Elections are a zero sum game. One person, one vote. And woman have for nearly 100 years the right to vote and despite the greatest fears of the woman hating cuckold-right autistic fuckboys they made the right choice. Majority of white women voted Trump.
Hiller shiller drones crying about their glass ceiling don't really understand a thing about how Trump runs things and bought into the globalist media lies.
In short: Nationalism triumphed over gender politic.
Donald Trump is 70 but has the energy of a 40 year old.
Ivanka is only 20 in trump years
Not everyone meets the right person.
Thanks for making me hurt in my heart.
>no stopping it
Uh, eugenics my dude. It's pretty easy to permanently sterilize people on the down low.
You're not getting the point. Women are not the only people who vote. Women are not responsible for electing Trump. Everyone who voted for Trump is responsible for electing Trump, you fucking retard. Making a statement like women did it is fucking stupid. Everyone did it. Pull your head out of your sandy ass.
the fact that she is now the President's daughter makes her even fucking hotter.
>I'm a gay man
you're heading for the oven
Dude, my mom was 39 when I was born. I know from experience, old bitches make fucked up kids.
And girls should be married young and making babby as early as possible.
well i don't know why i wrote a serious reply, meme on my friend
i'm not saying it's not okay to have children, have as many children as you want, the whiter the better, all i'm saying is it's okay not to have children as well.
Of course you're saying this, because you're Norwegian and among the ultra-cucks of Europe. Enjoy when Muhammad becomes Prime Minister.
You think I'm joking? We're the jews now.
I know this fuckboy.
The point is the libs were wrong, America isn't cucked and the narrative built around Trump is wrong. So wrong, yet the lib tears are still flowing as if the Trump-Stazi is about to bust into their house and kick their heads in with jackboots while frying gays in the back.
That's year 3.
>tfw Ivanka looks like my sister so I can't jack off to her
>Women got Trump elected.
That was you a few posts ago. Word for word. Fuck you for wasting my time.
What's your sister's number?
Ivanka has brown eyes and has had plastic surgery, Melania looks like a mongol and Tiffany looks like Jennette McCurdy with downs
And fuck you too.
4 years of greatness ahead.
That's offensive to people with downs.
Oh I see. You think I'm anti-Trump. You're that retarded.
will you make pineapple juice?
This desu
>Melania looks like a mongol
She's from eastern europe, what did you expect?
Autistic, literally autistic.
Nobody who wins an argument calls the other one autistic. Just throwing that on the table there. It's what spoiled children resort to when they don't have the balls to take responsibility for their mistakes. I literally proved you're full of shit by quoting you explicitly contradicting yourself, and you think the surefire way to be victorious is to impotently claim you won with a dismissive ad hom.
If you're losing arguments to people who are autistic, what the fuck does that make you?
[post about alice in wonderland everyone here is autistic, including you why else would you be here]
You're acting like we're on equal footing. We're not. You're scrambling in the mud because you can't even make a coherent argument. Instead of saying "Yeah, woops, what I meant to say was..." you decided that pretending like your ignorantly formed opinion was so beyond reproach that you no longer needed to explain yourself was the more intelligent approach.
If you can't string together thoughts to express yourself clearly, keep your fucking mouth shut until you have something worth stating. It'll save you a huge headache.
> Women over 30 are worthless.
Naw bro, it's women under 30 who are worthless.
A human can only listen to someone say, "...I blah blah blah" so many times before they realize they're not worth the effort.
He learned from Trump. Loudly declare victory and move on. That's been his tried and true method in business and his person life. It works.
She is married with kids, her job is done.